Interface Manipulation
2014-06-23 00:00 +00:00
2021-06-24 00:00 +00:00

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An adversary manipulates the use or processing of an interface (e.g. Application Programming Interface (API) or System-on-Chip (SoC)) resulting in an adverse impact upon the security of the system implementing the interface. This can allow the adversary to bypass access control and/or execute functionality not intended by the interface implementation, possibly compromising the system which integrates the interface. Interface manipulation can take on a number of forms including forcing the unexpected use of an interface or the use of an interface in an unintended way.



The target system must expose interface functionality in a manner that can be discovered and manipulated by an adversary. This may require reverse engineering the interface or decrypting/de-obfuscating client-server exchanges.

Resources Required

The requirements vary depending upon the nature of the interface. For example, application-layer APIs related to the processing of the HTTP protocol may require one or more of the following: an Adversary-In-The-Middle (CAPEC-94) proxy, a web browser, or a programming/scripting language.

Related Weaknesses

CWE-ID Weakness Name
CWE-1192 Improper Identifier for IP Block used in System-On-Chip (SOC)
The System-on-Chip (SoC) does not have unique, immutable identifiers for each of its components.


Name Organization Date Date Release
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2014-06-23 +00:00


Name Organization Date Comment
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2015-12-07 +00:00 Updated Attack_Prerequisites, Description Summary, Related_Attack_Patterns
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2017-05-01 +00:00 Updated Activation_Zone, Injection_Vector, Payload, Payload_Activation_Impact, Related_Weaknesses, Typical_Likelihood_of_Exploit
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2020-12-17 +00:00 Updated @Name, @Status, Description, Example_Instances, Prerequisites, Related_Weaknesses, Resources_Required
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2021-06-24 +00:00 Updated Related_Weaknesses, Resources_Required
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