General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

TESWEB SA (CVE Find) Privacy Policy

Our site uses cookies, and in some cases third-party cookies, in order to provide a better service to users. Below, you have the possibility to enable or disable cookies.

Enabling and disabling cookies

Our site uses cookies, and in some cases third-party cookies, in order to provide a better service for our users.

You have the option to block the creation of cookies by using the buttons below. Selecting the ON position (cookies enabled) means you agree to the inclusion of a cookie in your browser.

Disabling cookies will not prevent you from continuing to browse and use our website, however, some features may not be accessible.

Google Analytics
The cookies used by Google Analytics allow us to measure the traffic and / or the audience associated with our website, the pages visited and the interactions made on our site.

You also have the option to block the creation of cookies by using the appropriate option in your browser.

Taking into account your wishes is based on cookies. If you delete all cookies stored in your browser on our website, this is equivalent to reset your consents. You will be asked again when you next visit our website, or the next time you load a page of the site.

For more information about cookies, please see the cookies section below.

Confidentiality and Data Protection Agreement

To view our confidentiality and data protection agreement, please click below.
Confidentiality and Data Protection Agreement

TESWEB SA and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Your rights regarding your personal data

In conformity with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force on May 25th, 2018, you have the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete your personal data.

You may exercise these rights at any time by post at the following address :
"Personal data"
Puits-Godet 6a
CH-2000 Neuchâtel

or by email to the following address :

The application must be accompanied by a photocopy of a conform and valid ID. In accordance with the law, your request will be processed within a maximum of 2 months following receipt. We remind you that abusive claims are punishable by law.

In some cases, you can also exercise these rights directly. For example, if you subscribed to our newsletters or registered in one of our email distribution lists, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email received.

For legal and accounting reasons, the only data we keep for a minimum of 10 years are the data related to customers who have entered into a commercial relationship with TESWEB SA. This data is secure and all necessary measures for their protection have been taken by TESWEB SA.


Our website uses your IP address to determine your country of residence. This is to display phone numbers related to your country, as well as the price of our services in the right currency. This feature is necessary for the use of our website and can not be disabled.


Regarding the activation of cookies on our site, we leave it up to you to consult the section related to the activation and deactivation of cookies.

Types of cookies used

This site uses temporary session cookies and persistent cookies. Temporary session cookies store information only for the time the user is logged in to the web, while persistent cookies store data that can be accessed and used for more than one session.

Technical cookies : they allow the user to browse the site and use the different services or options available.

Customization cookies : they allow the user to access the service with some predefined general settings, or user-defined parameters (eg. language, country, browser type).

Third party cookies : third-party cookies on certain web pages can manage and improve the services offered. For example, the statistical services of Google Analytics.

Disable cookies in your browser

You can control the use of cookies directly in your browser settings. This action may however restrict the use of certain services and functions of our website.

Below you will find links explaining how to proceed for the main browsers.

Deny a cookie issued by a social network

Social Network cookies allow to share content from our sites with other people or to let other people know about your consultation or your opinion about content from one of our sites.

If you do not want our site to save cookies in your browser for this purpose, you can click on the following deactivation links that will save a Cookie in your browser whose only purpose is to neutralize the use of other cookies from the same source in your browser. Disabling these Cookies will therefore prevent any interaction with the concerned social network (s):

Click on the button to the left (OFF), to authorize the inscription of cookie improving the functionalities of the site. Click on the button to the left (Accept all), to unauthorize the inscription of cookie improving the functionalities of the site.