An adversary guesses, obtains, or "rides" a trusted identifier (e.g. session ID, resource ID, cookie, etc.) to perform authorized actions under the guise of an authenticated user or service.
[Survey the application for Indicators of Susceptibility] Using a variety of methods, until one is found that applies to the target, the adversary probes for cookies, session tokens, or entry points that bypass identifiers altogether.
[Fetch samples] The adversary fetches many samples of identifiers. This may be through legitimate access (logging in, legitimate connections, etc.) or via systematic probing.
[Impersonate] An adversary can use successful experiments or authentications to impersonate an authorized user or system or to laterally move within a system or application
[Spoofing] Malicious data can be injected into the target system or into a victim user's system by an adversary. The adversary can also pose as a legitimate user to perform social engineering attacks.
[Data Exfiltration] The adversary can obtain sensitive data contained within the system or application.
Nom de la faiblesse | |
CWE-290 |
Authentication Bypass by Spoofing This attack-focused weakness is caused by incorrectly implemented authentication schemes that are subject to spoofing attacks. |
CWE-302 |
Authentication Bypass by Assumed-Immutable Data The authentication scheme or implementation uses key data elements that are assumed to be immutable, but can be controlled or modified by the attacker. |
CWE-346 |
Origin Validation Error The product does not properly verify that the source of data or communication is valid. |
CWE-539 |
Use of Persistent Cookies Containing Sensitive Information The web application uses persistent cookies, but the cookies contain sensitive information. |
CWE-6 |
J2EE Misconfiguration: Insufficient Session-ID Length The J2EE application is configured to use an insufficient session ID length. |
CWE-384 |
Session Fixation Authenticating a user, or otherwise establishing a new user session, without invalidating any existing session identifier gives an attacker the opportunity to steal authenticated sessions. |
CWE-664 |
Improper Control of a Resource Through its Lifetime The product does not maintain or incorrectly maintains control over a resource throughout its lifetime of creation, use, and release. |
CWE-602 |
Client-Side Enforcement of Server-Side Security The product is composed of a server that relies on the client to implement a mechanism that is intended to protect the server. |
CWE-642 |
External Control of Critical State Data The product stores security-critical state information about its users, or the product itself, in a location that is accessible to unauthorized actors. |
Nom | Organisation | Date | Date de publication |
CAPEC Content Team | The MITRE Corporation |
Nom | Organisation | Date | Commentaire |
CAPEC Content Team | The MITRE Corporation | Updated Related_Attack_Patterns | |
CAPEC Content Team | The MITRE Corporation | Updated @Name, @Status, Consequences, Description, Example_Instances, Execution_Flow, Mitigations, Prerequisites, Resources_Required, Taxonomy_Mappings | |
CAPEC Content Team | The MITRE Corporation | Updated Description, Example_Instances | |
CAPEC Content Team | The MITRE Corporation | Updated Taxonomy_Mappings | |
CAPEC Content Team | The MITRE Corporation | Updated Description, Extended_Description | |
CAPEC Content Team | The MITRE Corporation | Updated Taxonomy_Mappings |