Forced Deadlock
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Descriptions CAPEC

The adversary triggers and exploits a deadlock condition in the target software to cause a denial of service. A deadlock can occur when two or more competing actions are waiting for each other to finish, and thus neither ever does. Deadlock conditions can be difficult to detect.

Informations CAPEC

Execution Flow

1) Explore

The adversary initiates an exploratory phase to get familiar with the system.

2) Explore

The adversary triggers a first action (such as holding a resource) and initiates a second action which will wait for the first one to finish.

3) Explore

If the target program has a deadlock condition, the program waits indefinitely resulting in a denial of service.


The target host has a deadlock condition. There are four conditions for a deadlock to occur, known as the Coffman conditions. [REF-101]
The target host exposes an API to the user.

Skills Required

This type of attack may be sophisticated and require knowledge about the system's resources and APIs.


Use known algorithm to avoid deadlock condition (for instance non-blocking synchronization algorithms).
For competing actions, use well-known libraries which implement synchronization.

Related Weaknesses

CWE-ID Weakness Name


Unrestricted Externally Accessible Lock
The product properly checks for the existence of a lock, but the lock can be externally controlled or influenced by an actor that is outside of the intended sphere of control.


Unsynchronized Access to Shared Data in a Multithreaded Context
The product does not properly synchronize shared data, such as static variables across threads, which can lead to undefined behavior and unpredictable data changes.


Improper Synchronization
The product utilizes multiple threads or processes to allow temporary access to a shared resource that can only be exclusive to one process at a time, but it does not properly synchronize these actions, which might cause simultaneous accesses of this resource by multiple threads or processes.


Improper Locking
The product does not properly acquire or release a lock on a resource, leading to unexpected resource state changes and behaviors.


The product contains multiple threads or executable segments that are waiting for each other to release a necessary lock, resulting in deadlock.


Use of Blocking Code in Single-threaded, Non-blocking Context
The product uses a non-blocking model that relies on a single threaded process for features such as scalability, but it contains code that can block when it is invoked.



Exploiting Software: How to Break Code
G. Hoglund, G. McGraw.




OWASP Web Security Testing Guide


Name Organization Date Date release
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2014-06-23 +00:00


Name Organization Date Comment
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2017-01-09 +00:00 Updated Related_Attack_Patterns, Type (Relationship -> Attack_Pattern)
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2017-05-01 +00:00 Updated Activation_Zone, Attack_Motivation-Consequences, Attack_Phases, Description Summary, Injection_Vector, Payload, Payload_Activation_Impact, Probing_Techniques, Related_Weaknesses, Solutions_and_Mitigations
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2018-07-31 +00:00 Updated References, Solutions_and_Mitigations
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2020-07-30 +00:00 Updated Prerequisites
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2020-12-17 +00:00 Updated References, Related_Weaknesses
CAPEC Content Team The MITRE Corporation 2022-09-29 +00:00 Updated Taxonomy_Mappings