Execution Flow
1) Explore
[Survey the target] Using a browser or an automated tool, an attacker records all instances of web services to process XML requests.
- Use an automated tool to record all instances of URLs to process XML requests.
- Use a browser to manually explore the website and analyze how the application processes XML requests.
2) Explore
[Determine use of XML with DTDs] Examine application input to identify XML input that leverage the use of one or more DTDs.
- Examine any available documentation for the application that discusses expected XML input.
- Exercise the application using XML input with and without a DTD specified. Failure without DTD likely indicates use of DTD.
3) Exploit
[Craft and inject XML containg malicious DTD payload]
- Inject XML expansion attack that creates a Denial of Service impact on the targeted server using its DTD.
- Inject XML External Entity (XEE) attack that can cause the disclosure of confidential information, execute abitrary code, create a Denial of Service of the targeted server, or several other malicious impacts.
The target must be running an XML based application that leverages DTDs.
Design: Sanitize incoming DTDs to prevent excessive expansion or other actions that could result in impacts like resource depletion.
Implementation: Disallow the inclusion of DTDs as part of incoming messages.
Implementation: Use XML parsing tools that protect against DTD attacks.
Related Weaknesses
Weakness Name |
Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere The product imports, requires, or includes executable functionality (such as a library) from a source that is outside of the intended control sphere. |
DoS Flaw in SOAP DTD Parameter
Ryan Naraine.
Name |
Organization |
Date |
Date release |
CAPEC Content Team |
The MITRE Corporation |
2014-06-23 +00:00 |
Name |
Organization |
Date |
Comment |
CAPEC Content Team |
The MITRE Corporation |
2017-08-04 +00:00 |
Updated Attack_Phases, Description, Description Summary, Solutions_and_Mitigations |
CAPEC Content Team |
The MITRE Corporation |
2019-04-04 +00:00 |
Updated Related_Weaknesses |
CAPEC Content Team |
The MITRE Corporation |
2020-07-30 +00:00 |
Updated Related_Attack_Patterns |
CAPEC Content Team |
The MITRE Corporation |
2020-12-17 +00:00 |
Updated Related_Attack_Patterns |