Scope | Impact | Likelihood |
Integrity Other | Varies by Context, Unexpected State |
CAPEC-ID | Attack Pattern Name |
CAPEC-140 | Bypassing of Intermediate Forms in Multiple-Form Sets Some web applications require users to submit information through an ordered sequence of web forms. This is often done if there is a very large amount of information being collected or if information on earlier forms is used to pre-populate fields or determine which additional information the application needs to collect. An attacker who knows the names of the various forms in the sequence may be able to explicitly type in the name of a later form and navigate to it without first going through the previous forms. This can result in incomplete collection of information, incorrect assumptions about the information submitted by the attacker, or other problems that can impair the functioning of the application. |
CAPEC-74 | Manipulating State The adversary modifies state information maintained by the target software or causes a state transition in hardware. If successful, the target will use this tainted state and execute in an unintended manner. State management is an important function within a software application. User state maintained by the application can include usernames, payment information, browsing history as well as application-specific contents such as items in a shopping cart. Manipulating user state can be employed by an adversary to elevate privilege, conduct fraudulent transactions or otherwise modify the flow of the application to derive certain benefits. If there is a hardware logic error in a finite state machine, the adversary can use this to put the system in an undefined state which could cause a denial of service or exposure of secure data. |
Name | Organization | Date | Date release | Version |
PLOVER | Draft 3 |
Name | Organization | Date | Comment |
Eric Dalci | Cigital | updated Time_of_Introduction | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Maintenance_Notes, Relationships, Relationship_Notes, Taxonomy_Mappings | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Maintenance_Notes | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Common_Consequences | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Common_Consequences | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Related_Attack_Patterns | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Applicable_Platforms | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Maintenance_Notes, Relationships | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Related_Attack_Patterns | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Description | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Relationships, Time_of_Introduction | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Mapping_Notes | |
CWE Content Team | MITRE | updated Mapping_Notes |