Modes d'introduction
Architecture and Design
Plateformes applicables
Class: Not Language-Specific (Undetermined)
Systèmes d’exploitation
Class: Not OS-Specific (Undetermined)
Class: Not Architecture-Specific (Undetermined)
Class: Not Technology-Specific (Undetermined)
Class: ICS/OT (Undetermined)
Conséquences courantes
Portée |
Impact |
Probabilité |
Authentication | Gain Privileges or Assume Identity | |
Exemples observés
Références |
Description |
| Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) uses default credentials for some SSH accounts |
| OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) industrial automation product has a default password |
| microcontroller board has default password |
| children's smart watch has default passwords allowing attackers to send SMS commands and listen to the device's surroundings |
| surveillance camera has default password for the admin account |
| medical dental records product installs a MySQL database with a blank default password |
| healthcare system for archiving patient images has default passwords for key management and storage databases |
| database product installs admin account with default null password, allowing privileges, as exploited by various worms |
Mesures d’atténuation potentielles
Phases : Requirements
Prohibit use of default, hard-coded, or other values that do not vary for each installation of the product - especially for separate organizations.
Phases : Documentation
Ensure that product documentation clearly emphasizes the presence of default passwords and provides steps for the administrator to change them.
Phases : Architecture and Design
Force the administrator to change the credential upon installation.
Phases : Installation // Operation
The product administrator could change the defaults upon installation or during operation.
Notes de cartographie des vulnérabilités
Justification : This CWE entry is at the Base level of abstraction, which is a preferred level of abstraction for mapping to the root causes of vulnerabilities.
Commentaire : Carefully read both the name and description to ensure that this mapping is an appropriate fit. Do not try to 'force' a mapping to a lower-level Base/Variant simply to comply with this preferred level of abstraction.
OT:ICEFALL: The legacy of "insecure by design" and its implications for certifications and risk management
Forescout Vedere Labs. REF-1303
Researchers Out Default Passwords Packaged With ICS/SCADA Wares
Kelly Jackson Higgins. REF-1446
Secure by Design Alert: How Manufacturers Can Protect Customers by Eliminating Default Passwords
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.
Nom |
Organisation |
Date |
Date de publication |
Version |
CWE Content Team |
2022-10-07 +00:00 |
2022-10-13 +00:00 |
4.9 |
Nom |
Organisation |
Date |
Commentaire |
CWE Content Team |
2023-01-31 +00:00 |
updated Applicable_Platforms, Demonstrative_Examples, Observed_Examples, References, Relationships |
CWE Content Team |
2023-04-27 +00:00 |
updated Relationships |
CWE Content Team |
2023-06-29 +00:00 |
updated Mapping_Notes, Relationships |
CWE Content Team |
2024-07-16 +00:00 |
updated References |