Istio 1.6.0 Beta 0

CPE Details

Istio 1.6.0 Beta 0
2020-06-02 17:16 +00:00
2020-06-02 17:16 +00:00

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CPE Name: cpe:2.3:a:istio:istio:1.6.0:beta0:*:*:*:*:*:*










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CVE ID Published Description Score Severity
CVE-2023-44487 2023-10-09 22:00 +00:00 The HTTP/2 protocol allows a denial of service (server resource consumption) because request cancellation can reset many streams quickly, as exploited in the wild in August through October 2023.
CVE-2022-39278 2022-10-12 22:00 +00:00 Istio is an open platform-independent service mesh that provides traffic management, policy enforcement, and telemetry collection. Prior to versions 1.15.2, 1.14.5, and 1.13.9, the Istio control plane, istiod, is vulnerable to a request processing error, allowing a malicious attacker that sends a specially crafted or oversized message which results in the control plane crashing when the Kubernetes validating or mutating webhook service is exposed publicly. This endpoint is served over TLS port 15017, but does not require any authentication from the attacker. For simple installations, Istiod is typically only reachable from within the cluster, limiting the blast radius. However, for some deployments, especially external istiod topologies, this port is exposed over the public internet. Versions 1.15.2, 1.14.5, and 1.13.9 contain patches for this issue. There are no effective workarounds, beyond upgrading. This bug is due to an error in `regexp.Compile` in Go.
CVE-2022-31045 2022-06-09 18:55 +00:00 Istio is an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. In affected versions ill-formed headers sent to Envoy in certain configurations can lead to unexpected memory access resulting in undefined behavior or crashing. Users are most likely at risk if they have an Istio ingress Gateway exposed to external traffic. This vulnerability has been resolved in versions 1.12.8, 1.13.5, and 1.14.1. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.
CVE-2022-24726 2022-03-10 19:45 +00:00 Istio is an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. In affected versions the Istio control plane, istiod, is vulnerable to a request processing error, allowing a malicious attacker that sends a specially crafted message which results in the control plane crashing when the validating webhook for a cluster is exposed publicly. This endpoint is served over TLS port 15017, but does not require any authentication from the attacker. For simple installations, Istiod is typically only reachable from within the cluster, limiting the blast radius. However, for some deployments, especially [external istiod]( topologies, this port is exposed over the public internet. This issue has been patched in versions 1.13.2, 1.12.5 and 1.11.8. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should disable access to a validating webhook that is exposed to the public internet or restrict the set of IP addresses that can query it to a set of known, trusted entities.
CVE-2022-23635 2022-02-22 21:00 +00:00 Istio is an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. In affected versions the Istio control plane, `istiod`, is vulnerable to a request processing error, allowing a malicious attacker that sends a specially crafted message which results in the control plane crashing. This endpoint is served over TLS port 15012, but does not require any authentication from the attacker. For simple installations, Istiod is typically only reachable from within the cluster, limiting the blast radius. However, for some deployments, especially [multicluster]( topologies, this port is exposed over the public internet. There are no effective workarounds, beyond upgrading. Limiting network access to Istiod to the minimal set of clients can help lessen the scope of the vulnerability to some extent.
CVE-2021-39156 2021-08-24 20:30 +00:00 Istio is an open source platform for providing a uniform way to integrate microservices, manage traffic flow across microservices, enforce policies and aggregate telemetry data. Istio 1.11.0, 1.10.3 and below, and 1.9.7 and below contain a remotely exploitable vulnerability where an HTTP request with `#fragment` in the path may bypass Istio’s URI path based authorization policies. Patches are available in Istio 1.11.1, Istio 1.10.4 and Istio 1.9.8. As a work around a Lua filter may be written to normalize the path.
CVE-2021-39155 2021-08-24 20:25 +00:00 Istio is an open source platform for providing a uniform way to integrate microservices, manage traffic flow across microservices, enforce policies and aggregate telemetry data. According to [RFC 4343](, Istio authorization policy should compare the hostname in the HTTP Host header in a case insensitive way, but currently the comparison is case sensitive. The proxy will route the request hostname in a case-insensitive way which means the authorization policy could be bypassed. As an example, the user may have an authorization policy that rejects request with hostname "" for some source IPs, but the attacker can bypass this by sending the request with hostname "Httpbin.Foo". Patches are available in Istio 1.11.1, Istio 1.10.4 and Istio 1.9.8. As a work around a Lua filter may be written to normalize Host header before the authorization check. This is similar to the Path normalization presented in the [Security Best Practices]( guide.
CVE-2021-31921 2021-06-02 13:36 +00:00 Istio before 1.8.6 and 1.9.x before 1.9.5 contains a remotely exploitable vulnerability where an external client can access unexpected services in the cluster, bypassing authorization checks, when a gateway is configured with AUTO_PASSTHROUGH routing configuration.
CVE-2021-31920 2021-05-27 02:03 +00:00 Istio before 1.8.6 and 1.9.x before 1.9.5 has a remotely exploitable vulnerability where an HTTP request path with multiple slashes or escaped slash characters (%2F or %5C) could potentially bypass an Istio authorization policy when path based authorization rules are used.
CVE-2020-16844 2020-10-01 14:32 +00:00 In Istio 1.5.0 though 1.5.8 and Istio 1.6.0 through 1.6.7, when users specify an AuthorizationPolicy resource with DENY actions using wildcard suffixes (e.g. *-some-suffix) for source principals or namespace fields, callers will never be denied access, bypassing the intended policy.
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