Scope | Impact | Likelihood |
Integrity Confidentiality Availability Other | Read Memory, Modify Memory, Other Note: When an unexpected sign extension occurs in code that operates directly on memory buffers, such as a size value or a memory index, then it could cause the program to write or read outside the boundaries of the intended buffer. If the numeric value is associated with an application-level resource, such as a quantity or price for a product in an e-commerce site, then the sign extension could produce a value that is much higher (or lower) than the application's allowable range. |
References | Description |
CVE-2018-10887 | Chain: unexpected sign extension (CWE-194) leads to integer overflow (CWE-190), causing an out-of-bounds read (CWE-125) |
CVE-1999-0234 | Sign extension error produces -1 value that is treated as a command separator, enabling OS command injection. |
CVE-2003-0161 | Product uses "char" type for input character. When char is implemented as a signed type, ASCII value 0xFF (255), a sign extension produces a -1 value that is treated as a program-specific separator value, effectively disabling a length check and leading to a buffer overflow. This is also a multiple interpretation error. |
CVE-2007-4988 | chain: signed short width value in image processor is sign extended during conversion to unsigned int, which leads to integer overflow and heap-based buffer overflow. |
CVE-2006-1834 | chain: signedness error allows bypass of a length check; later sign extension makes exploitation easier. |
CVE-2005-2753 | Sign extension when manipulating Pascal-style strings leads to integer overflow and improper memory copy. |
Name | Organization | Date | Date release | Version |
CLASP | Draft 3 |
Name | Organization | Date | Comment |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Applicable_Platforms, Common_Consequences, Description, Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | complete rewrite of the entire entry | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Common_Consequences, Demonstrative_Examples, Description, Maintenance_Notes, Name, Observed_Examples, Potential_Mitigations, References, Relationship_Notes, Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Demonstrative_Examples | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Demonstrative_Examples | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Demonstrative_Examples | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Applicable_Platforms | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Common_Consequences | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Demonstrative_Examples, Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated References, Taxonomy_Mappings | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Observed_Examples | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Potential_Mitigations, References | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Description | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated References, Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Mapping_Notes |