CWE-226 Detail


Sensitive Information in Resource Not Removed Before Reuse
2006-07-19 00:00 +00:00
2024-02-29 00:00 +00:00

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Sensitive Information in Resource Not Removed Before Reuse

The product releases a resource such as memory or a file so that it can be made available for reuse, but it does not clear or "zeroize" the information contained in the resource before the product performs a critical state transition or makes the resource available for reuse by other entities.

Extended Description

When resources are released, they can be made available for reuse. For example, after memory is de-allocated, an operating system may make the memory available to another process, or disk space may be reallocated when a file is deleted. As removing information requires time and additional resources, operating systems do not usually clear the previously written information.

Even when the resource is reused by the same process, this weakness can arise when new data is not as large as the old data, which leaves portions of the old data still available. Equivalent errors can occur in other situations where the length of data is variable but the associated data structure is not. If memory is not cleared after use, the information may be read by less trustworthy parties when the memory is reallocated.

This weakness can apply in hardware, such as when a device or system switches between power, sleep, or debug states during normal operation, or when execution changes to different users or privilege levels.


Modes Of Introduction


Applicable Platforms


Class: Not Language-Specific (Undetermined)


Class: Not Technology-Specific (Undetermined)

Common Consequences

Scope Impact Likelihood
ConfidentialityRead Application Data

Observed Examples

Reference Description
CVE-2019-3733Cryptography library does not clear heap memory before release
CVE-2003-0001Ethernet NIC drivers do not pad frames with null bytes, leading to infoleak from malformed packets.
CVE-2003-0291router does not clear information from DHCP packets that have been previously used
CVE-2005-1406Products do not fully clear memory buffers when less data is stored into the buffer than previous.
CVE-2005-1858Products do not fully clear memory buffers when less data is stored into the buffer than previous.
CVE-2005-3180Products do not fully clear memory buffers when less data is stored into the buffer than previous.
CVE-2005-3276Product does not clear a data structure before writing to part of it, yielding information leak of previously used memory.
CVE-2002-2077Memory not properly cleared before reuse.

Potential Mitigations

Phases : Architecture and Design // Implementation
During critical state transitions, information not needed in the next state should be removed or overwritten with fixed patterns (such as all 0's) or random data, before the transition to the next state.
Phases : Architecture and Design // Implementation
When releasing, de-allocating, or deleting a resource, overwrite its data and relevant metadata with fixed patterns or random data. Be cautious about complex resource types whose underlying representation might be non-contiguous or change at a low level, such as how a file might be split into different chunks on a file system, even though "logical" file positions are contiguous at the application layer. Such resource types might require invocation of special modes or APIs to tell the underlying operating system to perform the necessary clearing, such as SDelete (Secure Delete) on Windows, although the appropriate functionality might not be available at the application layer.

Detection Methods

Manual Analysis

Write a known pattern into each sensitive location. Trigger the release of the resource or cause the desired state transition to occur. Read data back from the sensitive locations. If the reads are successful, and the data is the same as the pattern that was originally written, the test fails and the product needs to be fixed. Note that this test can likely be automated.
Effectiveness : High

Automated Static Analysis

Automated static analysis, commonly referred to as Static Application Security Testing (SAST), can find some instances of this weakness by analyzing source code (or binary/compiled code) without having to execute it. Typically, this is done by building a model of data flow and control flow, then searching for potentially-vulnerable patterns that connect "sources" (origins of input) with "sinks" (destinations where the data interacts with external components, a lower layer such as the OS, etc.)
Effectiveness : High

Vulnerability Mapping Notes

Rationale : This CWE entry is at the Base level of abstraction, which is a preferred level of abstraction for mapping to the root causes of vulnerabilities.
Comments : Carefully read both the name and description to ensure that this mapping is an appropriate fit. Do not try to 'force' a mapping to a lower-level Base/Variant simply to comply with this preferred level of abstraction.

Related Attack Patterns

CAPEC-ID Attack Pattern Name
CAPEC-37 Retrieve Embedded Sensitive Data
An attacker examines a target system to find sensitive data that has been embedded within it. This information can reveal confidential contents, such as account numbers or individual keys/credentials that can be used as an intermediate step in a larger attack.


There is a close association between CWE-226 and CWE-212. The difference is partially that of perspective. CWE-226 is geared towards the final stage of the resource lifecycle, in which the resource is deleted, eliminated, expired, or otherwise released for reuse. Technically, this involves a transfer to a different control sphere, in which the original contents of the resource are no longer relevant. CWE-212, however, is intended for sensitive data in resources that are intentionally shared with others, so they are still active. This distinction is useful from the perspective of the CWE research view (CWE-1000).
This entry needs modification to clarify the differences with CWE-212. The description also combines two problems that are distinct from the CWE research perspective: the inadvertent transfer of information to another sphere, and improper initialization/shutdown. Some of the associated taxonomy mappings reflect these different uses.
This is frequently found for network packets, but it can also exist in local memory allocation, files, etc.




Fix for aes0_wrapper


Name Organization Date Date Release Version
PLOVER 2006-07-19 +00:00 2006-07-19 +00:00 Draft 3


Name Organization Date Comment
Eric Dalci Cigital 2008-07-01 +00:00 updated Time_of_Introduction
CWE Content Team MITRE 2008-09-08 +00:00 updated Relationships, Other_Notes, Relationship_Notes, Taxonomy_Mappings, Weakness_Ordinalities
CWE Content Team MITRE 2008-10-14 +00:00 updated Relationships
CWE Content Team MITRE 2008-11-24 +00:00 updated Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings
CWE Content Team MITRE 2009-03-10 +00:00 updated Relationships
CWE Content Team MITRE 2009-05-27 +00:00 updated Relationships
CWE Content Team MITRE 2009-10-29 +00:00 updated Description, Other_Notes
CWE Content Team MITRE 2010-02-16 +00:00 updated Applicable_Platforms, Maintenance_Notes, Relationship_Notes
CWE Content Team MITRE 2010-09-27 +00:00 updated Relationships
CWE Content Team MITRE 2010-12-13 +00:00 updated Description
CWE Content Team MITRE 2011-06-01 +00:00 updated Common_Consequences, Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings
CWE Content Team MITRE 2011-09-13 +00:00 updated Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings
CWE Content Team MITRE 2012-05-11 +00:00 updated Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings
CWE Content Team MITRE 2014-07-30 +00:00 updated Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings
CWE Content Team MITRE 2017-11-08 +00:00 updated Causal_Nature, Functional_Areas, Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings
CWE Content Team MITRE 2020-02-24 +00:00 updated Applicable_Platforms, Description, Name, Relationships, Time_of_Introduction, Weakness_Ordinalities
CWE Content Team MITRE 2020-08-20 +00:00 updated Description, Name, Related_Attack_Patterns, Relationships
CWE Content Team MITRE 2021-10-28 +00:00 updated Demonstrative_Examples, Description, Detection_Factors, Maintenance_Notes, Potential_Mitigations, Relationships, Research_Gaps
CWE Content Team MITRE 2023-04-27 +00:00 updated Detection_Factors, Relationships, Time_of_Introduction
CWE Content Team MITRE 2023-06-29 +00:00 updated Mapping_Notes
CWE Content Team MITRE 2024-02-29 +00:00 updated Demonstrative_Examples, Observed_Examples, References
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