HTTP Flood
2014-06-23 00:00 +00:00
2023-01-24 00:00 +00:00

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An adversary may execute a flooding attack using the HTTP protocol with the intent to deny legitimate users access to a service by consuming resources at the application layer such as web services and their infrastructure. These attacks use legitimate session-based HTTP GET requests designed to consume large amounts of a server's resources. Since these are legitimate sessions this attack is very difficult to detect.



This type of an attack requires the ability to generate a large amount of HTTP traffic to send to a target server.


Design: Use a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to help filter out malicious traffic. This can be setup with rules to block IP addresses found in IP reputation databases, which contains lists of known bad IP addresses. Analysts should also monitor when the traffic flow becomes abnormally large, and be able to add on-the-fly rules to block malicious traffic. Special care should be taken to ensure low false positive rates in block rules and functionality should be implemented to allow a legitimate user to resume sending traffic if they have been blocked.
Hire a third party provider to implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for your application. Third party providers have dedicated resources and expertise that could allow them to update rules and prevent HTTP Floods very quickly.
Design: Use a load balancer such as nginx to prevent small scale HTTP Floods by dispersing traffic between a group of servers.
Implementation: Make a requesting machine solve some kind of challenge before allowing them to send an HTTP request. This could be a captcha or something similar that works to deter bots.

Related Weaknesses

CWE-ID Weakness Name
CWE-770 Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling
The product allocates a reusable resource or group of resources on behalf of an actor without imposing any restrictions on the size or number of resources that can be allocated, in violation of the intended security policy for that actor.



HTTP Flood Attack


Name Organization Date Date Release
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2014-06-23 +00:00


Name Organization Date Comment
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2019-04-04 +00:00 Updated Related_Weaknesses
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2020-07-30 +00:00 Updated Taxonomy_Mappings
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2021-06-24 +00:00 Updated Taxonomy_Mappings
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2022-09-29 +00:00 Updated Taxonomy_Mappings
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2023-01-24 +00:00 Updated Mitigations, References
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