Détail du CWE-1241


Use of Predictable Algorithm in Random Number Generator
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Nom: Use of Predictable Algorithm in Random Number Generator

The device uses an algorithm that is predictable and generates a pseudo-random number.

Description du CWE

Pseudo-random number generator algorithms are predictable because their registers have a finite number of possible states, which eventually lead to repeating patterns. As a result, pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) can compromise their randomness or expose their internal state to various attacks, such as reverse engineering or tampering. It is highly recommended to use hardware-based true random number generators (TRNGs) to ensure the security of encryption schemes. TRNGs generate unpredictable, unbiased, and independent random numbers because they employ physical phenomena, e.g., electrical noise, as sources to generate random numbers.

Informations générales

Modes d'introduction

Architecture and Design
Implementation : In many cases, the design originally defines a cryptographically secure random number generator, but is then changed during implementation due to unforeseen constraints.

Plateformes applicables


Class: System on Chip (Undetermined)

Conséquences courantes

Portée Impact Probabilité
ConfidentialityRead Application DataHigh

Exemples observés

Références Description


PHP framework uses mt_rand() function (Marsenne Twister) when generating tokens

Mesures d’atténuation potentielles

Phases : Architecture and Design
A true random number generator should be specified for cryptographic algorithms.
Phases : Implementation
A true random number generator should be implemented for cryptographic algorithms.

Notes de cartographie des vulnérabilités

Justification : This CWE entry is at the Base level of abstraction, which is a preferred level of abstraction for mapping to the root causes of vulnerabilities.
Commentaire : Carefully read both the name and description to ensure that this mapping is an appropriate fit. Do not try to 'force' a mapping to a lower-level Base/Variant simply to comply with this preferred level of abstraction.

Modèles d'attaque associés

CAPEC-ID Nom du modèle d'attaque
CAPEC-97 Cryptanalysis
Cryptanalysis is a process of finding weaknesses in cryptographic algorithms and using these weaknesses to decipher the ciphertext without knowing the secret key (instance deduction). Sometimes the weakness is not in the cryptographic algorithm itself, but rather in how it is applied that makes cryptanalysis successful. An attacker may have other goals as well, such as: Total Break (finding the secret key), Global Deduction (finding a functionally equivalent algorithm for encryption and decryption that does not require knowledge of the secret key), Information Deduction (gaining some information about plaintexts or ciphertexts that was not previously known) and Distinguishing Algorithm (the attacker has the ability to distinguish the output of the encryption (ciphertext) from a random permutation of bits).


As of CWE 4.5, terminology related to randomness, entropy, and predictability can vary widely. Within the developer and other communities, "randomness" is used heavily. However, within cryptography, "entropy" is distinct, typically implied as a measurement. There are no commonly-used definitions, even within standards documents and cryptography papers. Future versions of CWE will attempt to define these terms and, if necessary, distinguish between them in ways that are appropriate for different communities but do not reduce the usability of CWE for mapping, understanding, or other scenarios.





Nom Organisation Date Date de publication Version
Arun Kanuparthi, Hareesh Khattri, Parbati Kumar Manna, Narasimha Kumar V Mangipudi Intel Corporation 2020-02-10 +00:00 2020-02-24 +00:00 4.0


Nom Organisation Date Commentaire
CWE Content Team MITRE 2020-06-25 +00:00 updated Common_Consequences, Demonstrative_Examples, Modes_of_Introduction
CWE Content Team MITRE 2020-08-20 +00:00 updated Common_Consequences, Demonstrative_Examples, Description, Maintenance_Notes, Modes_of_Introduction, Potential_Mitigations, Related_Attack_Patterns, Research_Gaps
CWE Content Team MITRE 2021-03-15 +00:00 updated Maintenance_Notes, Research_Gaps
CWE Content Team MITRE 2021-07-20 +00:00 updated Maintenance_Notes
CWE Content Team MITRE 2023-04-27 +00:00 updated Relationships
CWE Content Team MITRE 2023-06-29 +00:00 updated Mapping_Notes
CWE Content Team MITRE 2023-10-26 +00:00 updated Demonstrative_Examples, Description, Observed_Examples, References