var jsonParam = { urlWebsite : "", urlWs : "", lg : "en", estAuthentifier : "", month1 : "January", month2 : "February", month3 : "March", month4 : "April", month5 : "May", month6 : "June", month7 : "July", month8 : "August", month9 : "September", month10 : "October", month11 : "November", month12 : "December", jour0: "Sunday", jour1: "Monday", jour2: "Tuesday", jour3: "Wednesday", jour4: "Thursday", jour5: "Friday", jour6: "Saturday", alertBtModalCreate: "Activate alert", alertBtModalUpdate: "Update", btAlertNotLogged: "Sorry, this function is only available to logged-in users. Please log in or create a free account.", btAlertNotLoggedBt: "Ok, got it!", btAlertNotLoggedBtCreate: "Create an account", btAlertNotLoggedBtConnect: "Login to my account", btEditDataTable: "Edit", languageDataTable : { decimal: ",", thousands: ".", info: "Display element _START_ to _END_ on _TOTAL_ elements", infoEmpty: "Display element 0 to 0 on 0 elements", infoFiltered: "(filtered from _MAX_ elements in total)", infoPostFix: "", thousands: ",", lengthMenu: "Display _MENU_ items", loadingRecords: "Loading...", processing: "Processing...", search: "Search :", zeroRecords: "No matching items found", paginate: { first: "First", last: "Last", next: "Next", previous: "Previous" } } };