Haxx Curl 7.63.0

CPE Details

Haxx Curl 7.63.0
2019-01-02 16:26 +00:00
2019-01-02 16:26 +00:00

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CPE Name: cpe:2.3:a:haxx:curl:7.63.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*








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CVE ID Published Description Score Severity
CVE-2023-46218 2023-12-07 01:10 +00:00 This flaw allows a malicious HTTP server to set "super cookies" in curl that are then passed back to more origins than what is otherwise allowed or possible. This allows a site to set cookies that then would get sent to different and unrelated sites and domains. It could do this by exploiting a mixed case flaw in curl's function that verifies a given cookie domain against the Public Suffix List (PSL). For example a cookie could be set with `domain=co.UK` when the URL used a lower case hostname `curl.co.uk`, even though `co.uk` is listed as a PSL domain.
CVE-2023-28319 2023-05-25 22:00 +00:00 A use after free vulnerability exists in curl
CVE-2023-28320 2023-05-25 22:00 +00:00 A denial of service vulnerability exists in curl
CVE-2023-28321 2023-05-25 22:00 +00:00 An improper certificate validation vulnerability exists in curl
CVE-2023-28322 2023-05-25 22:00 +00:00 An information disclosure vulnerability exists in curl
CVE-2023-27533 2023-03-29 22:00 +00:00 A vulnerability in input validation exists in curl <8.0 during communication using the TELNET protocol may allow an attacker to pass on maliciously crafted user name and "telnet options" during server negotiation. The lack of proper input scrubbing allows an attacker to send content or perform option negotiation without the application's intent. This vulnerability could be exploited if an application allows user input, thereby enabling attackers to execute arbitrary code on the system.
CVE-2023-27534 2023-03-29 22:00 +00:00 A path traversal vulnerability exists in curl <8.0.0 SFTP implementation causes the tilde (~) character to be wrongly replaced when used as a prefix in the first path element, in addition to its intended use as the first element to indicate a path relative to the user's home directory. Attackers can exploit this flaw to bypass filtering or execute arbitrary code by crafting a path like /~2/foo while accessing a server with a specific user.
CVE-2023-23916 2023-02-22 23:00 +00:00 An allocation of resources without limits or throttling vulnerability exists in curl
CVE-2022-43552 2023-02-08 23:00 +00:00 A use after free vulnerability exists in curl <7.87.0. Curl can be asked to *tunnel* virtually all protocols it supports through an HTTP proxy. HTTP proxies can (and often do) deny such tunnel operations. When getting denied to tunnel the specific protocols SMB or TELNET, curl would use a heap-allocated struct after it had been freed, in its transfer shutdown code path.
CVE-2022-32221 2022-12-04 23:00 +00:00 When doing HTTP(S) transfers, libcurl might erroneously use the read callback (`CURLOPT_READFUNCTION`) to ask for data to send, even when the `CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS` option has been set, if the same handle previously was used to issue a `PUT` request which used that callback. This flaw may surprise the application and cause it to misbehave and either send off the wrong data or use memory after free or similar in the subsequent `POST` request. The problem exists in the logic for a reused handle when it is changed from a PUT to a POST.
CVE-2022-35252 2022-09-22 22:00 +00:00 When curl is used to retrieve and parse cookies from a HTTP(S) server, itaccepts cookies using control codes that when later are sent back to a HTTPserver might make the server return 400 responses. Effectively allowing a"sister site" to deny service to all siblings.
CVE-2022-32206 2022-07-06 22:00 +00:00 curl < 7.84.0 supports "chained" HTTP compression algorithms, meaning that a serverresponse can be compressed multiple times and potentially with different algorithms. The number of acceptable "links" in this "decompression chain" was unbounded, allowing a malicious server to insert a virtually unlimited number of compression steps.The use of such a decompression chain could result in a "malloc bomb", makingcurl end up spending enormous amounts of allocated heap memory, or trying toand returning out of memory errors.
CVE-2022-32208 2022-07-06 22:00 +00:00 When curl < 7.84.0 does FTP transfers secured by krb5, it handles message verification failures wrongly. This flaw makes it possible for a Man-In-The-Middle attack to go unnoticed and even allows it to inject data to the client.
CVE-2022-27774 2022-05-31 22:00 +00:00 An insufficiently protected credentials vulnerability exists in curl 4.9 to and include curl 7.82.0 are affected that could allow an attacker to extract credentials when follows HTTP(S) redirects is used with authentication could leak credentials to other services that exist on different protocols or port numbers.
CVE-2022-27776 2022-05-31 22:00 +00:00 A insufficiently protected credentials vulnerability in fixed in curl 7.83.0 might leak authentication or cookie header data on HTTP redirects to the same host but another port number.
CVE-2022-27781 2022-05-31 22:00 +00:00 libcurl provides the `CURLOPT_CERTINFO` option to allow applications torequest details to be returned about a server's certificate chain.Due to an erroneous function, a malicious server could make libcurl built withNSS get stuck in a never-ending busy-loop when trying to retrieve thatinformation.
CVE-2022-27782 2022-05-31 22:00 +00:00 libcurl would reuse a previously created connection even when a TLS or SSHrelated option had been changed that should have prohibited reuse.libcurl keeps previously used connections in a connection pool for subsequenttransfers to reuse if one of them matches the setup. However, several TLS andSSH settings were left out from the configuration match checks, making themmatch too easily.
CVE-2022-22576 2022-05-25 22:00 +00:00 An improper authentication vulnerability exists in curl 7.33.0 to and including 7.82.0 which might allow reuse OAUTH2-authenticated connections without properly making sure that the connection was authenticated with the same credentials as set for this transfer. This affects SASL-enabled protocols: SMPTP(S), IMAP(S), POP3(S) and LDAP(S) (openldap only).
CVE-2021-22946 2021-09-28 22:00 +00:00 A user can tell curl >= 7.20.0 and <= 7.78.0 to require a successful upgrade to TLS when speaking to an IMAP, POP3 or FTP server (`--ssl-reqd` on the command line or`CURLOPT_USE_SSL` set to `CURLUSESSL_CONTROL` or `CURLUSESSL_ALL` withlibcurl). This requirement could be bypassed if the server would return a properly crafted but perfectly legitimate response.This flaw would then make curl silently continue its operations **withoutTLS** contrary to the instructions and expectations, exposing possibly sensitive data in clear text over the network.
CVE-2021-22947 2021-09-28 22:00 +00:00 When curl >= 7.20.0 and <= 7.78.0 connects to an IMAP or POP3 server to retrieve data using STARTTLS to upgrade to TLS security, the server can respond and send back multiple responses at once that curl caches. curl would then upgrade to TLS but not flush the in-queue of cached responses but instead continue using and trustingthe responses it got *before* the TLS handshake as if they were authenticated.Using this flaw, it allows a Man-In-The-Middle attacker to first inject the fake responses, then pass-through the TLS traffic from the legitimate server and trick curl into sending data back to the user thinking the attacker's injected data comes from the TLS-protected server.
CVE-2021-22922 2021-08-04 22:00 +00:00 When curl is instructed to download content using the metalink feature, thecontents is verified against a hash provided in the metalink XML file.The metalink XML file points out to the client how to get the same contentfrom a set of different URLs, potentially hosted by different servers and theclient can then download the file from one or several of them. In a serial orparallel manner.If one of the servers hosting the contents has been breached and the contentsof the specific file on that server is replaced with a modified payload, curlshould detect this when the hash of the file mismatches after a completeddownload. It should remove the contents and instead try getting the contentsfrom another URL. This is not done, and instead such a hash mismatch is onlymentioned in text and the potentially malicious content is kept in the file ondisk.
CVE-2021-22923 2021-08-04 22:00 +00:00 When curl is instructed to get content using the metalink feature, and a user name and password are used to download the metalink XML file, those same credentials are then subsequently passed on to each of the servers from which curl will download or try to download the contents from. Often contrary to the user's expectations and intentions and without telling the user it happened.
CVE-2021-22925 2021-08-04 22:00 +00:00 curl supports the `-t` command line option, known as `CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS`in libcurl. This rarely used option is used to send variable=content pairs toTELNET servers.Due to flaw in the option parser for sending `NEW_ENV` variables, libcurlcould be made to pass on uninitialized data from a stack based buffer to theserver. Therefore potentially revealing sensitive internal information to theserver using a clear-text network protocol.This could happen because curl did not call and use sscanf() correctly whenparsing the string provided by the application.
CVE-2021-22926 2021-08-04 22:00 +00:00 libcurl-using applications can ask for a specific client certificate to be used in a transfer. This is done with the `CURLOPT_SSLCERT` option (`--cert` with the command line tool).When libcurl is built to use the macOS native TLS library Secure Transport, an application can ask for the client certificate by name or with a file name - using the same option. If the name exists as a file, it will be used instead of by name.If the appliction runs with a current working directory that is writable by other users (like `/tmp`), a malicious user can create a file name with the same name as the app wants to use by name, and thereby trick the application to use the file based cert instead of the one referred to by name making libcurl send the wrong client certificate in the TLS connection handshake.
CVE-2021-22897 2021-06-11 13:49 +00:00 curl 7.61.0 through 7.76.1 suffers from exposure of data element to wrong session due to a mistake in the code for CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST when libcurl is built to use the Schannel TLS library. The selected cipher set was stored in a single "static" variable in the library, which has the surprising side-effect that if an application sets up multiple concurrent transfers, the last one that sets the ciphers will accidentally control the set used by all transfers. In a worst-case scenario, this weakens transport security significantly.
CVE-2021-22898 2021-06-11 13:49 +00:00 curl 7.7 through 7.76.1 suffers from an information disclosure when the `-t` command line option, known as `CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS` in libcurl, is used to send variable=content pairs to TELNET servers. Due to a flaw in the option parser for sending NEW_ENV variables, libcurl could be made to pass on uninitialized data from a stack based buffer to the server, resulting in potentially revealing sensitive internal information to the server using a clear-text network protocol.
CVE-2020-8177 2020-12-14 18:42 +00:00 curl 7.20.0 through 7.70.0 is vulnerable to improper restriction of names for files and other resources that can lead too overwriting a local file when the -J flag is used.
CVE-2020-8169 2020-12-14 18:41 +00:00 curl 7.62.0 through 7.70.0 is vulnerable to an information disclosure vulnerability that can lead to a partial password being leaked over the network and to the DNS server(s).
CVE-2020-8284 2020-12-14 18:38 +00:00 A malicious server can use the FTP PASV response to trick curl 7.73.0 and earlier into connecting back to a given IP address and port, and this way potentially make curl extract information about services that are otherwise private and not disclosed, for example doing port scanning and service banner extractions.
CVE-2019-5482 2019-09-16 16:06 +00:00 Heap buffer overflow in the TFTP protocol handler in cURL 7.19.4 to 7.65.3.
CVE-2019-5481 2019-09-16 16:05 +00:00 Double-free vulnerability in the FTP-kerberos code in cURL 7.52.0 to 7.65.3.
CVE-2019-5443 2019-07-02 16:31 +00:00 A non-privileged user or program can put code and a config file in a known non-privileged path (under C:/usr/local/) that will make curl <= 7.65.1 automatically run the code (as an openssl "engine") on invocation. If that curl is invoked by a privileged user it can do anything it wants.
CVE-2019-5435 2019-05-28 16:44 +00:00 An integer overflow in curl's URL API results in a buffer overflow in libcurl 7.62.0 to and including 7.64.1.
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