CVE-2011-0712 : Detail


2011-02-18 18:00 +00:00
2017-08-16 12:57 +00:00

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Multiple buffer overflows in the caiaq Native Instruments USB audio functionality in the Linux kernel before 2.6.38-rc4-next-20110215 might allow attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a long USB device name, related to (1) the snd_usb_caiaq_audio_init function in sound/usb/caiaq/audio.c and (2) the snd_usb_caiaq_midi_init function in sound/usb/caiaq/midi.c.


Related Weaknesses

CWE-ID Weakness Name Source
CWE-120 Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic Buffer Overflow')
The product copies an input buffer to an output buffer without verifying that the size of the input buffer is less than the size of the output buffer, leading to a buffer overflow.


Metric Score Severity CVSS Vector Source
V2 7.2 AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C


EPSS is a scoring model that predicts the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited.

EPSS Score

The EPSS model produces a probability score between 0 and 1 (0 and 100%). The higher the score, the greater the probability that a vulnerability will be exploited.

EPSS Percentile

The percentile is used to rank CVE according to their EPSS score. For example, a CVE in the 95th percentile according to its EPSS score is more likely to be exploited than 95% of other CVE. Thus, the percentile is used to compare the EPSS score of a CVE with that of other CVE.

Products Mentioned

Configuraton 0

Linux>>Linux_kernel >> Version To (excluding) 2.6.38

Linux>>Linux_kernel >> Version 2.6.38

Linux>>Linux_kernel >> Version 2.6.38

Linux>>Linux_kernel >> Version 2.6.38

Linux>>Linux_kernel >> Version 2.6.38

Configuraton 0

Canonical>>Ubuntu_linux >> Version 8.04

Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_UBUNTU
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Tags : vdb-entry, x_refsource_BID
Tags : mailing-list, x_refsource_MLIST
Tags : mailing-list, x_refsource_MLIST
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