Debug messages are messages that help troubleshoot an issue by revealing the internal state of the system. For example, debug data in design can be exposed through internal memory array dumps or boot logs through interfaces like UART via TAP commands, scan chain, etc. Thus, the more information contained in a debug message, the easier it is to debug. However, there is also the risk of revealing information that could help an attacker either decipher a vulnerability, and/or gain a better understanding of the system. Thus, this extra information could lower the "security by obscurity" factor. While "security by obscurity" alone is insufficient, it can help as a part of "Defense-in-depth".
Scope | Impact | Likelihood |
Confidentiality Integrity Availability Access Control Accountability Authentication Authorization Non-Repudiation | Read Memory, Bypass Protection Mechanism, Gain Privileges or Assume Identity, Varies by Context | Medium |
References | Description |
CVE-2021-25476 | Digital Rights Management (DRM) capability for mobile platform leaks pointer information, simplifying ASLR bypass |
CVE-2020-24491 | Processor generates debug message that contains sensitive information ("addresses of memory transactions"). |
CVE-2017-18326 | modem debug messages include cryptographic keys |
CAPEC-ID | Attack Pattern Name |
CAPEC-121 | Exploit Non-Production Interfaces An adversary exploits a sample, demonstration, test, or debug interface that is unintentionally enabled on a production system, with the goal of gleaning information or leveraging functionality that would otherwise be unavailable. |
Name | Organization | Date | Date release | Version |
Parbati Kumar Manna, Hareesh Khattri, Arun Kanuparthi | Intel Corporation | 4.2 |
Name | Organization | Date | Comment |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Observed_Examples, Related_Attack_Patterns, Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated References | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Observed_Examples, References, Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Mapping_Notes | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Observed_Examples |