Haxx Curl 7.12.3

CPE Details

Haxx Curl 7.12.3
2013-04-30 14:35 +00:00
2013-05-08 12:49 +00:00

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CPE Name: cpe:2.3:a:haxx:curl:7.12.3:*:*:*:*:*:*:*








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CVE ID Published Description Score Severity
CVE-2023-28319 2023-05-25 22:00 +00:00 A use after free vulnerability exists in curl
CVE-2023-28320 2023-05-25 22:00 +00:00 A denial of service vulnerability exists in curl
CVE-2023-28321 2023-05-25 22:00 +00:00 An improper certificate validation vulnerability exists in curl
CVE-2023-28322 2023-05-25 22:00 +00:00 An information disclosure vulnerability exists in curl
CVE-2023-27533 2023-03-29 22:00 +00:00 A vulnerability in input validation exists in curl <8.0 during communication using the TELNET protocol may allow an attacker to pass on maliciously crafted user name and "telnet options" during server negotiation. The lack of proper input scrubbing allows an attacker to send content or perform option negotiation without the application's intent. This vulnerability could be exploited if an application allows user input, thereby enabling attackers to execute arbitrary code on the system.
CVE-2022-43552 2023-02-08 23:00 +00:00 A use after free vulnerability exists in curl <7.87.0. Curl can be asked to *tunnel* virtually all protocols it supports through an HTTP proxy. HTTP proxies can (and often do) deny such tunnel operations. When getting denied to tunnel the specific protocols SMB or TELNET, curl would use a heap-allocated struct after it had been freed, in its transfer shutdown code path.
CVE-2022-32221 2022-12-04 23:00 +00:00 When doing HTTP(S) transfers, libcurl might erroneously use the read callback (`CURLOPT_READFUNCTION`) to ask for data to send, even when the `CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS` option has been set, if the same handle previously was used to issue a `PUT` request which used that callback. This flaw may surprise the application and cause it to misbehave and either send off the wrong data or use memory after free or similar in the subsequent `POST` request. The problem exists in the logic for a reused handle when it is changed from a PUT to a POST.
CVE-2022-35252 2022-09-22 22:00 +00:00 When curl is used to retrieve and parse cookies from a HTTP(S) server, itaccepts cookies using control codes that when later are sent back to a HTTPserver might make the server return 400 responses. Effectively allowing a"sister site" to deny service to all siblings.
CVE-2022-32206 2022-07-06 22:00 +00:00 curl < 7.84.0 supports "chained" HTTP compression algorithms, meaning that a serverresponse can be compressed multiple times and potentially with different algorithms. The number of acceptable "links" in this "decompression chain" was unbounded, allowing a malicious server to insert a virtually unlimited number of compression steps.The use of such a decompression chain could result in a "malloc bomb", makingcurl end up spending enormous amounts of allocated heap memory, or trying toand returning out of memory errors.
CVE-2022-27774 2022-05-31 22:00 +00:00 An insufficiently protected credentials vulnerability exists in curl 4.9 to and include curl 7.82.0 are affected that could allow an attacker to extract credentials when follows HTTP(S) redirects is used with authentication could leak credentials to other services that exist on different protocols or port numbers.
CVE-2022-27776 2022-05-31 22:00 +00:00 A insufficiently protected credentials vulnerability in fixed in curl 7.83.0 might leak authentication or cookie header data on HTTP redirects to the same host but another port number.
CVE-2022-27781 2022-05-31 22:00 +00:00 libcurl provides the `CURLOPT_CERTINFO` option to allow applications torequest details to be returned about a server's certificate chain.Due to an erroneous function, a malicious server could make libcurl built withNSS get stuck in a never-ending busy-loop when trying to retrieve thatinformation.
CVE-2022-27782 2022-05-31 22:00 +00:00 libcurl would reuse a previously created connection even when a TLS or SSHrelated option had been changed that should have prohibited reuse.libcurl keeps previously used connections in a connection pool for subsequenttransfers to reuse if one of them matches the setup. However, several TLS andSSH settings were left out from the configuration match checks, making themmatch too easily.
CVE-2021-22925 2021-08-04 22:00 +00:00 curl supports the `-t` command line option, known as `CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS`in libcurl. This rarely used option is used to send variable=content pairs toTELNET servers.Due to flaw in the option parser for sending `NEW_ENV` variables, libcurlcould be made to pass on uninitialized data from a stack based buffer to theserver. Therefore potentially revealing sensitive internal information to theserver using a clear-text network protocol.This could happen because curl did not call and use sscanf() correctly whenparsing the string provided by the application.
CVE-2021-22898 2021-06-11 13:49 +00:00 curl 7.7 through 7.76.1 suffers from an information disclosure when the `-t` command line option, known as `CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS` in libcurl, is used to send variable=content pairs to TELNET servers. Due to a flaw in the option parser for sending NEW_ENV variables, libcurl could be made to pass on uninitialized data from a stack based buffer to the server, resulting in potentially revealing sensitive internal information to the server using a clear-text network protocol.
CVE-2020-8284 2020-12-14 18:38 +00:00 A malicious server can use the FTP PASV response to trick curl 7.73.0 and earlier into connecting back to a given IP address and port, and this way potentially make curl extract information about services that are otherwise private and not disclosed, for example doing port scanning and service banner extractions.
CVE-2016-4606 2020-02-21 00:15 +00:00 Curl before 7.49.1 in Apple OS X before macOS Sierra prior to 10.12 allows remote or local attackers to execute arbitrary code, gain sensitive information, cause denial-of-service conditions, bypass security restrictions, and perform unauthorized actions. This may aid in other attacks.
CVE-2019-5443 2019-07-02 16:31 +00:00 A non-privileged user or program can put code and a config file in a known non-privileged path (under C:/usr/local/) that will make curl <= 7.65.1 automatically run the code (as an openssl "engine") on invocation. If that curl is invoked by a privileged user it can do anything it wants.
CVE-2016-8615 2018-08-01 04:00 +00:00 A flaw was found in curl before version 7.51. If cookie state is written into a cookie jar file that is later read back and used for subsequent requests, a malicious HTTP server can inject new cookies for arbitrary domains into said cookie jar.
CVE-2016-8616 2018-08-01 04:00 +00:00 A flaw was found in curl before version 7.51.0 When re-using a connection, curl was doing case insensitive comparisons of user name and password with the existing connections. This means that if an unused connection with proper credentials exists for a protocol that has connection-scoped credentials, an attacker can cause that connection to be reused if s/he knows the case-insensitive version of the correct password.
CVE-2016-8619 2018-08-01 04:00 +00:00 The function `read_data()` in security.c in curl before version 7.51.0 is vulnerable to memory double free.
CVE-2016-8620 2018-08-01 04:00 +00:00 The 'globbing' feature in curl before version 7.51.0 has a flaw that leads to integer overflow and out-of-bounds read via user controlled input.
CVE-2016-8623 2018-08-01 04:00 +00:00 A flaw was found in curl before version 7.51.0. The way curl handles cookies permits other threads to trigger a use-after-free leading to information disclosure.
CVE-2016-8625 2018-08-01 04:00 +00:00 curl before version 7.51.0 uses outdated IDNA 2003 standard to handle International Domain Names and this may lead users to potentially and unknowingly issue network transfer requests to the wrong host.
CVE-2016-8617 2018-07-31 20:00 +00:00 The base64 encode function in curl before version 7.51.0 is prone to a buffer being under allocated in 32bit systems if it receives at least 1Gb as input via `CURLOPT_USERNAME`.
CVE-2016-8621 2018-07-31 20:00 +00:00 The `curl_getdate` function in curl before version 7.51.0 is vulnerable to an out of bounds read if it receives an input with one digit short.
CVE-2016-8618 2018-07-31 19:00 +00:00 The libcurl API function called `curl_maprintf()` before version 7.51.0 can be tricked into doing a double-free due to an unsafe `size_t` multiplication, on systems using 32 bit `size_t` variables.
CVE-2016-8624 2018-07-31 19:00 +00:00 curl before version 7.51.0 doesn't parse the authority component of the URL correctly when the host name part ends with a '#' character, and could instead be tricked into connecting to a different host. This may have security implications if you for example use an URL parser that follows the RFC to check for allowed domains before using curl to request them.
CVE-2017-2629 2018-07-27 17:00 +00:00 curl before 7.53.0 has an incorrect TLS Certificate Status Request extension feature that asks for a fresh proof of the server's certificate's validity in the code that checks for a test success or failure. It ends up always thinking there's valid proof, even when there is none or if the server doesn't support the TLS extension in question. This could lead to users not detecting when a server's certificate goes invalid or otherwise be mislead that the server is in a better shape than it is in reality. This flaw also exists in the command line tool (--cert-status).
CVE-2016-9594 2018-04-23 17:00 +00:00 curl before version 7.52.1 is vulnerable to an uninitialized random in libcurl's internal function that returns a good 32bit random value. Having a weak or virtually non-existent random value makes the operations that use it vulnerable.
CVE-2016-9586 2018-04-23 16:00 +00:00 curl before version 7.52.0 is vulnerable to a buffer overflow when doing a large floating point output in libcurl's implementation of the printf() functions. If there are any application that accepts a format string from the outside without necessary input filtering, it could allow remote attacks.
CVE-2018-1000120 2018-03-14 17:00 +00:00 A buffer overflow exists in curl 7.12.3 to and including curl 7.58.0 in the FTP URL handling that allows an attacker to cause a denial of service or worse.
CVE-2018-1000007 2018-01-24 21:00 +00:00 libcurl 7.1 through 7.57.0 might accidentally leak authentication data to third parties. When asked to send custom headers in its HTTP requests, libcurl will send that set of headers first to the host in the initial URL but also, if asked to follow redirects and a 30X HTTP response code is returned, to the host mentioned in URL in the `Location:` response header value. Sending the same set of headers to subsequent hosts is in particular a problem for applications that pass on custom `Authorization:` headers, as this header often contains privacy sensitive information or data that could allow others to impersonate the libcurl-using client's request.
CVE-2017-9502 2017-06-14 11:00 +00:00 In curl before 7.54.1 on Windows and DOS, libcurl's default protocol function, which is the logic that allows an application to set which protocol libcurl should attempt to use when given a URL without a scheme part, had a flaw that could lead to it overwriting a heap based memory buffer with seven bytes. If the default protocol is specified to be FILE or a file: URL lacks two slashes, the given "URL" starts with a drive letter, and libcurl is built for Windows or DOS, then libcurl would copy the path 7 bytes off, so that the end of the given path would write beyond the malloc buffer (7 bytes being the length in bytes of the ascii string "file://").
CVE-2016-4802 2016-06-24 15:00 +00:00 Multiple untrusted search path vulnerabilities in cURL and libcurl before 7.49.1, when built with SSPI or telnet is enabled, allow local users to execute arbitrary code and conduct DLL hijacking attacks via a Trojan horse (1) security.dll, (2) secur32.dll, or (3) ws2_32.dll in the application or current working directory.
CVE-2016-0754 2016-01-29 19:00 +00:00 cURL before 7.47.0 on Windows allows attackers to write to arbitrary files in the current working directory on a different drive via a colon in a remote file name.
CVE-2016-0755 2016-01-29 19:00 +00:00 The ConnectionExists function in lib/url.c in libcurl before 7.47.0 does not properly re-use NTLM-authenticated proxy connections, which might allow remote attackers to authenticate as other users via a request, a similar issue to CVE-2014-0015.
CVE-2015-3153 2015-05-01 13:00 +00:00 The default configuration for cURL and libcurl before 7.42.1 sends custom HTTP headers to both the proxy and destination server, which might allow remote proxy servers to obtain sensitive information by reading the header contents.
CVE-2015-3143 2015-04-24 12:00 +00:00 cURL and libcurl 7.10.6 through 7.41.0 does not properly re-use NTLM connections, which allows remote attackers to connect as other users via an unauthenticated request, a similar issue to CVE-2014-0015.
CVE-2015-3148 2015-04-24 12:00 +00:00 cURL and libcurl 7.10.6 through 7.41.0 do not properly re-use authenticated Negotiate connections, which allows remote attackers to connect as other users via a request.
CVE-2014-3613 2014-11-18 14:00 +00:00 cURL and libcurl before 7.38.0 does not properly handle IP addresses in cookie domain names, which allows remote attackers to set cookies for or send arbitrary cookies to certain sites, as demonstrated by a site at setting cookies for a site at
CVE-2014-3620 2014-11-18 14:00 +00:00 cURL and libcurl before 7.38.0 allow remote attackers to bypass the Same Origin Policy and set cookies for arbitrary sites by setting a cookie for a top-level domain.
CVE-2014-0138 2014-04-15 12:00 +00:00 The default configuration in cURL and libcurl 7.10.6 before 7.36.0 re-uses (1) SCP, (2) SFTP, (3) POP3, (4) POP3S, (5) IMAP, (6) IMAPS, (7) SMTP, (8) SMTPS, (9) LDAP, and (10) LDAPS connections, which might allow context-dependent attackers to connect as other users via a request, a similar issue to CVE-2014-0015.
CVE-2014-0139 2014-04-15 12:00 +00:00 cURL and libcurl 7.1 before 7.36.0, when using the OpenSSL, axtls, qsossl or gskit libraries for TLS, recognize a wildcard IP address in the subject's Common Name (CN) field of an X.509 certificate, which might allow man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof arbitrary SSL servers via a crafted certificate issued by a legitimate Certification Authority.
CVE-2014-0015 2014-02-01 23:00 +00:00 cURL and libcurl 7.10.6 through 7.34.0, when more than one authentication method is enabled, re-uses NTLM connections, which might allow context-dependent attackers to authenticate as other users via a request.
CVE-2013-2174 2013-07-31 08:00 +00:00 Heap-based buffer overflow in the curl_easy_unescape function in lib/escape.c in cURL and libcurl 7.7 through 7.30.0 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted string ending in a "%" (percent) character.
CVE-2013-1944 2013-04-29 20:00 +00:00 The tailMatch function in cookie.c in cURL and libcurl before 7.30.0 does not properly match the path domain when sending cookies, which allows remote attackers to steal cookies via a matching suffix in the domain of a URL.
CVE-2011-3389 2011-09-06 17:00 +00:00 The SSL protocol, as used in certain configurations in Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and other products, encrypts data by using CBC mode with chained initialization vectors, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to obtain plaintext HTTP headers via a blockwise chosen-boundary attack (BCBA) on an HTTPS session, in conjunction with JavaScript code that uses (1) the HTML5 WebSocket API, (2) the Java URLConnection API, or (3) the Silverlight WebClient API, aka a "BEAST" attack.
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