Scope | Impact | Likelihood |
Confidentiality | Read Application Data Note: If the IV is not properly initialized, data that is encrypted can be compromised and information about the data can be leaked. See [REF-1179]. |
References | Description |
CVE-2020-1472 | ZeroLogon vulnerability - use of a static IV of all zeroes in AES-CFB8 mode |
CVE-2011-3389 | BEAST attack in SSL 3.0 / TLS 1.0. In CBC mode, chained initialization vectors are non-random, allowing decryption of HTTPS traffic using a chosen plaintext attack. |
CVE-2001-0161 | wireless router does not use 6 of the 24 bits for WEP encryption, making it easier for attackers to decrypt traffic |
CVE-2001-0160 | WEP card generates predictable IV values, making it easier for attackers to decrypt traffic |
CVE-2017-3225 | device bootloader uses a zero initialization vector during AES-CBC |
CVE-2016-6485 | crypto framework uses PHP rand function - which is not cryptographically secure - for an initialization vector |
CVE-2014-5386 | encryption routine does not seed the random number generator, causing the same initialization vector to be generated repeatedly |
CVE-2020-5408 | encryption functionality in an authentication framework uses a fixed null IV with CBC mode, allowing attackers to decrypt traffic in applications that use this functionality |
CVE-2017-17704 | messages for a door-unlocking product use a fixed IV in CBC mode, which is the same after each restart |
CVE-2017-11133 | application uses AES in CBC mode, but the pseudo-random secret and IV are generated using math.random, which is not cryptographically strong. |
CVE-2007-3528 | Blowfish-CBC implementation constructs an IV where each byte is calculated modulo 8 instead of modulo 256, resulting in less than 12 bits for the effective IV length, and less than 4096 possible IV values. |
Different cipher modes have different requirements for their IVs. When choosing and implementing a mode, it is important to understand those requirements in order to keep security guarantees intact. Generally, it is safest to generate a random IV, since it will be both unpredictable and have a very low chance of being non-unique. IVs do not have to be kept secret, so if generating duplicate IVs is a concern, a list of already-used IVs can be kept and checked against.
NIST offers recommendations on generation of IVs for modes of which they have approved. These include options for when random IVs are not practical. For CBC, CFB, and OFB, see [REF-1175]; for GCM, see [REF-1178].
CAPEC-ID | Attack Pattern Name |
CAPEC-20 | Encryption Brute Forcing An attacker, armed with the cipher text and the encryption algorithm used, performs an exhaustive (brute force) search on the key space to determine the key that decrypts the cipher text to obtain the plaintext. |
CAPEC-97 | Cryptanalysis Cryptanalysis is a process of finding weaknesses in cryptographic algorithms and using these weaknesses to decipher the ciphertext without knowing the secret key (instance deduction). Sometimes the weakness is not in the cryptographic algorithm itself, but rather in how it is applied that makes cryptanalysis successful. An attacker may have other goals as well, such as: Total Break (finding the secret key), Global Deduction (finding a functionally equivalent algorithm for encryption and decryption that does not require knowledge of the secret key), Information Deduction (gaining some information about plaintexts or ciphertexts that was not previously known) and Distinguishing Algorithm (the attacker has the ability to distinguish the output of the encryption (ciphertext) from a random permutation of bits). |
Name | Organization | Date | Date release | Version |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | 4.4 |
Name | Organization | Date | Comment |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Maintenance_Notes, Observed_Examples, References | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated References, Relationships, Time_of_Introduction | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Mapping_Notes |